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why must trance be listened to at absolute maximum volume indoors?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Jul 11, 2009 18:51
so i actually pay a higher entrance price for a better sound system with the only goal to pay more for earplugs, earcondoms and ear treatment after that:))).

you can forget it:).

the solution is to have better accoustics. it is much too high volume. it doesnt make sense - it is more expensive and less healthy. and it is a reason enough exactly for those trancers who follow a bit more high standard in their way of partying - a reason enough to stay away.

the solution is to get the trancers to be aware of their health, which is a very very difficult job to do. i have been many time exactly at the places at the festivals, which are dedicated to social help, safe partying, drug checking, psychedelic ambulance etc. it looks much more disastrous there in comparison to the usual appearance of coloured happy dancing people.

it is essential to take care for your health as a trancer. and it is essential to let someone take care for this at your parties - in the perfect case financed by the government itself.

but nowadays it is almost impossible to do this - you go and tell the trancers to take care for this and that and they are throwing stones on you cause you are not open minded enough and dont let them party. so i can only say , pity for them.

to me it is very essential to higher the standards of trancing - the sound, the food you eat, the water you bathe in at the festival, and especially the other things you take into yourself. prevention instead of prohibition. well, anyway, i have no interest to do any social work for trancers any more. they even throw stones if you wanna help them so i just let them go into their trip - it is not mine.
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  546
Posted : Jul 27, 2009 11:12
whenever i start a live set i turn the volume down.

not only is it really not necessary to be so loud all the time, but it also gives you somewhere to go with your set - i.e. you can gradually build the volume, or add a bit more oomph before a big drop.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 02:18
I like when it is not to loud,if it is to loud i really think that the experience is being effected in a negative way.
It is very important to not play to loud,it just effects everything in a bad way. One wants to hear the music not just be able to recognise a loud kick drum and a k-bbb pattern.

I always use earplugins ,mainly to protect my ears but also because it makes me hear the music more clearer and better.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 13:46
Can every one speak a little louder please....I can't 'ear you....
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 13:50

Powder??? No thank you not tonight, thanks tho!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 14:09

On 2010-04-29 13:50, JohnTaramas wrote:

Powder??? No thank you not tonight, thanks tho!!

What??? Clam chowder?? No that's only on Tuesdays!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 14:33

On 2009-07-09 00:59, Axis Mundi wrote:
I really do need to invest in a good set of earplugs. One thing's for certain, they ARE really more than essential... they're vital.

free ones can work better than some that cost 100 euros... lot of bullshit with earplugs
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 14:43

On 2009-07-09 02:20, hardkornate wrote:
I honestly don't think there's such a thing as too much bass.

Just stand back a bit if it's too loud...

i hate these big sound system where you hear only the bass and highs. don t work at all for psytrance imo, it make the beat so upfront, i enjoy more smaller system cranked up
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : May 3, 2010 01:19

On 2010-04-29 13:46, kazuku wrote:
Can every one speak a little louder please....I can't 'ear you....

It`s a bit louder now

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : May 3, 2010 01:31
That is a very good question !!!
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Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - why must trance be listened to at absolute maximum volume indoors?
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