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why must trance be listened to at absolute maximum volume indoors?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 4, 2009 03:16

On 2009-07-03 17:40, Shiranui wrote:

On 2009-07-03 16:53, Colin OOOD wrote:
Bzzt... wrong! Our ears are actually capable of hearing more than one frequency at a time.

Yeah but subwoofers are not perfect and if they're turned up too high (like they always are) they start to put out midrange frequencies that sound like crap. Or maybe my eardrums are broken, but that's what it sounds like to me.

Try to dampen the port(s) a bit. T-shirts or pillow stuffing or something of equal density. Don't try to close a port at all..even having something across the bottom of it will probably help a lot.           You believe in the users?
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Posted : Jul 4, 2009 11:12

Ah but in return you get the "omg he's so good he can mix without headphones" image

...or the "omg he's got no cans on, he must be faking it with a mix CD" image


I've been playing off a laptop for years, so i'm used to some people thinking i'm doing something utterly magical and mysterious, and some people thinking that i'm a poser who's just playing a pre-made set and doesn't know how to beatmatch.           Psytrance DJ sets-->
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2009 17:41
why must trance be listened to at absolute maximum volume indoors?
it hurts my ears, your ears, your friends ears...
ear damage only shows up after some years you know...

btw it doesnt have to be listened:).
i chose to stay at home and take care for my ears. damage shows after some years. i am not going to any leisure activities which are actually gonna turn to something that is destroying my psychic or physical health. why should i? intelligent people take care for their health before they get ill and not after that.

but it is okey, you know. the majority of visitors have no problem with it at all:) it is the smallest problem with their health at the festival anyway:).

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2009 17:44
and btw indoor outdoor, it is all same.
the point is that they just dont care about any accoustics and whatever:). it is okey. i just had my choice for my free time and it is not connected to going to festivals. if you need tinnitus, then right on:).
Justin Chaos
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2009 20:42

On 2009-06-27 04:10:30, ocelot wrote:

guy dancing in the front always saying "turn it up!" - no. and stop asking for it moron.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 9, 2009 00:27
but btw i already do have some sort of tinnitus after so many years of professional sound and treatment by professionals.

so i did not take care for my ears either.

whatever. wish i had at least the drive from years ago - to dance at a festival as if it is the last day on the planet...and just dancing and having visions no matter what conditions : if it rains or if the ppl are not same frequencies or too much sun or too bad accoustics...just dancing outside of physical conditions...
but i dont have this drive now at the present moment.
nowadays i have to really choose where to be and how to take care to feel okey. and as far as psy is concerned i need to feel explicitely invited to appear anywhere at all. it is much too much unfriendly in the psy circles of nowadays.
so i mean, for me two most important issues about festivals....
whatever. boom
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Jul 9, 2009 00:59
I really do need to invest in a good set of earplugs. One thing's for certain, they ARE really more than essential... they're vital.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 9, 2009 02:20
I honestly don't think there's such a thing as too much bass.

Just stand back a bit if it's too loud... 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 9, 2009 07:49
give earplugs at the entrance and everything is solved           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 10, 2009 14:00
See red, you're dead! Last gig I dj'ed, the guy before me redlined his whole set, so, rather than stick out as quieter I had to start out redlined and try to slowly ease everyone down to more tolerable levels.

I used to be all about cranking it up high, then I really took a good hard listen at how much better, cleaner, and more psychedelic it sounds when the track isn't clipping outside the dynamic range of the system or the program used to create it. I used to make really loud tracks, thinking it sounded cool, now I make dynamic tracks, quietly. They can always be cranked higher, during mastering or out at gigs. Mixers generally have some sort of 'Trim' (as my Pioneer has) control, which is specifically for equalizing the overall levels of each track. This should be what people use to make tracks loud, not compression, or maximizing the master track, or anything at all that clips the track outside its bounds. (Open it in something like Audacity; if the top and bottom smash up against the edges of each stereo channel's display, then, its clipped and has lost dynamics and clarity. Time to go back and try again, quieter.)

For the longest time I was producing with the volume in the DAW maxed, turning the main sound card volume down to compensate. Then I realized that it sounds a ton better if you max the sound card and use the DAW master volume to regulate the level. That way, rather than have a loud-ass track, quietly playing in a low sound card, you have a dynamic, unclipped track playing with a giant spacious headroom to play in.

Same goes for parties. So long as people aren't talking over the music, and even that is negotiable, its good. If there's any kind of scratchy noise going on, its time to examine the trim levels. Unless of course the scratchy noise is part of the track...           .

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Posted : Jul 11, 2009 17:02
Hi, so I'm new here, and my opinion might not count for much (yet hehe), but trance should not be played indoors at all. It's far better suited to the great outdoors don't you'll think           [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 11, 2009 17:15

On 2009-07-09 07:49, Login wrote:
give earplugs at the entrance and everything is solved

well, we did give earplugs at the entrance (social projects for safe party people or other projects like that) but it does not really change anything. it is like the condoms - you either know that you always need them for an unexpected case so you alway take care to have them with you, OR you dont take care about them. so even if they are given at the entrance, the people dont need them anyway...

another issue , is that i actually hate wearing earplugs. and so, the only thing to do is to stay away. actually my very last party where i went as a visitor and not as a participant, was really damn loud. unbearable. yes it was trippy but i was not so good for the ears at all.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 11, 2009 17:16

On 2009-07-11 17:02, wild73 wrote:
Hi, so I'm new here, and my opinion might not count for much (yet hehe), but trance should not be played indoors at all. It's far better suited to the great outdoors don't you'll think

btw i am a big fen of indoor accoustic if it is done right. much better than freezing your ass under the rain outside:)))).

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Posted : Jul 11, 2009 18:07
luckily where i live, the weather is fantastic for outdoor, although, there are a couple of indoor parties.           [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Jul 11, 2009 18:11
solution: ear condoms!
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