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Why don't they make digital downloads available for old stuff?

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 6, 2010 08:46:14
I've been searching recently for some classic goa albums, such as stuff from MFG, Iceman, California Sunshine.

Psyshop doesn't have them in stock, people on ebay are asking for over 50 usd for the cd/vinyl, beatport doesnt have shit.

I'd like to buy this stuff out of integrity, but theres no way I'm spending 20+ for a cd.

Why doesn't some company just take the liberty to put all these up and make them available for download? Is it that the labels died out? If so where does the profit from them go to? Couldn't the artists go to amazon or beatport and put tell them to put stuff up? Or do most artists not care?
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Jan 6, 2010 14:04
I'm working as a distributor for some labels, i am putting some releases 2002 - 2009, but i still haven't found some goa label interested for this.
If you are a label or an artist, contact me i can make this job finished for you
by the way, ultiva records released an album from california sunshine with old school goa tracks           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 6, 2010 21:47
I don't know a lot about the way psy labels work but my guess is...

Because the original contracts the CDs were released under wouldn't allow it, and people are too busy to get everyone involved together to renegotiate them.

And sometimes when a label goes out of business, the rights to the tracks get absorbed by another label or organization and it can be hard to track down who now owns the rights.

If I ever release an album I want a clause put in the contract that if the label goes out of business and the album is not repressed by another label within 1 year, the tracks become public domain
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 7, 2010 01:44
I agree with the public domain thing, its sad to see good music lost
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 7, 2010 11:36
maybe locating the artist and asking for a digital copy via email and paying through paypal?           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 7, 2010 12:14
well, this is something i have been thinking about too. i asked a certain label why they don't put some of my older material on beatport and the likes. the answer was that digital distributors have so much to do already with all the new material that they are not willing to put "old stuff" for grabs. they think old tunes sell less than new ones. so it's up to the original psy-labels to open up a mp3 store or hand out the old gems for free.
there has been discussion about it on this forum before and f.e. flying rhino has done a very respectable thing offering some parts of their back catalogue for free on the flying rhino web site. the availability of tracks depends on the artist granting permission to hand out the track for free.

the rhino rides again

if you have more links to such treasure chests please don't hesitate to add them to this thread.

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Jan 7, 2010 13:40
slowly im getting copyrights of my work back (between 1-5 years after release) and will have the older works for free download in my site.
the cds still available as if anyone buy it... (free downloads hit more then 10-15k so the interest is there.. just probably people prefer free download leagal or not)

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 00:43
It looks like phonokol has a lot of old stuff available for cd and mp3 download:
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 01:52
Rhino is a nice idea, but I'd rather pay $1.99US per track for a higher quality or even wav format so that I can use it in sets of burn to actual cd...

I was thinking it would be cool if a dedicated collective could come together and finance a 100% dedicated old school goa/psy mp3 shop, nothing else.

But I guess there is a big risk that it is not financially viable, although I persoanlly have spent a lot buying such files from the few labels that offer it.

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 01:57

On 2010-01-08 00:43, octium wrote:
It looks like phonokol has a lot of old stuff available for cd and mp3 download:

Dammit The Prophecy is not availabel on cd

One of the biggest regrets of selling off second hand cd's I've ever had           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 07:53
This is your own problem to solve.

It's sad that you beg the artists to release their music for free or re-release just because you can't afford to buy the rarer CDs.

If I had an old rare CD released I would not even think about repressing or making it digital, even if it would make me more money.

"There's nothing as wasted as an object in a public window."

If it's not worth it for you to spend >$20 on one of the oldschool classics, then go listen to some other type of music or download shitty mp3s instead.

Artists who re-release their music are not faithful to their fans who collected the originals.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 09:16

On 2010-01-08 07:53, sunwolf wrote:
This is your own problem to solve.

It's sad that you beg the artists to release their music for free or re-release just because you can't afford to buy the rarer CDs.

If I had an old rare CD released I would not even think about repressing or making it digital, even if it would make me more money.

"There's nothing as wasted as an object in a public window."

If it's not worth it for you to spend >$20 on one of the oldschool classics, then go listen to some other type of music or download shitty mp3s instead.

Artists who re-release their music are not faithful to their fans who collected the originals.

artist who dont re-release their old material are stupid.

And people who ask for so closed and exclusive distribution are aarogant, elitist and have no place in this scene           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 10:08

On 2010-01-08 07:53, sunwolf wrote:
This is your own problem to solve.

It's sad that you beg the artists to release their music for free or re-release just because you can't afford to buy the rarer CDs.

If I had an old rare CD released I would not even think about repressing or making it digital, even if it would make me more money.

"There's nothing as wasted as an object in a public window."

If it's not worth it for you to spend >$20 on one of the oldschool classics, then go listen to some other type of music or download shitty mp3s instead.

Artists who re-release their music are not faithful to their fans who collected the originals.

Sooooooo prints of famous paintings shouldn't be sold?

Classic novels should be limited to only the original manuscript or first print?

Classic art should be limited to only those with enough $$$ to afford it?

Pure idiocy to suggest such a thing, I'm sure that many an artist in this an dother forms of art would prefer that their art is distributed to as many as possible, otherwise why the world toursof famous art work? why do artists go on tour? why do dj's play the music?

your argument is just a massive dude

ps also why should collectors make any money off the hardwork the original producer put in by selling it second hand? Really in the spirit of goa and psy trance mate

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 18:52
Now if Google were in charge... they would simply rip old CDs and post them for sale and hold cash in trust for the artists to pay them later should they ever claim it! If that sounds wild, well... it is precisely what they are doing with books!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 19:12

On 2010-01-08 18:52, Basilisk wrote:
Now if Google were in charge... they would simply rip old CDs and post them for sale and hold cash in trust for the artists to pay them later should they ever claim it! If that sounds wild, well... it is precisely what they are doing with books!!

while its a little bit monopolistic, they are putting tons of money and effort on that one, and for sure after books they will go for the music           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Why don't they make digital downloads available for old stuff?

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