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Why are we here?


Started Topics :  23
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Posted : May 20, 2010 18:33
On 2010-05-20 18:03, Hero #1 wrote:

If you want to discuss politics and want freedom of speech, come to USA and stand outside capitol hill with posters citing your displeasure.

Hyde Park has a far superior class of clientele.

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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 20, 2010 20:47

On 2010-05-20 12:08, JohnTaramas wrote:
mister coon you really don't have to say something all the time.

Really? And what happened to that freedom of speech you cherish so much?

If you react this way to a joke, which was meant to let everybody lighten up a bit – how are you going to react if somebody says something derogatory about Greeks, for example? We ALL have hot buttons, John – however civilized we’d like to think we are.


you seem bothered by politics, why?

Well, now you don’t give me a choice – I have to say something.

I am bothered by politics, it’s true. But only in a sense that there are plenty of disgusting things going on. Not in a sense that I am bothered by the topic itself. I’ve been interested in politics and religion since before most people here were born. I have multiple ethnicities and religions represented in my own extended family. And most of my friends have political views I don’t share. We have political discussions. We have religious discussions. And we are still friends. Because we have these conversations face-to-face and we know how each one of us feels about what’s being said – therefore, we know when to stop or to phrase it differently. In an impersonal forum you don’t have this luxury.

I don’t know you. You don’t know me. And there is only so much “body language” that you can convey by smileys. It’s very easy to misunderstand each other or to take a joke seriously or take a discussion too far.

On top of that, our language influences the way we think. People may feel the same way, for example, because they think in the same words. Did you know there is no word for “privacy” in Russian? Now, let’s start a political discussion on implications of privacy and see how far that will go. No, let’s not – I’ve done that already and it was not pretty.

The language barrier is not only about how well we both speak the same language. It’s also about us using the same or different terms in our heads. When I speak with a Russian or a Ukrainian, I often can guess what they really meant, because I can try and reconstruct what they really thought before they translated their thoughts in English. I could do the same with you too – 20 years ago – but I forgot all my Greek by now. When you and I speak alone, it’s easy to clear those things up. In a public forum somebody is bound to misunderstand one of us and kick it up a notch.


sooner or later most of us in here (and everywhere) will probably face problems that a trance state of mind won't solve, let's be at least prepared.

Yes. And some of us already faced them 20-30 years ago. Most of the people here just can not remember that far. Some can. Do you really believe these two groups (generations, really) can come to an understanding in a political forum?


peace and respect

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 20, 2010 21:07
Politics shmolitics


Offtopic posts:  5
Posted: May 21, 2010


Offtopic posts:  2
Posted: May 21, 2010
Well I just got a craving for fried porkchops, my favorite. And I'm going to jerk off with some pig lard while I'm at it, its good natural lube.
Thx for the influential video

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  213
Posted : May 22, 2010 08:18
On 2010-05-03 15:41, TimeTraveller wrote:
first to find it out.Second to make the 'best' out of it.


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  213
Posted : May 24, 2010 16:29

On 2010-05-21 16:33, JohnTaramas wrote:

this is the present state of situation ...

Offtopic posts:  5
Posted: May 24, 2010

On 2010-05-21 22:13, mica wrote:
Well I just got a craving for fried porkchops, my favorite. And I'm going to jerk off with some pig lard while I'm at it, its good natural lube.
Thx for the influential video

go ahead my friend, if this craving is what you got from the video clip, this world suits you perfectly. lucky you

Offtopic posts:  2
Posted: May 24, 2010

On 2010-05-24 17:44, JohnTaramas wrote:

On 2010-05-21 22:13, mica wrote:
Well I just got a craving for fried porkchops, my favorite. And I'm going to jerk off with some pig lard while I'm at it, its good natural lube.
Thx for the influential video

go ahead my friend, if this craving is what you got from the video clip, this world suits you perfectly. lucky you

sorry I didn't know you take your swine so serious i apologize for adding some humor to such an important topic ....but let me tell you that my redneck cousin makes an awesome pocket pussy from pig snout i could send you one if you like
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 18:56
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 24, 2010 21:20
Please stay on topic, or it will be locked.
And try to show some respect for others.           ---------------------------------------------
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Aldous Huxley


Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : May 25, 2010 04:46
To answer your question, I am simply here because I enjoy this place, with all it's diversity. Sometimes there are real weirdo's in here, hell, I am one of them

It is a forum about music, some people here try to go into politics, like everywhere else, and as far as I am concerned, people that like to repeatedly go into political subjects are usually politicians as well, at least on a certain level of thinking...

I think politicians are the people who enjoy the least of all human beings, all they want is more power and nothing else, finally when they die they realize (much too late) that damn, I could have enjoyed my life, instead I spent it arguing, making sure that my voice is heard, that more people agree with me, that I can gain more power , money, prestige and so on and so forth.

So why not enjoy the music, the party and the people instead?

The forum did originate in Israel, hence they called it Isratrance I guess... ???

they have expressed repeatedly that they don't want politics in here. Lets accept it.

Simple as that!

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Inactive User

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Posted : May 25, 2010 13:19
you're right about the politicians not having fun, but i really don't feel like one. i don't care making my own voice heard, i just try to reveal something problematic or unfair and help correct it wich i guess is something most of us like to see happening..

music, joy and communication are my basic principals but along with them comes the questioning of situations i find unfair, as mentioned before. i'm not here to offend or to scream for my beliefs, i come here to share my thoughts about music and life in general, my purpose is helping evolve my life and yours.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
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Posted : May 25, 2010 14:57
I think today problems in the west are rather economic, not politics and politicians love to keep the information off the public misleading and lying.

all we be much easier if it was speaken on technical terms setting ideologies apart.

Its very sad that economics are considered politics.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : May 25, 2010 16:34

On 2010-05-25 14:57, Login wrote:

all we be much easier if it was speaken on technical terms setting ideologies apart.


Or the more simplified version by Robert Anton Wilson, "Maybe Logic"...

--There is nothing wrong with the world, we are merely having a very strange conversation. 

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