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Why are we here?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 16:21
I don' t think so.I think the responsible lol the loudest far far away from a place where a pandemonium really rises.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 16:27
Euro (the currency) would be just fine if the guys running it from Frankfurt could ignore those #$% politicians and just do their job the way they see fit. The CBE people are very intelligent and careful and tried to fend off political pressures as long as they could. There is a hole in their fort now. Once they give in to politicians completely - the euro will be over, and the EU along with it.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 16:33
I agree with Time Traveler. Riots are nothing but a way for the powerful to let their serfs blow some steam. It also makes for good news headlines - takes everybody's attention from what's really going on. I sincerely believed in the Orange Revolution. Rejoiced when they won. Got a WTF moment a few weeks later, which quickly transformed into utter disgust. The protests were cool, though. Colorful too.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 16:56
seriously, i believe that we need to read twice the wise and nice words of the creators of the forum from the last page....i am not a fan of rules either, but sometimes there are some boundaries that help a bigger community to be more peaceful. it is the same like driving a car- you know - i guess none of us would be so keen on driving on a street where noone knows the rules. it is just too dangerous and not pleasant at all. so sometimes it is nice to define boundaries...

so, the problem is only, that some statements, even if they are meants to be absolutely peaceful , can hurt others very easy. like for instance, the european union will fail, this is something that is quite clear, and nevertheless it can hurt lots of people who will be on the side of those who will lose most from the european union. and whether you believe me or not, this is not the wealthy part of the union.

at the end of the day, the euro will fail. and mathematics can tell you precisely that any currency will fail earlier or later. the dollar too. you see, just take the federal reserve bank and everything is clear. all money will fail. and so what? can you change this? we, humanity, could have changed this some years ago , and could have taken the interest rates of the banks down but we failed. so, all money will fail early or later too. then we will exchange only energetically i hope.

i mean , i dont know how you deal with the financial crisis, but i personally rarely take money from my customers any more. i exchange work. i do something for a customer, he does another thing for me. it is easy and it is the future.

but i mean, what do you have out of this statement that the euro will fail , if you discuss it in isratrance. at least 15 nations, will be hurt to hear that the west never wanted to have them and blames them on the crisis. you know. we dont need this. and it separates us. it really does.

what will come next. only one thing can come and should come. trance union of generation three.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 17:45
A talk of riots does not fit with the trance theme.
It's an interesting thing about politics: no matter how carefully you analyse it and how tactfully you discuss it - you're bound to upset somebody. Simply because political events are rarely one-sided. And hardly anybody knows what's really going on because of the constant spin on everything. I always chuckle when my friends trash Fox News by quoting MSNBC pundits. As though a left spin is much better than a right one.

There are some political events and figures that leave me forever perplexed. I've been strugling to reconcile some pretty disturbing facts about the liberation movement in the Western Ukraine, for example. How do you deal with a person who is an idealistic hero and a war criminal at the same time?

...So, maybe it's better to digest these things in the privacy of your kitchens then.
Inactive User

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Posted : May 18, 2010 17:41
to me this right or left spin can be compared with fair and unfair ,in a way.
'left spin' shows an interest (small or big) for everything else in our enviroment, except from ourselves. the 'right spin' you say i find that has to do with the maintenance of the situation around us, because it is convenient and we don't wanna bother changing it for the common welfare.

so, i don't find a reason to be bothered by listening about politics.

500 years b.C in greece, to be concidered as an equal citizen, everyone had to had an opinion (to care) on politics of the place he was living.
ignorants were concidered an unhealthy situation. they did not have the same wrights with everyone else for one simple reason. they were usless to the common good.
i really don't like to feel upset is not my favourite surely.
don't you people think that things around us MUST GET BETTER, or it is ok since you have a nice car, good salary and and a good looking chick that cares only for the status quo?
what i try to say with all this is that
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Posted : May 18, 2010 18:14
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 18, 2010 19:24
Why are we here?

Because the instructions say: "Be here now"

Inactive User

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Posted : May 19, 2010 00:12
"why are we here?"

To forget about the bullshit we see all day everyday, and indulge in thoughts and discussions that entertain us and also keep our spirits elevated in the same scene that enlightened us years ago.
Discussing Politics does none of this to me.
IT may seem that the mods censor more of the topics related to the palestine issue, maybe it just seems that way and if not so what, it would be logical since it touches base more with them because...they are israelis and they get enough of that , that seems ok to me, Its hard to make the perfect Forum in a fucked up world full of fucked up people

Thankyou Sahar and every one for your dedication and forgive my shity attitudes and posts from the past
Respect , I would of given up years ago

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : May 19, 2010 00:45

On 2010-05-19 00:12, mica wrote:
"why are we here?"

To forget about the bullshit we see all day everyday, and indulge in thoughts and discussions that entertain us and also keep our spirits elevated in the same scene that enlightened us years ago.
Discussing Politics does none of this to me.
IT may seem that the mods censor more of the topics related to the palestine issue, maybe it just seems that way and if not so what, it would be logical since it touches base more with them because...they are israelis and they get enough of that , that seems ok to me, Its hard to make the perfect Forum in a fucked up world full of fucked up people

Thankyou Sahar and every one for your dedication and forgive my shity attitudes and posts from the past
Respect , I would of given up years ago

Excellent post Mica, but you should write "would have" instead of "would of"           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Inactive User

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Posted : May 19, 2010 02:24
Thanks Pavel
And thanks for the correction, no excuse especially since I am Canadian.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : May 19, 2010 15:03
don't you people think that things around us MUST GET BETTER, or it is ok since you have a nice car, good salary and and a good looking chick that cares only for the status quo?

dear johntaramas,
only one question. can you please give me at least one link on isratrance where i can see with my own eyes that a political discussion here could change anything on a higher scale? i have seen only links that proved that it is not possible. and if i have to tip what is the saddest thread ever, i would say it was a thread about the nazis in the russian scene that turned out to be an offence for the state of israel which was stated to be a stolen land. i am sorry by the way if i offended anyone in those times.

it was just too much. ( begins at the end of the page)

and whatever - what is good for one person, on a political scale, might not necesserily be good for others. what is good for europeans , is not good for americans, and what is good for a german, is not good for someone from greece. everyone wants to have to biggest part of the cake. we are bloody selfish creatures that promote love , peace and tolerance and at the same time we would eat our neighbour at the very moment he takes our pice of cake from the big political pie.

these political discussions can be really very anti political and generalising. i mean, yes i hate anyone who tells me where i have the right to be, to live, to work and to breathe. whz shouldnt i. i am a nomad, i dont fucking give a shit about boundaries, it is our planet and it is meant to be a free space.

the state of trance is not a place. it is a mind condition and a philosophy.

and anyway why are we here. we will not be here so long. i am pretty sure about it.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : May 19, 2010 15:21
p.s. i mean, that the earth herself will take care for herself. our failed political systems are only a symptom.
the real disease is in our hearts. you feel it??????? no??????

Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : May 19, 2010 21:37

Dear mr. JohnTaramas ..

Here is an international music site not Sky news , Not Fox news and not N. Geographic . Please save those Palestinian video's or politics out of here , This is not the right place for . Thx .
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
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Posted : May 19, 2010 22:32
are we here to find conflicts?

or to find the things that can bring us together?           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
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