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Why are we here?

Inactive User

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Posted : May 6, 2010 02:56

On 2010-05-04 16:52, A.Rosengren wrote:
Here's the daily forecast, today we have a huge shit storm coming our way, please the people south of Münich take shelter, Thessaloniki prepare for Tamarian Cat's n Dog's piss tornade! In short, RUN!

well mister meteorologist you can stop running, you don't do your job good enough, change proffession maybe?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 06:06
Yeah, Mr. Weatherman, have you considered producing electronic music, for example?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 06:21
Shahar, great post - thank you. Wish everybody thought the same way and cared as much about the virtual home you and others built.

About the name... I discovered psy trance some time right before New Year and I tried to learn about it and listen to it as much as possible. But I did not start reading this site until the beginning of March and did not join until the end of March. Why? Because I thought it was all about Nitzhonot and Full On and promoting Israeli producers. And it’s all because of the site’s name. I gave it a try and am very happy I did. But I can imagine many people never went here, thinking it's something specifically Israeli. Maybe IsraTrance outgrew its name by now.

This is a diverse international site with a national name. I’ve seen it the other way around too: a site claiming to be about “world” this and that but completely dedicated to discussing events in one particular country and trashing everybody else. I surely prefer it the IsraTrance way, even if you decide to keep the name.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 6, 2010 09:32
Regarding the name IsraTrance.
The main site (that is now not the main site anymore, but we're working to change that and integrate everything again one day.. hopefully soon) was started before the forum, I remind you. And yes, it was started because there was a huge interest then in Israeli trance and we found that people really wanted to know about it (check the museum section: ). We were very excited about the option to expose a different, and what we considered very positive, side of Israel then the ones the mainstream media usually does (there are others as well, of course). Of course the trance movement and music were exiled from the media. The Internet was still quite new then, and was the only uncensored media that existed. Apart from the now dead Trip website on thirdeye there was no website dedicated to this music. Trip was dedicated to all sorts of trance and we decided we wanted to spread the Israeli trance music, as I said. You have to understand that for us, and many others, in those years, this was something very big and strong, what was happening here in Israel with the parties and the trance movement. So we named it IsraTrance. And it just stayed that way. We were debating for a while lately if to change it or not. On the one hand it's truly grew to be a very international website, and this is especially right for the forum, and we're very happy with it. On the other hand, well... it's IsraTrance, if you know what I mean. It's been that for so long...

But yes, maybe the time has come to make a change in that. Would love to hear your thoughts. However I personally feel that it is best if we wait a little more- maybe for a much awaited new design and concept. The plan exist, programmers are working, and we have already taken some steps toward it that will be exposed soon.

"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 09:48
MISRA is a popular last name in India           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 16:49
..on the other hand it would be damn interesting to discuss politics in a matured way.
There is so much going on in our world.
I'd like to listen from our greek friends what they think about the eu etc .. I see that pure pandamonium the whole time on tv..and I feel with the greek people.
but respect to the rules ,just wanted to confess my curiousity about politics and the idea that it could be also very true or more honest than what the media are telling us and informative,but as shahar explained for me it makes sense or is convinicing even though I'm a curious guy.

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Posted : May 6, 2010 17:26
I really understand that this was something very unique and strong at that time, specially when nothing else like this existed, though still has it's power to connect people who think trance as a way of expression of their worldview and feelings.
Everything and everyone needs to be up to date these days, people learn more and more about everything so doubting became a need finaly. Doubting can only harm constancy and complacency, not progress.
A change of name as i imagine, considering that through the years more people from around the world visit Isratrance forum and site, would really be a big improving try, showing to the people that care to have a place and share thoughts ideas and technics on music making, that the owners of the place care about the vibe and the people that participate!

with respect, John

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Posted : May 6, 2010 18:51
i believe that also TimeTraveller, it is mush going on indeed and I 'm be very willing to share what i see here (wich btw can be usefull information for other people that may come in a position like ours, the next years). I also do not want to break the rules some people have put and talk for matters they do not approve, but if i'm not wrong, political conflicts made them react, not polite talking.
What happens here these days is that the greek government(s) after many years of wrong division and management of the national income and loans, and after borrowing about 300 million euros finaly, they 'ask the help' of the International Monetary Fund to borrow 100 million euros more. Salaries and pensions are cut extremely, prices increase day by day and no hope appears in the field.
Yesterday 3 people died in a bank building that was hit by people that were part of the protest. The media did their job again like they will always do. They covered the 90% of the news with anti-violence messages and hiding openly the main purpose of the protest. They hide that apart from this misadventure, there was a very large and yet peaceful gathering of people that protest for their right to maintain what belongs to them, as the government once more cover the debts from people with low economic status, instead of revealing the real perpetrators. If this would happen some day, I imagine that at least 60% of the people involved in such matters are guilty and this is the main reason the politicians here take the I.M.F direction. Apart from this, the lack of interest and imagination on finding solutions on these problems lead to enslavement to the well-wishers lenders.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 19:20
yeah great, it is great to read this mission statement for the rules and visions of isratrance.

first of all isratrance is a magical name btw.

and indeed, politics in a matured way is an interesting debate and could unite many people into a common vision, but you first need mature participants to make this discussion happen. this is rarely the case in isratrance - people dont discuss politics in matured way. so wars are flaming faster than with other topics ...and they often burst into major disagreement between two or more sides . so it is nice to have a trance commmunity that is not following the principle of ' divide and rule'...and not discrediting other nationalities , history, politics and races.....

keep it up, it is really one of the first and greatest places that existed on the planet in the virtual space as a trance community ...thank you. and kisses:)

i have best possible visions and expectations about the future development of isratrance. boom.

Inactive User

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Posted : May 13, 2010 10:20

On 2010-05-06 16:49, TimeTraveller wrote:
..on the other hand it would be damn interesting to discuss politics in a matured way.
There is so much going on in our world.
I'd like to listen from our greek friends what they think about the eu etc .. I see that pure pandamonium the whole time on tv..and I feel with the greek people.
but respect to the rules ,just wanted to confess my curiousity about politics and the idea that it could be also very true or more honest than what the media are telling us and informative,but as shahar explained for me it makes sense or is convinicing even though I'm a curious guy.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 10:36
the german goverment sucks all the way no doubt,one of the most weakest ever here imo this woman does not only look like an unlucky alien she is one of the wackest politicians ever here..& this video is so true ,'they' will only make money on this situation - the 'generous' ones ,if it is the banks or whatever.
Nevertheless I think eu will not exist long it is only a matter of time.

Inactive User

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Posted : May 13, 2010 11:13
what do you believe comes next?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 13:01
world trance union 3.0
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 16:16

On 2010-05-13 11:13, JohnTaramas wrote:
what do you believe comes next?

Euro will fail.Mathematics know it already for long.I'm not a clairvoyant but I see things as some mathematics told me a few years ago.
What will come after the eu? Probably the old european system as it was and yeah the dollar as the highest value again,which I personally would survive such fact hehe.
I hope it will exist still a bit though,I love the gaps due to this system,so I can 'half - legaly' buy my spores and mycel and many many more things which has now its gaps in the laws.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 16:18
i think rather than talking on the forum and seeking peoples opinion... protesting on the street with a bullhorns and molotov cocktail will get your message across to the right people and if nothing else you will get a great adrenalin rush and feel more proud...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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