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Why are we here?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 4, 2010 16:23
Now that I re-read the original post (for the 4th time I think), I get it. This problem would not exist if you killed all political discussions with equal vigilance. Then it's a matter of a blanket policy and not of moderators' political views.
Solid Snake

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Posted : May 4, 2010 16:52
Here's the daily forecast, today we have a huge shit storm coming our way, please the people south of Münich take shelter, Thessaloniki prepare for Tamarian Cat's n Dog's piss tornade! In short, RUN!

Inactive User

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Posted : May 4, 2010 18:40
come on how difficult is it staying on topic? maybe i did not help much with the way i wrote it, maine coon got it: "i did not say lets talk politics in isratrance". I just reacted on an unnecessary use of moderator's authority to lock topics, that is all.
A last question: don't you think it would be more appropriate explaining more your demands on politics to the newbies? a few words explaining the level of your dislike in political matters maybe, because there are lots of people who care.

thanks chris.
Inactive User

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Posted : May 4, 2010 20:17

On 2010-05-04 15:16, a3k wrote:
we do not want politcs in here simply as that. is it so hard to understand, or accept that fact?

To conclude this topic:

Does this forum welcomes the freedom of speech and free spirit in general or is it only about freedom of pitch and concern about cd sales?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 4, 2010 20:49
where are we? does anyone see ourselves?
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 4, 2010 23:03

On 2010-05-04 20:17, JohnTaramas wrote:

On 2010-05-04 15:16, a3k wrote:
we do not want politcs in here simply as that. is it so hard to understand, or accept that fact?

To conclude this topic:

Does this forum welcomes the freedom of speech and free spirit in general or is it only about freedom of pitch and concern about cd sales?

no matter what reasons you may bring into here - we do not wish politics in our forum

ps: don´t just reduce trance into cd sales and pitch i am sure that you know there is much more outhere, and i do not think that it was only this you liked in trance music

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 20:21
john seems like u want to bring the 3rd Intifada to the facebook is for uprising..this place is for recovering stonners and bakers who are trying out new flavors of wafers everyday...crispy and crunchy and lemon flavored pizza...war and politics is not real its a figmant of makes good reality tv thats all..real is golden brown sashimi cuts by tsuyoshi and black shawerma by infected mushroom
and in this real world we choose our circumstances..          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 20:36
I am not sure I'd prefer IM to reality TV. I generally ignore both.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 20:50
the fact that they compel u to knowingly ignore speaks a lot..i mean if you would have never heard of IM or reality tv...u would not have to ignore them...but such is life once you pop you never stop...knowing that your are ignoring something is not ignoring..enjoy           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 21:18
Good point.
Reminds me a story about Nasr-ud-Din, telling people that his magic trick will work only if nobody in the room thinks about a monkey. So, of course, everybody spent the next few minutes thinking about a monkey and feeling guilty about it.

Well, how about that: I don’t watch TV and I don’t listen to IM. As for the war and politics: you can choose where you get information and opinions on that. Propaganda is a fascinating subject in its own right – it’s a bit outside the scope of this discussion, I am afraid.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 5, 2010 21:21
Sorry for taking so long to respond, I don't always have time to spend here.
This space was started by others and me in order to let people of the different communities of trance around the world to connect. It was started so these different communities, who I felt at the time, shared a new set of values which I thought were good values and offered a good alternative to the values that prevailed in the "regular" world, can have a place of their own. A different place. I then drafted the guidelines, based on my very long experience in online communities and those values. Maybe you'd like to read them again (bottom of the main page in pink).
For a few years, this forum followed the guidelines, it was a smaller community, and it was a very special place. You can dig in the archives way back and feel the atmosphere of that time. I sometimes do that. With time things have changed, the community changed- there are much more people with much more cultural diversity and age diversity. Our world has changed also and so did the times, and I'm afraid people don't follow the guidelines as much really. Mainly they don't show respect for each other enough. The moderators try very hard to keep this place nice, but it's not easy.
For awhile I drifted away from here because it was sad to me to see what happened here. However, this is the way of the world- things change. I am back for quite a while now, and with the other mods try to keep this place nice, because I still think this place is special and unique. We try to keep it a place where people from different cultures can communicate and tear down walls that separate them. Find the common that they have and not the dividing. That is very hard work. I do wish we could discuss politics here in a mature way and really try to understand one another- but do you really think that can happen? People here cannot discuss trance music without fighting between them. Politics is a very sensitive subject- it deals with power and it is handled by the ones holding it. They want to divide- it does good to them. We are not going to let them do it. Not here, in our place.
I've seen this happen too many times. One starts with "all Israelis/Moslems are killers", another responds with "all Moslems/Israelis are terrorists", and you can imagine where it goes from there. Not all Israelis are killers, as not all Moslems are terrorists. In fact, most of both are neither. But this will happen and suddenly we are divided, instead of being able to talk to each other and learn to know each other- the other.
So that is why no politics in the forum. Please think about it.

I hope peace will come soon and people will stop dying for power.

"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : May 5, 2010 22:14
this is the greatest message i ever read here.
Excuse me for my 0,000001 cent.

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : May 5, 2010 23:02
Whilst I respect your intentions,

When has prohibition ever worked? 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 00:46

On 2010-05-05 21:21, shahar wrote:
Sorry for taking so long to respond, I don't always have time to spend here.
This space was started by others and me in order to let people of the different communities of trance around the world to connect. It was started so these different communities, who I felt at the time, shared a new set of values which I thought were good values and offered a good alternative to the values that prevailed in the "regular" world, can have a place of their own. A different place. I then drafted the guidelines, based on my very long experience in online communities and those values. Maybe you'd like to read them again (bottom of the main page in pink).
For a few years, this forum followed the guidelines, it was a smaller community, and it was a very special place. You can dig in the archives way back and feel the atmosphere of that time. I sometimes do that. With time things have changed, the community changed- there are much more people with much more cultural diversity and age diversity. Our world has changed also and so did the times, and I'm afraid people don't follow the guidelines as much really. Mainly they don't show respect for each other enough. The moderators try very hard to keep this place nice, but it's not easy.
For awhile I drifted away from here because it was sad to me to see what happened here. However, this is the way of the world- things change. I am back for quite a while now, and with the other mods try to keep this place nice, because I still think this place is special and unique. We try to keep it a place where people from different cultures can communicate and tear down walls that separate them. Find the common that they have and not the dividing. That is very hard work. I do wish we could discuss politics here in a mature way and really try to understand one another- but do you really think that can happen? People here cannot discuss trance music without fighting between them. Politics is a very sensitive subject- it deals with power and it is handled by the ones holding it. They want to divide- it does good to them. We are not going to let them do it. Not here, in our place.
I've seen this happen too many times. One starts with "all Israelis/Moslems are killers", another responds with "all Moslems/Israelis are terrorists", and you can imagine where it goes from there. Not all Israelis are killers, as not all Moslems are terrorists. In fact, most of both are neither. But this will happen and suddenly we are divided, instead of being able to talk to each other and learn to know each other- the other.
So that is why no politics in the forum. Please think about it.

I hope peace will come soon and people will stop dying for power.

I totally agree with you but I also think the community name itself cause/caused the trouble. You write you wanted to make a "international" community. Maybe you should have called it something different that did not have anything to do with Israel (I know you are from Israel and probably felt the name came naturally) in order to have a true international community where people did/do not associate it with Israel. I also remember this community some time ago favorized Israeli artists etc. when it came to promotion (releases, interviews, parties). Nowadays it's much more equal which is a good thing IMO.

Sometimes I still wonder if it would not be better with a true "neutral" community without a name associating with a country. Not that it would be any easier to keep it clean from politics and fights though. But I do think it would contain way less political views on the Israel/Palestine situation.

Just my 2 cents though 
Inactive User

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Posted : May 6, 2010 02:44
The change you talk about surely had a reason to happen. Ofcourse is sad watching something you made losing it's vibe but there is a solution to every problem, what you have to do is to examine why things took that turn. My view is close to beat agency's, it's logical having often problems with uncontroled mirery spreading conversations about politics. It's the name that provokes and this happens because we are not all from the same place. A name of one country in the name of a trance forum does not show big willing for an equal international forum. It's a bit like a continuous Isra promotion globaly and this can easily cause political conflicts. Apart from the name, people in charge here give an image. In the start it was nice as you say, I'd really like to see this happening again as much as you do, i have enough problems already in my life. But to share my thoughts and visit this place finaly and respect it, I need to see that I am respected also.

thanks for your time

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