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who wants to hear the same song for 2 days straight?

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 22:23
Festivals are great for diversity. BUT you have to be very careful when it comes to parties/Clubs where people come to have a good time and dance. It's not easy to make a diverse lineup that flow perfect into each other. I would not stay at at party where the lineup included music I can not stand. I rather prefer to go to a party where I know the music is my taste in order for me to enjoy it.

Back to Festivals. Here there's an excellent opportunity to explore artists you do not know (If the festival is one of those who actually do book diverse artists) and new music styles. I love to visit Roskilde Festival here in Denmark and go on a discovery in the many small concerts show-casting international not so known names who many times have delivered some of the best concerts I've ever seen. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 22:38
At small festivals and parties, If there is only 1 floor, then a micromicromicro genre all night and morning can become tiering. I even find myself wanting variety after, say, 3 sets, even if it is a style I like.

If there is at least one other floor I find myself moving from place to place during the night, only becoming glued down if someone I really want to hear is playing or if I cant stop dancing.

The bigger festivals in Europe I go to in summer usually have 2 or more floors and usually have very diverse lineups (Look at Antaris festival this year for example, I think there is something there for every taste).
Even take Fullmoon festival these days as a positive example - think a few years back the line up was still 70% Fullon, nowadays there is more empasis on prog as well as dark/forest with the Parvati stage. I believe the orgs listened to the feedback from partygoers who wanted more diversity.

More specialised festivals like Psycrowdelica attract people who know exactly what they are coming for and give them exactly that, which is the full spectrum of onemicro genre. I dont think anyone will be wandering across the massacre on the dancefloor in the morning thinking "why is there no morning full on, I think the time is right".
If you are a true lover of one microstyle, it can take some time to get bored, especially if the organisers and artists cover the full spectrum with their selection.

At the smaller parties and festivals in Australia I have been to (never been to Rainbow Serpant) there was a nice flow to the party most of the time, lots of variation and smooth progression of styles, even if there was only 1 floor sometimes. I guess I was lucky.

Often it should be the DJs and Artists who take the task of delivering diversity into their own hands instead of pointing to the organiser for lack of originalty and risk taking gusto. Many listerns will accept suprises and expeditions into other genres if it flows. Hopefully anyway.
As with everything, its the balance that counts - giving the audience what they expect while also pushing the boundries of their expectations and imagination.

So, respect to artists who are risk taking,incorporating different syles into their set, and reflecting the diversity they themselves would want to hear if they were dancers. This takes open minded listeners as well though. And organisers


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Posted : May 16, 2010 21:56
Very good topic.... I had opened a similar topic a few months ago, with respect to this scenario.... Its very rare to find the actual music experience these days.... ie... from night to twilight to morning to prog..etc etc.... I guess party orgs have to start giving the people the real experience again, to have a real good party/event.

Well, with regards to festivals, i could see there are few festivals with a good diversity such as Boom, Ozora, Antaris etc etc..... But the key is the other standalone parties...for 24 hrs as so.... these days its either... a complete...Full on lineup.. or a dark lineup.... or a prog lineup....its very much required to bring the real experience back....

Hope more orgs look into this... and get their asses to work!

Inactive User

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Posted : May 17, 2010 03:07
On topic:

Well as for songs which are written for singing, I can listen to the same song for days on end... heck I spend the entire weekend with Slayer's "Disciple" pretty much the only SONG on rotation...

but as for an instrumental pieces, such as trance music with only samples or nothing at all, yeah a bit of variation is nice but many of the sub-genres have enough of this variation to be played continuously...

And i figure with a lot of small gigs the person putting them on only like the ones style and seeing as he/she is paying for and running the gig they can do what they like           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 07:49
It's hard to say for me what I like best,there are parties with one field and almost no decor that are unforgettable,festivals with a few floors for particular subgenres which are great too.

However,beside all the party floors,often there is no ambient place which I find a big - to any psyfest.
I like both worlds the party and the mega samadhi chill out for long.

I'd imagine a fest like one floor for prog,one for strictly heavy psycedelic with all facettes of it from heavy & slow to rapid & hardcore,one for all other or all in one,one large magical ambient space place .

More floors than that few would not be that good for me though.

If it is for longer a big of variety is nice. 
Inactive User

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Posted : May 17, 2010 08:12
I"d actually like to see psy trance and chillout and all that stuff step completely out of the inbred festivals we have and start becoming a part of multi-music events.

For example, I could easily see some good prog, chill, full on even dark acts playing in the Boiler Room @ the Big Day Out here in Australia.

I remember speaking to a contact I know who is inolved with the BDO, and he had contacted a number of local producers & dj's who all said they wouldn't play at said event because it is to commercial & other such snobby comments.

I thought it was such hilarious hypocrisy on behalf of our scene!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 10:45

On 2010-05-17 08:12, V3NOM wrote:
I"d actually like to see psy trance and chillout and all that stuff step completely out of the inbred festivals we have and start becoming a part of multi-music events.

For example, I could easily see some good prog, chill, full on even dark acts playing in the Boiler Room @ the Big Day Out here in Australia.

I remember speaking to a contact I know who is inolved with the BDO, and he had contacted a number of local producers & dj's who all said they wouldn't play at said event because it is to commercial & other such snobby comments.

I thought it was such hilarious hypocrisy on behalf of our scene!

I dont like this idea at all

Good on the producers for turning down the offer imo. I dont see how it is hypocritical for psychedelic artists to turn down the offer to be dj worshipped amidst coca-cola billboards.....
Maybe nextime they can call Skazi, he will go for sure and gladly accept (as will many others.) I dont think going there to play would be a sell-out, I can understand it, but I cant see how NOT playing is wrong.

The best,realest, most life changing trance experiences for me were at the most "inbred" of psy parties with a few handful of ´inbreds´- at least the "disability" coming from this inbreeding is psychedelic

If I want rock, elctro pop, transvestite pirate metal, Japanese-goth-manga-nipple punk there are other places I can go if I wish to experience this.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 10:46
for me too a bad idea.. we have sth like that here for sure.Fusion for example - an absolute no go for me for years meanwhile.Too many variety even of completely different musics.
And this is still more or less 'only' electronic.
That is too commercial vibes for me to feel good .
That is simply too big for my personal taste.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 11:13

On 2010-05-17 10:46, TimeTraveller wrote:
for me too a bad idea.. we have sth like that here for sure.Fusion for example - an absolute no go for me for years meanwhile.Too many variety even of completely different musics.
And this is still more or less 'only' electronic.
That is too commercial vibes for me to feel good .
That is simply too big for my personal taste.

I will argue that Fusion is one of the best Festivals Europe have to offer. The diversity is exactly why it's so good!! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 11:24

On 2010-05-17 11:13, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-05-17 10:46, TimeTraveller wrote:
for me too a bad idea.. we have sth like that here for sure.Fusion for example - an absolute no go for me for years meanwhile.Too many variety even of completely different musics.
And this is still more or less 'only' electronic.
That is too commercial vibes for me to feel good .
That is simply too big for my personal taste.

I will argue that Fusion is one of the best Festivals Europe have to offer. The diversity is exactly why it's so good!!

Sure Fusion is a great expereince, but imagine if this would become stamdard at every party you go to. Would you still appreciate the musical diversity (and massive crowd as @Fusion) if it was the norm?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 11:32

On 2010-05-17 11:13, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-05-17 10:46, TimeTraveller wrote:
for me too a bad idea.. we have sth like that here for sure.Fusion for example - an absolute no go for me for years meanwhile.Too many variety even of completely different musics.
And this is still more or less 'only' electronic.
That is too commercial vibes for me to feel good .
That is simply too big for my personal taste.

I will argue that Fusion is one of the best Festivals Europe have to offer. The diversity is exactly why it's so good!!

I like to have fun.Since I know what kind of people even are going there I thank you very much but I don't need to argue and don't need to prove myself anything more.
I like my trip to be a good one.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 16:37
I think thats a little bit general.... I met some very nice people at Fusion. If you go there not expecting a psytrance party I think you can have a good time, they have alot of interseting ideas and offer alot. I do agree with you Time Traveller that it is very commercial and not psy orientated, but if you go expecting this I believe you can still have a good time. Too many people for my taste though, I like smaller, more intimate events better too
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : May 17, 2010 17:28
'Commercial'? No sponsorship, no advertising, no lineup released in advance, lots of people there purely because it has such a good reputation as an event, festival crew driving round the site in vehicles that would cause a Health and Safety officer in the UK to have a simultaneous orgasm and heart attack... Yup, sounds commercial to me. As for being 'non psy oriented', Fusion has one of the biggest psy dancefloors in Europe, playing nothing but variations on the psy style through one of the best rigs I've experienced. IF you want to you can go and see other music too, as there is a really wide variety, but you don't have to. After all, psy trance is the only good music you can listen to, and the only music people SHOULD listen to when they want to let their hair down for the weekend.

God save us from purists.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 18:14

On 2010-05-17 17:28, Colin OOOD wrote:
'Commercial'? No sponsorship, no advertising, no lineup released in advance, lots of people there purely because it has such a good reputation as an event, festival crew driving round the site in vehicles that would cause a Health and Safety officer in the UK to have a simultaneous orgasm and heart attack... Yup, sounds commercial to me. As for being 'non psy oriented', Fusion has one of the biggest psy dancefloors in Europe, playing nothing but variations on the psy style through one of the best rigs I've experienced. IF you want to you can go and see other music too, as there is a really wide variety, but you don't have to. After all, psy trance is the only good music you can listen to, and the only music people SHOULD listen to when they want to let their hair down for the weekend.

God save us from purists.

I a definetly not a purist, and I am not telling anyone to change anything, diverse festivals are good, especially Fusion.
I just agreed the vibe is more on the commercial side -sure, its great for people to "let their hair down", but some people are a bit more psy-zealous than that, and for them there are many festivals throughout Europe which offer a purer, more unrefined experience. Some Psy festivals have generational psychedlic heritage, real freak fests where the dancefloor is more magical imo. Which is great, each to their own.
I like both, but if I had to chose to go to ONLY one festival each summer I would never go to Fusion.
So maybe I am a purist afterall

To me underground music and the psychedelic scene revolves around something different than "letting hair down". My hair is down all the time...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 19:30
that are very beautiful descriptions but YES this is commercial.
And living here I know what kind of people are going there as well.
Fusion is much more known than any other of the psyfestivals because of reclams,advertisments .
Nobody knows what is for instance Psycrowdelica but each- each one -of the younger ones knows Fusion I guarantee you ,absolutely no matter how the lenght of hair.
Fusion has lots of more advertisments,you see it in the normal streets between rock am ring adverts

I could go on what that means for me and why I prefere to have a good trip ,but well I refuse and accept your view . Have a good time there
And it is for sure not the best electronic festival in europe lol.THis is subjective as mine is sth completely else.

I did not say all that are going there are not nice too,but I know that there are by far not only nice people who wanna spread good vibes and have a real expirience of plur .
A LOT of the opposite you will find on commerical big events ,this is logic apart of true.

I can only say again,yes this is not my cup of tea - maybe ten years ago it was this what I found great but today it is not - for long not anymore.

I can see other music around the year and I do quite often,when I want to expirience something more at a good psytrance event than Fusion is for sure not my choice.Not my last choice - absolutely no choice.
I could write now really a novel .. really so much to say about this hype of sth what really changed but well whatever.
That is just my view.

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