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who wants to hear the same song for 2 days straight?


Started Topics :  94
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Posted : May 15, 2010 01:21
actually i wasn't specifically referring to dark when i posted this thread. imagine in some forest (maybe not it your town but somewhere) there is a party with only hi-tech fullon for 2 days. or a party with only minimal techno for 2 days etc...
its the tendency to stay inside one little world and not mix with other human beings who enjoy other tastes and thus to stay stuck. yes stuck. s.t.u.c.k. inside ONE thing, whatever it is...
believe me- someone else thinks what you like sucks, and likes what you think sucks (well maybe not that extremely but you get my point i hope)
and its ALL related to the PSYCHEDELIC trance scene somehow...

imagine ONE stage with all the different styles in the appropriate time...           check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 01:33

On 2010-05-15 00:25, thinkingsound wrote:

DarkPsy was born in France and lives in Portugal, not Germany, His name is Jonathan Molinari.

Who is Jonathan Molinary and when do you think he has developed or gave birth to darktrance?
I won't start any discussion,no sense to me and better to do,just curious.
The first strictly dark trance came from M.Patrick aka Mr Xenomorph imo.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 01:44
I find the suggestion that any one person or any one country gave birth to any of these genres of music by themselves completely laughable and naive. Trance has been around for thousands and thousands of years.

+1 to different styles in the appropriate time, and -1 to all these stupid labels for music.
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : May 15, 2010 02:04

On 2010-05-15 01:33, TimeTraveller wrote:

On 2010-05-15 00:25, thinkingsound wrote:

DarkPsy was born in France and lives in Portugal, not Germany, His name is Jonathan Molinari.

Who is Jonathan Molinary and when do you think he has developed or gave birth to darktrance?
I won't start any discussion,no sense to me and better to do,just curious.
The first strictly dark trance came from M.Patrick aka Mr Xenomorph imo.


This is too funny, darkpsy is a name TimeTraveller, did i say darkpsy was the creation? Is my voice in your head too?

I can't believe aaron didn't notice this

So much dislike toward a sound you have no knowledge in

Was Xenomorph truly the creator, really? maybe goth but the first to do dark, really? seriously, really? are you sure? If your wrong, will you leave the dark talk to people who know what it is?

Lets get back on topic with the same track for 2 days. I don't want replies to my post in this topic, it causes some to think i'm bringing up a completely different point but its only to update you on things you overlooked that got us this far. Its all on topic when your debating music on a music forum but thanks for showing your open mind
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 03:43

man.. wake up.. DE Ja VU hahahahahahahah no sorry muahhahahahaha
(not that it is as bad as your infos )but are you serious??
This is centuries after Xenomorph.

yes I have no plan you must know it.

Inactive User

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Posted : May 15, 2010 05:25
i cannot disagree much with thinkingsound in general.. my conscience woudn't let me.

party organizing dï need improvement and the idea of a variform music concept sounds cool really, but it's not up to us as individuals to make that happen, the only able for this project are the people who organize events. personaly the only thing i can do practicaly for this, is agree or not in a forum. for the record, i kinda like listening to the same track as long as it fits my taste.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 08:05
Wow, the whole conversation itself is getting psychedelic...

I don't understand what's the big deal here. There are diverse festivals and parties for people of all stripes. And there are specialized parties and mini-festivals for people who are interested in a particular type of music (however narrow that type’s definition may be). Both serve different purposes and complement each other. There are generalists and specialists among producers – the same goes for consumers. Fine with me.

I am looking forward to finally seeing for the first time any psy party – whether it plays two dozen of styles or only one super-specialized sub-genre. I am sure it will be a great experience either way.

Speaking about diversity in music: Lauge & Baba Gnohm are now on SoundCloud. Great stuff.
Inactive User

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Posted : May 15, 2010 08:12
Yes I still find that when I go to a psy party I forget all about what styles at home I like n' dj and behave like a kid in a candy shop... all that matters is having a good time all the time           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 10:07
who ever claims sth else - he or she is wrong.
No matter how nice you are.
Xenomorph was the very first artist in this genre that has created the music you call darktrance.Strictly dark psytrance.You can even say he found it ,not just a dark element a complete dark psytrance composition.
Call it how the fuck you want it,it is still the truth.

I was using your descriptions not mine.And yeah I don't want to join any of your young dark clubs so talk to yourself.

- and yeah I read your messages.
Yes still you mentiond me with your funny words.So here was my replies.YEs my mother language isnot english - and I am not sad about it.
I have asked you,you could be easy,but you was ego tripping.So maybe dont judge my profile nickname here,or my pic or my anything if you have not really a clue.


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Posts :  105
Posted : May 15, 2010 16:05

On 2010-05-15 10:07, TimeTraveller wrote:

Xenomorph was the very first artist in this genre that has created the music you call darktrance.

Call it how the fuck you want it,it is still the truth.

I don't call this music darkspy, not me, i believe you know who they are. I just go along with it.

Micro-genres in this topic evolved to the style called darkpsy or dark music and even night time. A quote from the Xenomorph website, " He sees himself as the inventor of horror-trance, a unique style that was unprecedented in 1996 ". Its notice your not shut down to change since you changed your opinion about Mark being the first darkpsy artist to a fact, Xenomorph's website disagrees with you

The micro-genre with all that mercy, pain and babies crying in today's darkpsy is horror-trance, IMO babies are debatable. I'm sure you can name many darkpsy artist that aren't horror-trance. IMO, horror-trance isn't too bad, I'm not interested in horror films.

Do you want a second guess at who developed or gave birth to darkpsy? or would you rather leave the subject alone that you have no clue about? Feel the mind beginning to open. Facing the dark truth about ego sits within , wanting a free mind.

It was never mentioned who's truth you spoke, I'm assuming yours. Is it safe to say that your reality isn't consistent with today's reality on the topic of darkspy? Let's get real, you were off when you listened to it way back when, in the olden years

Maybe two stages for the darkness so the old timers can't complain about the new blood being on the same stage. Isn't peace also something we want at this party?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 17:49

On 2010-05-15 16:05, thinkingsound wrote:

On 2010-05-15 10:07, TimeTraveller wrote:

Xenomorph was the very first artist in this genre that has created the music you call darktrance.

Call it how the fuck you want it,it is still the truth.

I don't call this music darkspy, not me, i believe you know who they are. I just go along with it.

Micro-genres in this topic evolved to the style called darkpsy or dark music and even night time. A quote from the Xenomorph website, " He sees himself as the inventor of horror-trance, a unique style that was unprecedented in 1996 ". Its notice your not shut down to change since you changed your opinion about Mark being the first darkpsy artist to a fact, Xenomorph's website disagrees with you

The micro-genre with all that mercy, pain and babies crying in today's darkpsy is horror-trance, IMO babies are debatable. I'm sure you can name many darkpsy artist that aren't horror-trance. IMO, horror-trance isn't too bad, I'm not interested in horror films.

Do you want a second guess at who developed or gave birth to darkpsy? or would you rather leave the subject alone that you have no clue about? Feel the mind beginning to open. Facing the dark truth about ego sits within , wanting a free mind.

It was never mentioned who's truth you spoke, I'm assuming yours. Is it safe to say that your reality isn't consistent with today's reality on the topic of darkspy? Let's get real, you were off when you listened to it way back when, in the olden years

Maybe two stages for the darkness so the old timers can't complain about the new blood being on the same stage. Isn't peace also something we want at this party?

Dude what the fuck are you talking about??
Are you a psychotic maybe?
Do you have a mental disorda?

I have not changed anything.

And I don't need to look something up,since I know almost all releases ever existed since 1995.And most of the old ones I even own on hard vinyl:-)

And enough of responsible goa people in real too.

Some of them could be your grand-parents I guess

And noI still know more about this music nowadys than you for sure.
The fact that you are using formualations like some teenager who know psytrance no longer than 2 years is still not making you wiser or fresher about it or anything.
I have other interest than memorize surnames of any guy who release sth that is not even avarage quality.

It is easy to say who was the first releasing dark psytrance (cassandra's nighmare) it is impossible to say who was the second.

And you dont know me so dont fuck around my name or your interpretations about it.
Make better a party with your next dark kindergarten club.
There is quality serious heavy psychedelic music and there is kindergarten darktrance & you are for sure belonging to the last of those worlds.
Peace and Love

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 19:14
On 2010-05-15 16:05, thinkingsound wrote:

Do you want a second guess at who developed or gave birth to darkpsy? or would you rather leave the subject alone that you have no clue about? Feel the mind beginning to open. Facing the dark truth about ego sits within , wanting a free mind.

What is this? Who wants to be a millionaire? The price is right?
You come waltzing in here acting like you are an authority on the matter...why dont you enlighten us with your wisdom intsead of taking this thread even more offtopic

And btw, imho, you are not making too much sense either.

Time Traveller, dont get angry, just dont feed the troll


Started Topics :  94
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Posted : May 15, 2010 19:55
Guys! back to the topic please. (and no the word darkpsy was not in the topic)


and yeah it would help if you actually had been to a few dozen parties of different kinds to form a rounded opinion...
i go to tons of specialized festivals and my opinion is that i like a mixed genre party not a closed-minded fest- from any style.
thats my opinion... nice to hear some different ones           check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 20:46
I must admit, I haven't been to a party where I've wanted to stay the entire time in years. I come for the artist or DJ I like then quickly leave before the next one pollutes my ears or bores me.

Would I want to hear an entire party of one style? No. BUT I can't say there's anything wrong with that. Some people may need a good long dose of a particular style of music, for whatever personal reason they need to work out in their lives at the time.

The expectation is that they will eventually move on and at some point, appreciate experiencing different styles, as the earth spins and revolves around the sun.

Me, I'm too picky and the organizers never seem to satisfy my taste, so I retreat to my car for the long ride home, popping in the CDs that take me where I want to go.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 15, 2010 22:07
Well, I don't qualify for a full vote, since I've never been to a single psy party. Here is my $0.02 anyway...

I'd love to go to a diverse party, where I can hear all kinds of psy music: from psybient to machine-gun darkpsy. But at some point I may want to go to a specialized event too. I'd love to see a Suomi festival, for example. If I were a regular at festivals and parties, I'd go much more often to the diverse ones. At least there, if I don't like the music, I can go for a walk for an hour and come back to something new.
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