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who wants to hear the same song for 2 days straight?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:35

On 2010-05-14 21:20, thinkingsound wrote:
OMG! I have waited so long to have Pavel bless me with his presence. Are you flirting with me by being contemptuous? Where's the disrespect i speak? I speak my truth, i don't praise Shahar nor do i agree with his view. i can still do that, can't eye?


Your post is about entrenched old-timers, set in their ways, closed to new development and moaning about good old times instead of embracing the present. It’s a valid point in general but it has very little to do with what Ocelot was talking about. And nothing at all to do with Shahar’s article.

What you’re doing is a famous propaganda move called a strawman argument: instead of arguing with the point presented by your opponent you bring up a completely different point, attribute it to your opponent and then heroically defeat it. That’s exactly what you did here. And in the process you twisted Shahar’s words for no good reason. This is both bullshit and disrespect, just like Pavel said.

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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:41

On 2010-05-14 20:58, ocelot wrote:

the word goatrance used to mean the scene in goa- hippies in a place- not about the music style. seriously- listen to TIP 3D and tell me it all sounds the same.

Yes, i know, i said that in my own words, allow me to quote myself.

"its just where the idea reassembled as electronic tunes"

Reassembled is assemble once again, after taking something apart, action. We were just changing form.

yes, TIP 3D all sounds like Goa trance to me. I liked it when the Japaneses started calling it shamanic trance, less single tone destinations.

Truly no disrespect to Shahar as a person, never heard of him, I'm not into dj's so much. His words were tossed in my face, i disagree. Is this not part of the essence of the party that was lost? what's come as i am, be what i want, with an open mind if i can't speak my truth? Who lost what?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:48

On 2010-05-14 19:31, Shiranui wrote:
...I know there are ones that are just dark trance (fuckin' russians...).

Not cool.
Not “PLUR-speak” at all.
Putting the etiquette aside, it’s just not true. I doubt Mubali is Russian.

Besides, I thought darkpsy was a German invention...
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 14, 2010 22:00
When would any post like that ever not be a joke?

Stop taking everything so seriously

I love russians equally as I love all human beings.

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Posts :  3816
Posted : May 14, 2010 22:04

On 2010-05-14 00:30, Shiranui wrote:
I think this current trend of DJs playing a single style for an hour at a time really sucks. I hear stories of an earlier era where DJs played 3-4 hour sets progressing from style to style and I want more of that.

I don't really think you should blame all DJ's for this, but also the organizers and partypeople. The current trend with short “killer” live and DJ-sets is fueled by organizers wanting line-ups to have as many impressive acts as possible, and people just going to the parties with as many stars on the lineup as possible.

Believe me; I (and A LOT of other DJ's out there) would love to play longer, varied sets. There’s plenty of DJ’s out there with very broad taste, and to me there’s no better feeling than having time to properly build a set from slow, laidback deep house, over minimal, tech house and techno and up to progressive trance and full on, but it’s rare that you get the chance (and time) to play such sets.
          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |

Started Topics :  418
Posts :  3816
Posted : May 14, 2010 22:06

On 2010-05-14 16:47, Beat Agency wrote:
In the 90's Hell Angels took care of the majority of drug dealing in the Psychedelic trance scene in Scandinavia. Just to make an comparison

... And some people associated to Hell's Angels actually ran one of the biggest minimal/progressive trance labels around the millennium. A label that actually released some pretty outstanding music - and no, I am in no way justifying their criminal actions.           DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 22:26

On 2010-05-14 22:00, Shiranui wrote:
When would any post like that ever not be a joke?

Stop taking everything so seriously

I love russians equally as I love all human beings.

I must say most of russian stuff is quality psychedelic heavy stuff!
blabla peace and tings. 
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
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Posted : May 14, 2010 22:29

On 2010-05-14 22:04, pr0fane wrote:

I don't really think you should blame all DJ's for this, but also the organizers and partypeople. The current trend with short “killer” live and DJ-sets is fueled by organizers wanting line-ups to have as many impressive acts as possible, and people just going to the parties with as many stars on the lineup as possible.

Oh of course it's the organizers' fault I never said otherwise!
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : May 14, 2010 22:29

On 2010-05-14 18:27, ocelot wrote:

when did i say i dont like music thats actually dark?

You have been whining about people calling music dark for the last 3 or 4 years if im not mistaken.

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : May 14, 2010 22:34

On 2010-05-14 21:30, Ascension wrote:
Also, Aaron- did you realize on the inside cover of your cd it says thank you for buying "Let's Dance". I giggled when I saw that

that IS funny. i dont even have a copy of it yet. poor Dennis (Zaikadelic not the Menace) must have been frazzled still by the pirate affair.

back on topic- i think i suggest a simple solution to the problem i pose in my topic- put a wide variety of psy trance and not just one micro-micro style of psytrance onto parties- then you get more people, then you get a good vibe, then its more open minded.

but i must admit- this topic was just started to get more talk and thinking going. thats all the value i see in forums like this because its not a place of homogenous thought or concerted action.
mind you i think organized concerted action absent the homogenous thought is COOL!
ive seen it before- it takes a certain amount of maturity.

the way i look at it- most people who are constructive stay FAR away from this place!
there are some constructive formations that emerge from this forum but mostly its been taken over by people with other agendas.
i mostly use this place to drop ideas and then run...

get whatever good from it you can- and there you go!

does someone want to patiently explain to thinkingsound why he will not get respectful replies with such a tone of voice?
          check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : May 14, 2010 22:43

On 2010-05-14 22:29, Dennis the menace wrote:

On 2010-05-14 18:27, ocelot wrote:

when did i say i dont like music thats actually dark?

You have been whining about people calling music dark for the last 3 or 4 years if im not mistaken.

you are in fact mistaken.

go re-read my thread on "stop calling psy dark" and you will see that i object to the mainstream (at the time) full-on style coming in and just labelling everything else that didnt fit into its mold as "dark psy"

when i railed against the current trend of this fast 'killer' style and mentality completely taking over the underground psychedelic trance scene- i was again criticiziing the marginalization of what i think its true psychedelic trance- not too this or that- just right- in the middle.
moderation has become marginalized
if you recall i am one of the early producers of what today may all be called 'dark psy' for better or for worse- (i dont like the title but you know what i mean)
its like getting kicked out of my own bed and told my own house is not my own...
i dont appreciate it.
i should have seen it coming
the way Gil always plays faster and faster music by whomever the new kids are making it, i should have seen that i would be called old and marginalized from something i love.

i do not wish to get too deeply into this again as i have said already what i wanted to say on this matter a long time ago.
many of my friends sit on various sides of various fences that were created over the years.
this is why our scene is splitting and shrinking perpetually.

dont straw-man me buddy
im not so simple to do that to.
i have consistently stood for an open-minded space for true psychedelic exploration-
whether or not you feel my music gives that- at least i pay lip service to this idea.


once and for all- are we done having this little dance Dennis?
          check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : May 14, 2010 23:04
wow, you should write a book dude


On 2007-01-22 03:23, ocelot wrote:
hey please stop calling all psychedelic trance music "dark"
if its not house music or old-school-goa or rave-anthem cheese ahem full-on

Im not going to dig thru the next 49 pages of that thread

So yes, we are done with the dance.
Good nite
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 23:13

On 2010-05-14 22:34, ocelot wrote:
there are some constructive formations that emerge from this forum but mostly its been taken over by people with other agendas.

Like what?
(Not picking on you - just want to know)
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : May 14, 2010 23:14

On 2010-05-14 22:00, Shiranui wrote:
When would any post like that ever not be a joke?

More often than I’d like.

Not any of your posts, though.

My bad. I knew it didn't fit the impression I got from your other posts. But then, I don't know – we all get upset once in awhile, sometimes at Russians too. I try to prevent it by blasting “Naturall Frequency” or “Nitzh-O-Goa” on my mp3 player, while grocery shopping – keeps me from eavesdropping on some pretty annoying conversations

On the topic at hand:
I thought more about Ocelot’s question. Actually, it would be interesting to have specialized festivals (I’d prefer to call them symposiums or conventions, but that’s not the point). Here is why. Each of the sub-genres of psy trance is big enough already to start branching further.

You can have a darkpsy-only setup, for example, with “classical” darkpsy in one corner, hard-core machine gun horror stuff in another and forest trance in yet another. Can even have a “chillout area” with dark ambient and old-school Goth playing.

Or you can have a Suomi festival with more techish stuff in one place and more jazzy craziness in another. Don’t know what Suomi folks would use for chillout. Fusion jazz, I guess.

I don’t know enough about progressive, so I can not suggest anything (still don’t quite understand what the word means – both as a political and as a musical term). But I am sure there are different currents there too. I can hear those differences, just have not heard enough yet to crystallize a picture.

Branching and specialization will happen no matter what. Merging of styles will happen no matter what. Some branches will wither, others will bear fruit. No amount of complaining will change that. My own attitude is simple: enjoy the ride!

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  105
Posted : May 15, 2010 00:25

On 2010-05-14 22:34, ocelot wrote:

does someone want to patiently explain to thinkingsound why he will not get respectful replies with such a tone of voice?

Man Aaron, i like you, I'm here for the same, I'm just not seeking replies, only evidence to show the closed minds. Your calculation is off about my voice, i haven't submitted any audio files. Why do you people with your straw-man views filled with opponent's of war think your on the positive side? Your the only ones at battle, stop with the sides.

Why are you even here asking about the same track for two days in reference to dark fast music. Your music is well written but a far cry from dark. You like Zik and its a type of dark. Is CPC dark? i didn't know that although Ueber Den Angst was in it's time.

What's a true psychedelic exploration with an open mind Aaron?

@ Maine Coon, you were getting warm when you were guessing Paranoiac Sensations who began toying with the forbidden fruit mid 90's. Where are they now, one part RIP and the other gone morning with Fungus Funk, the evolution of dark turns light. DarkPsy was born in France and lives in Portugal, not Germany, His name is Jonathan Molinari.

To endure the same song for 2 days straight is an open mind, think about it. Not to complain or judge takes an open mind. It's a bit intense to have multiple dark stages playing at the same time with the same song. People who like dark get along and hardly voice their negative opinions towards the other forms of music. They can share one stage perhaps. After all, its the same song. Gee, that's only one stage instead of three for dark, more room for other forms.
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