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who wants to hear the same song for 2 days straight?


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Posted : May 14, 2010 18:31

On 2010-05-14 12:27, thinkingsound wrote:
What sacred text declares a party should be more than one style? Was discontent express when it was just Goa trance? It was one micro-genre until evolutionary development couldn't be stopped. Don't even say Goa was different, its just where the idea reassembled as electronic tunes.

Diversity is within micro-genres, pick one and here it, open your mind. Do you find it hard to believe that there is daytime night trance or vice versa? You would need to be into the sub-genre to even comprehend the relation between opposed entities. The point is seen, it's lame that instruments like the Didgeridoo and the boomerang clapsticks are tagged to Australian traditional music. Then, the Sitar and Tabla being tagged to traditional Indian music, it all sounds the same, lame Isn't Australian music and Hindustani music sub-genres of indigenous music? World Music for a more modern name, if you will. Australian and Hindustani are two different kinship groups who communicate with psychedelic music. Maybe the parties and dj's that focus on micro-genres aren't your type of folks to connect with, leave or stay at home where you can enjoy the disadvantaged happiness at that moment. Perhaps the micro-genre group wants to dig deep around the fire and groove to their choice liking without the interference of jumps in the flow of other expressions that they aren't there for. Analyze the lineup before you go, save yourself and others the emotionalism.

Is there something wrong with being expressive within one style for people who can hear the difference? Many people are drawn to one sound more than others, they like what they like. They also aren't stuck because they don't FOLLOW your belief system around here, feeling they are stuck sounds like the religion agencies who invade our freedom.

"who wants to hear the same song for 2 days straight?" (Transformation) Who wants to hear the same song by an artist who breaks it down to 10 tracks? Lots of people, it's a Zoological Garden around here

just for the record- the old school goa had sounds you would never hear together on one party today. listen to an early compilation. there is not the same stylistic consistency.

i quote you the forums main guy Shahar on this one for your edumacation

but about your point that 'leave the micro-genre specialists to themselves'
i can accept it.
there are no sacred texts. we are making this up as we go along.
you are the first person to represent this point of view. i sort of expected someone would say this at some point.

one question- did you ever see a real trance party with all styles of trance?
i like them. they are increasingly rare.          check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 14, 2010 19:31

On 2010-05-14 18:31, ocelot wrote:
one question- did you ever see a real trance party with all styles of trance?
i like them. they are increasingly rare.

Almost every festival I've been to in california is like that, but I know there are ones that are just dark trance (fuckin' russians...). I just don't go to them.

Gemini, straylight, alchemy... all had good progressive, good breaks, good dark and good morning music.
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Posted : May 14, 2010 19:58
smells like you want to make the rules of the game and that's good for you. shows you're talented and you really want this to happen but what do you mean exactly? i mean, you question the very principals of the organizing methods of this music (festivals or whatever that is) saying it is focused on a micro-style. I can agree with most things you say but what would you suggest as evolutionary change really?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 14, 2010 20:17

On 2010-05-14 19:58, JohnTaramas wrote:
I can agree with most things you say but what would you suggest as evolutionary change really?

I don't know if there can be evolutionary change, but there can definitely be revolutionary change

I think that the culture of trance parties and festivals is very nice (although I'm getting kind of jaded at how superstitious and anti-logical some people are), and I would like to see something close to that culture but with a slightly more open-minded attitude towards music.

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Posted : May 14, 2010 20:22
Yes, a real trance party with all styles of trance has been seen. AND?


On 2010-05-14 18:31, ocelot wrote:

"The culture got a name, an identity. Then it fragmented, formulated, defined. And choked."

Who do you think caused that? The old timers like Shahar who witness and/or helped establish the delusional model of authority that's been kicking our tails the entire TRIP. Them old timers created rules, formulas, definitions and expectations, look at their kind now, crying like babies. You know, the baby cry you don't like to hear in dark music, no place for it huh? Birth, life, death, i forget all the rest that comes with babies crying.

Sure, the old school created a space you could be accepted, on their terms. Open who's mind? Maybe they shouldn't of closed theirs, they wouldn't have the need to say that. People do come as they are, open your eyes without judgment, please. Come on now! The old trance CDs from the beginning of the 90s didn't start this culture, edumacation lesson my nuts, this culture is older than all of us combined Sir ocelot. Shahar speaks of electronic music then jumps to values to psychedelic to old tribal concepts(funny), then culture. Our culture my friend, is older than 18 years ago. He is about right on one theory, the culture does need to open its mind again to survive, the issue, not just the electronic culture which is a subculture of the big idea. If his mind was open he would see that instead of focusing on narrow issues of his opinion. If everyone's tracks sounded totally different, then why was it called Goa trance and not just bass-less psy music? That sure was a tone they had no clue about. He keeps saying open your mind, as if his is open, maybe his mouth should shut so some air can awaken his mind. Zip it!

We now know who aaron worships.

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : May 14, 2010 20:52

On 2010-05-14 20:22, thinkingsound wrote:
Yes, a real trance party with all styles of trance has been seen. AND?


On 2010-05-14 18:31, ocelot wrote:

"The culture got a name, an identity. Then it fragmented, formulated, defined. And choked."

Who do you think caused that? The old timers like Shahar who witness and/or helped establish the delusional model of authority that's been kicking our tails the entire TRIP. Them old timers created rules, formulas, definitions and expectations, look at their kind now, crying like babies. You know, the baby cry you don't like to hear in dark music, no place for it huh? Birth, life, death, i forget all the rest that comes with babies crying.

Sure, the old school created a space you could be accepted, on their terms. Open who's mind? Maybe they shouldn't of closed theirs, they wouldn't have the need to say that. People do come as they are, open your eyes without judgment, please. Come on now! The old trance CDs from the beginning of the 90s didn't start this culture, edumacation lesson my nuts, this culture is older than all of us combined Sir ocelot. Shahar speaks of electronic music then jumps to values to psychedelic to old tribal concepts(funny), then culture. Our culture my friend, is older than 18 years ago. He is about right on one theory, the culture does need to open its mind again to survive, the issue, not just the electronic culture which is a subculture of the big idea. If his mind was open he would see that instead of focusing on narrow issues of his opinion. If everyone's tracks sounded totally different, then why was it called Goa trance and not just bass-less psy music? That sure was a tone they had no clue about. He keeps saying open your mind, as if his is open, maybe his mouth should shut so some air can awaken his mind. Zip it!

We now know who aaron worships.

So much bullshit and disrespect in one post.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : May 14, 2010 20:58

On 2010-05-14 20:22, thinkingsound wrote:
Yes, a real trance party with all styles of trance has been seen. AND?


On 2010-05-14 18:31, ocelot wrote:

"The culture got a name, an identity. Then it fragmented, formulated, defined. And choked."

Who do you think caused that? The old timers like Shahar who witness and/or helped establish the delusional model of authority that's been kicking our tails the entire TRIP. Them old timers created rules, formulas, definitions and expectations, look at their kind now, crying like babies. You know, the baby cry you don't like to hear in dark music, no place for it huh? Birth, life, death, i forget all the rest that comes with babies crying.

Sure, the old school created a space you could be accepted, on their terms. Open who's mind? Maybe they shouldn't of closed theirs, they wouldn't have the need to say that. People do come as they are, open your eyes without judgment, please. Come on now! The old trance CDs from the beginning of the 90s didn't start this culture, edumacation lesson my nuts, this culture is older than all of us combined Sir ocelot. Shahar speaks of electronic music then jumps to values to psychedelic to old tribal concepts(funny), then culture. Our culture my friend, is older than 18 years ago. He is about right on one theory, the culture does need to open its mind again to survive, the issue, not just the electronic culture which is a subculture of the big idea. If his mind was open he would see that instead of focusing on narrow issues of his opinion. If everyone's tracks sounded totally different, then why was it called Goa trance and not just bass-less psy music? That sure was a tone they had no clue about. He keeps saying open your mind, as if his is open, maybe his mouth should shut so some air can awaken his mind. Zip it!

We now know who aaron worships.

hey buddy. no need to be rude. ive been going to trance parties and tripping since about 93... i dont recall making any rules. i just express my opinion.
the word goatrance used to mean the scene in goa- hippies in a place- not about the music style. seriously- listen to TIP 3D and tell me it all sounds the same.
i think you are being closed minded and kind of ignorant. thats my opinion.
i am certainly familiar with 'dark trance' as it was, is, and may one day be.

i happen to like Zik, CPC, old Xenomorph, and some other things where the music is a bit more serious in my opinion...
i wasn't kidding when i said Deedrahs track "Signe Furax" was hands down the most intense dark track for me even today in some ways- it brings out the wild animal in me
i dont find most metal very serious for example. guitars and guys screaming stopped being very heavy for me a long time ago...

anyway- stay on topic and try to be a bit polite as we aren't face to face and we can't see each others facial expressions or regulate ours non verbal communication...           check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : May 14, 2010 21:00
basically dont tell me to zip it friend
i dont see any need to attack shahars article as i see it makes a lot of sense.
if you know so much about the history of psy trance why dont you explain where you have been in this scene over the last 20 years.
i'd love to hear it.

in any case- along with the night sounds i happen to really like some chromatone, vishnudata, haltya, astroschnautzer, dissociactive, various zenon records stuff, para halu, far too loud, terrafractyl, phatmatix, ajja, david laake, extrawelt, wow- just about anything that moves me- depends the mood and time of day. love chillout but i can see why thats on a second stage often- but i have no problem with all psychedelic music of all bpm styles being played on one stage- the way i figure- if i dont like it i can always come back in an hour or 2 and i may like it then... no need to only have one style for 2-3-4 days...

bottom line for me: to be open minded means to accept things one doesnt like or to try new things...
this doesnt mean i need to accept closed minded intolerant situations where its only one thing for days on end- it means- give different things a chance to exist
if i ever criticized this or that trend in music it was based on the idea that it was dominating everything on the party scene recently and was not allowing other things to exist

you dont have to tolerate intolerance.
thats why we stand up to nazis and dont roll our eyes and say "ok whatever goes"
          check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:08
Anyone wanna give a solution to this all or is this just gonna be another bitch fest? Can't just talk about changing things, you need to do something....  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:09

On 2010-05-14 19:31, Shiranui wrote:
... but I know there are ones that are just dark trance (fuckin' russians...)

eh, watch it there buddy.


Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : May 14, 2010 21:12
@ ascension
this is a forum man. its just people blabbing. in case you didnt notice the forums are full of people just blabbing on and on...
would you rather have a thread of people saying "yeah thats great" " oh i think so too"
go to a thread where people are saying that.
this thread has arguments in it. apparently because every time i open my mouth i either say something controversial, or some people just like to challenge me- in any case its just some blah blah blah...
i think there are plenty of party scenes in the world where people are closed minded. and plenty where people are open minded...

i do recommend travelling and getting out of the local bubble chamber each one of us can get stuck in...
its too easy to just listen to music we already like with our friends we already know...
thats nothing new...

good luck
          check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on

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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:20

On 2010-05-14 20:52, Pavel wrote:

So much bullshit and disrespect in one post.

OMG! I have waited so long to have Pavel bless me with his presence. Are you flirting with me by being contemptuous? Where's the disrespect i speak? I speak my truth, i don't praise Shahar nor do i agree with his view. i can still do that, can't eye?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:27
Experimentations, its all about it, doesnt it?

I think it applied to listening music on this scene...           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:29

On 2010-05-14 21:12, ocelot wrote:
@ ascension
this is a forum man. its just people blabbing. in case you didnt notice the forums are full of people just blabbing on and on...
would you rather have a thread of people saying "yeah thats great" " oh i think so too"
go to a thread where people are saying that.
this thread has arguments in it. apparently because every time i open my mouth i either say something controversial, or some people just like to challenge me- in any case its just some blah blah blah...
i think there are plenty of party scenes in the world where people are closed minded. and plenty where people are open minded...

i do recommend travelling and getting out of the local bubble chamber each one of us can get stuck in...
its too easy to just listen to music we already like with our friends we already know...
thats nothing new...

good luck

It's just annoying to see people talk about how something sucks then not offer a way to actually do something to fix it. It's why we complain about things sucking now- that's all people did before us rather than taking action to change it.

If someone here actually thinks the scene is tanking or the music is really sucking, why not offer up a good alternative or DO something to make an alternative. Aaron, you're definitely able to back up talk about other producers not being creative and daring, but you are a very slim minority in the scheme of things. More people should DO rather than just TALK.

I realize this is a forum, but people could atleast TALK about DOING something .  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:30
Also, Aaron- did you realize on the inside cover of your cd it says thank you for buying "Let's Dance". I giggled when I saw that  - Midwest based psytrance group
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