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who wants to hear the same song for 2 days straight?

Inactive User

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Posted : May 14, 2010 04:25

On 2010-05-14 04:14, ocelot wrote:

On 2010-05-14 02:42, V3NOM wrote:
if you want a party run your way then just go put it on yourself and stop biatching!

where did you get that idea?
read the topic if you want to join in there buddy

whatever time to move on... the internet is a wonderful playground
          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : May 14, 2010 09:43

On 2010-05-14 00:27, ocelot wrote:

i like to hear darker more heavy music at night

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 10:40

On 2010-05-14 04:25, V3NOM wrote:

On 2010-05-14 04:14, ocelot wrote:

On 2010-05-14 02:42, V3NOM wrote:
if you want a party run your way then just go put it on yourself and stop biatching!

Ocelot is allowed to complain whatever he likes to. If you don't like the topic just don't read it.
where did you get that idea?
read the topic if you want to join in there buddy

whatever time to move on... the internet is a wonderful playground


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Posted : May 14, 2010 12:27
What sacred text declares a party should be more than one style? Was discontent express when it was just Goa trance? It was one micro-genre until evolutionary development couldn't be stopped. Don't even say Goa was different, its just where the idea reassembled as electronic tunes.

Diversity is within micro-genres, pick one and here it, open your mind. Do you find it hard to believe that there is daytime night trance or vice versa? You would need to be into the sub-genre to even comprehend the relation between opposed entities. The point is seen, it's lame that instruments like the Didgeridoo and the boomerang clapsticks are tagged to Australian traditional music. Then, the Sitar and Tabla being tagged to traditional Indian music, it all sounds the same, lame Isn't Australian music and Hindustani music sub-genres of indigenous music? World Music for a more modern name, if you will. Australian and Hindustani are two different kinship groups who communicate with psychedelic music. Maybe the parties and dj's that focus on micro-genres aren't your type of folks to connect with, leave or stay at home where you can enjoy the disadvantaged happiness at that moment. Perhaps the micro-genre group wants to dig deep around the fire and groove to their choice liking without the interference of jumps in the flow of other expressions that they aren't there for. Analyze the lineup before you go, save yourself and others the emotionalism.

Is there something wrong with being expressive within one style for people who can hear the difference? Many people are drawn to one sound more than others, they like what they like. They also aren't stuck because they don't FOLLOW your belief system around here, feeling they are stuck sounds like the religion agencies who invade our freedom.

"who wants to hear the same song for 2 days straight?" (Transformation) Who wants to hear the same song by an artist who breaks it down to 10 tracks? Lots of people, it's a Zoological Garden around here
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Posted : May 14, 2010 12:56

On 2010-05-13 17:08:32, ocelot wrote:
is there a such thing as over-consistency?

Yes it is and it is at the same grade as drug abuse with taking lsd or xtc or speed the first minute you step foot on a fest, there are numerous jerks doing this, and exactly the opposite from the so called open minded thinking so many claim to have

Moreover it is business and people have to continue selling substances, people like to stuck as rich said, other people have to play the same shit for your "open psychedelic mind" and if you like it come back , you will have that same great drug you took the previous time and have fun with our "mind expansion" gestures and twang twang sounds

Hey guess what people !!

That stupid prick called Timothy Leary died years ago !!

The 10$ mind expansion , peace , love and unity died years ago !!

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Posted : May 14, 2010 13:16

On 2010-05-14 12:56, gutter wrote:

Hey guess what people !!

That stupid prick called Timothy Leary died years ago !!

Get your mind out of the gutter before all your senses get collected and carried away. isn't that what gutters do? You are correct about Timothy Leary, why didn't you add Terence Makkena to show depth? It seems some knowledge has already been damaged. Thousands of years before the Leary/Makkena news flash, there were and still are religious psychic and spiritual practices of a shaman, and of the helpers, apprentices, crafts and community activities which support it. Sounds like a trance scene, Shamanism is a system for psychic, emotional, and spiritual healing and for exploration, discovery, and knowledge gathering about non- material worlds and states of mind. Its seems gutter doesn't like psytrance, better yet, in his words, drugtrance.

Guess what, it's still alive.

Sorry for your lose or maybe your just hip to Don Juan Matus who told Carlos Castaneda that people don't need drugs to journey shamanically. Good for you, maybe you should do workshops and be a mentor for all the drug(psy)trancers
Inactive User

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Posted : May 14, 2010 13:37
shamanism is shamanism

trance is business

im sorry for your loss too
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 13:53
yeah - psytrance sure is big business, what with people making so much money hosting parties and whatnot....not like almost every party ive ever been to has been run at a loss to the organizers, who do it anyways for pure love of the music and the scene.

I'm sure there are some events that are thrown in order to make money, but in my experience those are the exception and not the rule.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : May 14, 2010 14:19

If its morning time and you're still playing 170 BPM dark shit, you can go fuck yourself imo.

Out of all the drugs at trance parties, the one that pisses me off the most by far is alcohol and cigarettes.

          Quantum Frog / Anomalistic
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 14:51
I think 99% of psytrance parties for the last decade are for making as much profit as possible and not really sth else.At least here in europe.
But hey the illusion lives on,it was always so ,when something passed it gained it real recognition.
And mind expansion or shamanism has nothing to do with cigarettes ,alcohol and trying to be a dark brutal killargh using 2 chords on repetition attended by noize and screams begging for mercy .
This is 'pussy attitude' imo.

If you want to expand your mind with music there are by far more advanced music genres for it imo .

Bom Shankar

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 15:47

On 2010-05-14 09:43, Dennis the menace wrote:

On 2010-05-14 00:27, ocelot wrote:

i like to hear darker more heavy music at night


Did someone call the music dark? Ut oh....  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 16:47

anyway psy trance is a small business not a big one

But still is a business $$$$$$$
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 16:47
People seem to blame the drugs people take these days. But these drugs was just a big part of the scene the last 20 years so nothing new here. The parties had drug dealers all over the floors in all the countries i visited and a big number of druggies wasted on mixed cocktails. If you ever tried to go to a "rave" in the early nineties you would meet heavy security at the door asking you to strip down while they searched for various drugs.

The music has changed and so has the audience music taste and attitude which has to do with the fact that the Artists/Labels and Organizers has chosen a different, IMO very wrong, path toward more commercial music, promotion and PR contra the underground. This will undoubtedly attract a big majority of people less into the music and more into looking cool, hit up girls, fight etc. And it also attract the more hard criminal dealers and gangs contra the "soft" dealer friends within your friendly circuit. But just to make an example. In the 90's Hell Angels took care of the majority of drug dealing in the Psychedelic trance scene in Scandinavia. Just to make an comparison 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 17:37
I think it's a good idea to provide a variety of music throughout the fest, but also maintain a psy feel that's different from a rave. Sure there's a lot of generalizations in this statement, but imo it's a good way to do things (rather than JUST doing psy and chill music or JUST trying to get higher attendance by booking certain acts).

For instance, we're doing a fest in a few weeks that will have techno played on our main stage during the day time (probably like 4-5 hours worth, one of which acts will be Killowatts ). This will be at the same time that our workshops are going on. The rest of the time the main stage has psy and the second stage has a variety of downtempo music.

We've done the psy on the main stage and downtempo/edm on the second stage, but that seemed to really lose the psy vibe- hearing edm at night when you want a place to chill.  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : May 14, 2010 18:27

On 2010-05-14 09:43, Dennis the menace wrote:

On 2010-05-14 00:27, ocelot wrote:

i like to hear darker more heavy music at night


when did i say i dont like music thats actually dark?

i seem to remember complaining about all this crap kiddie trance with 1 line of fx and no story at 170bpm etc... i will still happily complain about this is you want to hear me...

i dig actually dark music with emotional intensity. i dislike this cheap music of today where... ok i;ll shut up now

my taste is for dark music only at night.
and at a trance danceable bpm- prefer not to wobble...
and i like other music also. proggy whatever as long as its good. good is a matter of taste

ah i get it! in YOUR mind you associate things differently than I do.
well i dont like most of the music i heard you playing on the web although ive never met you. im sure i differ from many people on this forum in terms of what i consider dark and proper night music.
to each their own...
but what i speak of are the chances of finding anything other than one set of ideas of what is proper music at any given party...
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