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who wants to hear the same song for 2 days straight?


Started Topics :  94
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Posted : May 13, 2010 17:08:32
as the parties get focused on micro-genres more and completely close out other music,
i am wondering who likes to hear (basically) the same song for 2 days in a row.

granted, to my grandmother- all electronica sounds about the same anyway.
and i'm sure there are minor nuanced differences between tracks that copy the same stylistics intentionally- you just have to be a fanatic about that sound to appreciate them.

is there a such thing as over-consistency?

while i realize a trance state can be disrupted by big jumps in the flow- why do we see such things as a festival of only one micro-style of music?

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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 18:11

On 2010-05-13 17:08:32, ocelot wrote:
why do we see such things as a festival of only one micro-style of music?

For the same reason we see separatist movements: some people want to have a sense of identity and their own micro-niche - AND - there are shrewd businessmen (usually called politicians) that don't mind profiting from this. The same in music: some artists want to have their own little “republic”, and there are smart labels and promoters who are happy to oblige.

To answer your main question: the phenomenon is not new. I remember dance parties that would go for hours switching between Modern Talking and Al Bano & Romina Powers. That was pretty much like you said – playing 2 songs all night. And people only asked for more. I am sure the same people would have gladly gone to a specialized festival, where they would have heard nothing but Al Bano and Ricci et Poveri or Modern Talking and C.C. Catch. And then they would go to a forum and fight over whose version of disco is better: Italian or German. And there would be some wise American expat telling them to call it all dance music and get done with it.

Sometimes I think a specialized festival should be called a symposium, though. A festival, in my mind, is about diversity. Otherwise, it’s like claiming you have a Greek festival but making it about nothing but gyros.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 18:15
happens sometimes(to hear a song for 2 days - even on loop or without a pause),but has nver with psychedelic trance 

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : May 13, 2010 18:25
Some idiot guy at my work has weekly marathons where he listens to the same artist or album all week long. This week I had the pleasure to listen to Celine Dion 9 hours a day. I really hope in the next evolutionary step his descendants will be able to listen to some other stuff as well but I also hope his sperm count will not allow him to recreate.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 18:27
Most festivals have 2+ stages, so I think this is only a problem if people don't leave one stage.  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 18:38
This to me is the downfall of trance.

I used to go to progressive house clubs and every time it would be an amazing journey gliding swiftly between a number of styles with different grooves and feelings... the only reason I got out of prog house parties was all the pills and coke everyone was on.

I've recently got into djing again with my psy cd collection which covers everything from funky progressive through fullon all the way to 160bpm+ hard psy and I've been trying to make good use of them all.

But many DJ's are signed to very style specific labels and as a DJ of that label are obliged to represent that labels style.

It's all the more annoying because there's so many different styles of great trance out there just waiting to be woven into a complex tapestry, but folk seem to have a very narrow comfort zone when it comes to playing out.

I never thought of psy trance as a "hard dance" genre but more as a wide spread style ranging from 125bpm to 160+ though it does seem that many folk are splitting away with the lower bpm's to make "progressive" which for some reason requires a seperate dance floor.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 19:19
People get stuck.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2010 20:01
^Not only. Some people like feeling that they belong to a special group. They get so wrapped up in it they fail to realize their group is not that special any more. Just remember grunge. What's so alternative about this "alternative rock", if it was blasting on every commercial radio station for a decade??

Yes, I bring it up partially because I can not stand that abominable 90s "music". But also as an example of how easy it is to trick the whole generation into thinking their mainstream is "alternative".
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 00:02

On 2010-05-13 18:38, soulfood wrote:
This to me is the downfall of trance.

I used to go to progressive house clubs and every time it would be an amazing journey gliding swiftly between a number of styles with different grooves and feelings... the only reason I got out of prog house parties was all the pills and coke everyone was on.

It's all the more annoying because there's so many different styles of great trance out there just waiting to be woven into a complex tapestry, but folk seem to have a very narrow comfort zone when it comes to playing out.

I never thought of psy trance as a "hard dance" genre but more as a wide spread style ranging from 125bpm to 160+ though it does seem that many folk are splitting away with the lower bpm's to make "progressive" which for some reason requires a seperate dance floor.

I think to some extent the same thing is happening with psytrance in that it is being corrupted by bad drugs. More and more and more I see people on non-hallucinogens, amphetamines, stimulants (I seriously had someone ask me at Gaian Mind last year if I knew anyone who had speed. wtf.), massive amounts of E and its having an effect on the music/djs - it caters more to that hedonistic fun-based mentality as opposed to mind expansion and true psychedelic principles. To me, psytrance is obviously dance music but dance music with a serious purpose - to elevate your state of consciousness and submerge you in the timeless trance dance.

The ratio of trancers to druggies is falling - I see a lot more people at festivals/psy events that are just plain and simple interested in getting really high and/or selling drugs, or even worse that its some sort of fashion event (this happens in the city/club scene moreso than outdoor festival land). The music seems to be tailored to the 'roll' of E and more easily digestible- devoid of much variation and lacking in mid-range psychadelia and replaced by rising BPMs and more killargh bass.

At the same time though there *are* events and parties that throw down really, really good stuff and the potential for psy creativity has never been higher, in that there are more people making music and its cheaper to do so than ever before. Mixed bag.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : May 14, 2010 00:27
hmm. in europe there's tons of speed on trance parties. russia too. i didnt understand enough japanese to know if or what they were on. south america didnt seem to have much of that and coke is a short action story- like the alcohol...
unless you add some speed to the mix...
i dont really like having more than one stage on a psy festival because
1) you cant hear THE dancefloor from all sides- so if you are in your tent and something good comes on you had to have known it would come on beforehand and get over there.
2) you dont get exposed to music where you thought you wouldnt like it because your friend said it was xyz style but you end up liking it because its just plain good...
3) the energy gets split
i like to hear darker more heavy music at night and lighter more playful music by day- something melodic and glorious around sunrise but these are general things- and im not too bothered if someone messes with this formula- as long as its good...

true that most dj's play the same style the entire set.
i guess for a live act you come to expect it but there are exceptions of course...
anyone making a name as a dj playing a wide range of stuff?

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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 14, 2010 00:30
I haven't made a name for myself yet doing that but I hope to

I think this current trend of DJs playing a single style for an hour at a time really sucks. I hear stories of an earlier era where DJs played 3-4 hour sets progressing from style to style and I want more of that.

Wilsandquil: What country are you in? Or is this something you've noticed internationally?

The area I live in, party promoters recognize this problem you mention and actively work against it... we have ways of keeping the hedonists to their own hedonistic parties
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 01:23
I'm in the US, was on the east coast up until january of this year when I moved to Portland, OR - I have not been to any psy festivals internationally.

I too am a big, big, big fan of the style of music being appropriate to the time of day. If its morning time and you're still playing 170 BPM dark shit, you can go fuck yourself imo. I do love the darker/faster side of psy, but it has to be *in the appropriate timeslot* - of course there is always the potential for the exception, but I haven't seen it yet personally.

as for multiple stages, I like the duality between a chill-out area and a main stage - of course if they're too close together that you get overlap at your tent that's not good - but I dislike not having anywhere else to go when the main stage gets taken over by someone who's not playing stuff that I like - or having no place to go besides the tent if a friend is overwhelmed by KBBB and zipper lasers

Out of all the drugs at trance parties, the one that pisses me off the most by far is alcohol and cigarettes. Drunken people are obnoxious, rude, annoying, and cigarettes bring me close to vomiting if I'm altered - plus both of those drugs tend to contribute to littering which I loathe.

Keep it psychedelic shouldn't just apply to the music haha            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Inactive User

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Posted : May 14, 2010 02:42
if you want a party run your way then just go put it on yourself and stop biatching!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : May 14, 2010 03:46

On 2010-05-13 18:25, Pavel wrote:
Some idiot guy at my work has weekly marathons where he listens to the same artist or album all week long. This week I had the pleasure to listen to Celine Dion 9 hours a day. I really hope in the next evolutionary step his descendants will be able to listen to some other stuff as well but I also hope his sperm count will not allow him to recreate.

Pavel I died laughing on the floor

Started Topics :  94
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Posted : May 14, 2010 04:14

On 2010-05-14 02:42, V3NOM wrote:
if you want a party run your way then just go put it on yourself and stop biatching!

where did you get that idea?
read the topic if you want to join in there buddy           check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - who wants to hear the same song for 2 days straight?

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