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Who is Simon Prickhead?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2006 13:02

On 2006-04-11 10:18, Hex Osirus wrote:
@ sherlockalien
you cant compare shpongle to chill. shpongle is definately not chill music, it is shpongle music.
its a little too tripped out to be called chill

by chill I just mean that it has most of the times a relatively low bpm, nothing more...

I think other low-bpm artists are way more trippy than shpongle, but that just takes us back to the taste factor

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Posted : Apr 11, 2006 13:14
isn't it to early to speak about genuiality of some aritst like Simon in psytrance ,witch the whole genre exists only some 12 years?

and what about music by itself ,did Simon inovate with music ?i mean music and not LFO tweaking.

LFO tweaking etc its a big deal , thats where Simon is coming the best and might be geniuse but from musical point of view he is like any other typical musicans i mean those who just do Bard type of music ,you know singing with guitar . but there is no complex in the structure and form exept hes ability to add it with a technical part of tweaking parmeters, yes ofcoarse he is talanted but it doesnt neseserely connect him to genuiality ,we will be able to find out abut that in the next 100 or a least 50 years )

but all i can say is, he very talanted guy when it comes to tweaking and sound.

btw X-dream are much higher from musical point of view .
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Goethe, Faust

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Posted : Apr 11, 2006 14:01

On 2006-04-08 04:09, sherlockalien wrote:
the most overrated... ahm... (artist? nah... ) ahm... track-producer .. ever


He said "Jehova" !!!


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Posted : Apr 11, 2006 14:26

On 2006-04-11 13:14, KOT BEGEMOT wrote:
and what about music by itself ,did Simon inovate with music ?i mean music and not LFO tweaking.

LFO tweaking etc its a big deal , thats where Simon is coming the best and might be geniuse but from musical point of view he is like any other typical musicans i mean those who just do Bard type of music ,you know singing with guitar . but there is no complex in the structure and form exept hes ability to add it with a technical part of tweaking parmeters, yes ofcoarse he is talanted but it doesnt neseserely connect him to genuiality ,we will be able to find out abut that in the next 100 or a least 50 years )

but all i can say is, he very talanted guy when it comes to tweaking and sound.

With all due respect - and slightly offtopic - that's a bunch of crap.

Being a musician means that in some way you are engaging creatively with sound (because that's what music is, it's sound!) as an art form, whether it be as a performer twanging an old six string singing folk songs or as a composer making an electronic symphony.

I really can't stand the po-faced mentality some people adopt that says if you're not dealing with straight tones or hammering out some dead boys tune on a piano you're not a musician, or it's not music you are making. A synth is a musical instrument like any other and you have to learn how to use it in much the same way you have to learn how to play guitar or piano etc. I know because I have studied both and have been actively involved with music-making since I was four years old. In fact in my experience I found that those who make electronic music tend to be far more open-minded, more creative, more involved with their work as art - rather than say, as an intellectual excercise, or reproducing someone elses like some kind of performing monkey - than many of the classically trained performers and composers I came across on my first uni course, which was a very traditional-style music degree.

In my time I have scored for orchestral ensembles, wind bands, written several pieces for piano and flute, choirs...the list is quite long on balance. But then I have also written a number of electronic pieces which utilise manipulative tools such LFO, filtering, EQ etc. And I can promise you that the process of coming up with ideas and developing them to produce an entire work is virtually no different from one composition to the next, only the medium and the tools are. It's all creative use of sound at the end of the day, and if you don't know your stuff, you're going to make a hash of it unless you are extremely lucky.

Looking at the backlog of SP's work, it's quite clear he has a deep understanding of music, sound and the compositional process. Just look at some of his use of polyrhtyhms - 6/8 going into 3/4 in DMT, or the development of a tracks like LSD or Behind Closed Eyelids; he even adopts Wagnerian style leitmotif in much of his work as a whole, reusing and modifying melodic themes between musical sections or across entire tracks...this isn't a guy who has stumbled upon a synth and said "wahey, look what this can do, I'm going to be a musician now!" And not that it matters either way, but he does play guitar! Hehehe.

Sorry, yet another rant. But frankly I read stuff like that and I'm taken back to my childhood, listening to my mother say "Well Beethoven isn't music Marina, it's just noise" while refusing to listen to anything composed after Mozart.

Spin your speil to someone like Vangelis, who to my knowledge, writes exclusively for synths and electronic devices. I'm sure he'd argue your point in much the same way I have.

Right, I'm off now. As you were people.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 15:21
Spam post: Best idee ever imo!


On 2006-12-13 23:58, a3k wrote:
Hallucinogen - Shamanix (Rmx by Psykovsky)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 15:55

On 2006-04-08 19:52, sherlockalien wrote:

On 2006-04-08 05:58, dtmoney wrote:

On 2006-04-08 04:09, sherlockalien wrote:
the most overrated... ahm... (artist? nah... ) ahm... track-producer .. ever

I think you're getting him confused with Infected Mushroom.

I think Posford is a really great composer. He, IMO, is one of the few psy musicians whose music has a really authentic psychedelic feel to it(another pick is Electric Universe).

nope im not confusing..

I really dislike the whole overrating of simon p... total groupie whorage...

shpongle, for example, is mediocre chill out.. as someone rightly said, its for people who have 3 chill cds in their collection..

(and I hope no ´captain obvious´ comes saying: ´but this is only in your opinion´)

anyways, for you guys

This is only in your opinion...            "On the path of spirituality, one ventures to vanquish one’s own faults rather than to judge others"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 26, 2007 22:29
h3's t3h 0n3 tht lyk mak3z tht g00d musik er whatevz!

yeah..talented, he is not the messiah
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 20:35
          Nothing is said that has not been said before.

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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 21:17
My arms were veeeeeryyyyy veeerrrrrryyyy long and covered with beautiful feathers           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 14:36
When is the new album from this genius ?            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 16:00
I don't like very much shpongle music, but I think that especially with what's coming out those days, he still has made some of the most psychedelic trance music that was ever made with he's Hallucinogen project
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 18:51
never got too much into his music. all those gates 16th notes annoy me.           
The Way Back

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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 22:21

On 2006-04-07 20:26, Pavel wrote:
What i'd really like to see is a duel between 2 gods of the scene, Goa Gil and Simon Posford. A celebrity deathmatch of a sort. I wonder who will win.

Ok, well the real God of tthe scene is Skazi ! Simon is second, ah and then there is Infected Mushroom...
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 02:50
Skazi vs. Moki would be the challenge..           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 02:59
these days I'm more into Simon Green

anyway the only thing that really bothers me regarding mr Posford is what actually bothers me about a lot of the more "famous" psy acts, their live acts...the fact that you are a good producer doesn't necessarily mean that you're a good performer as well. Having him constantly play the same hallucinogen live act over and over and over without any improvisation is boring...give me a DJ set over that any day...and it's not like I'm asking too much...having tracks arranged differently for a live act beforehand in a studio would already be a big plus, throw in some unreleased material and get some type of midi controller or any toy to tweak on stage and you'll make me a lot happier...I'm guessing Simon figures he'll have a full dancefloor no matter what he does so he just chooses to not do anything           DJ Dovla | Interchill Records, Flow Records
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