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Who is Simon Prickhead?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 08:10

I think Psymon Posford is geniune, one of the best and the real deal when it comes to psychedelic music. He just has so much original, cutting edge and downright amazing tracks to prove beyond all doubt that he has <<A LOT>> of talent. Out of the way kiddies please. The guy has both a shitload of creative talent as well as top skills in the production studio.

However he is not at all the only one coming up with fucking amazing and truly authentic psychedelic music. No shit. And now if you include all musical genres he then becomes part of a much larger bunch of very talented muscians we have in the world. Take a step further and include not only musicans but all professions (writers, scientists, arquitects, humanitarians, etc.) and you will then find that there are many, many highly talented people like Simon P. in this world, all of which are very far from being Gods or anybody you need to bow to even if you have deep admiration and respect for them.

I think we need to strive to keep the balance:

To not grow above people and not shrink below them.


IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 16:19

On 2006-04-07 14:22, psytones wrote:

On 2006-04-07 13:21, =((exotic>>>=== wrote:
prickhead ?

oh, I'm sorry. I ment Psyhead.

ment ? and im sorry im not fimiliar with your terminology .. i just dont get it .. you prays the man on one hand and them call him prick ..

any hidden agenda ??

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Solid Snake

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 18:52
i might be ignorant

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 19:52

On 2006-04-08 05:58, dtmoney wrote:

On 2006-04-08 04:09, sherlockalien wrote:
the most overrated... ahm... (artist? nah... ) ahm... track-producer .. ever

I think you're getting him confused with Infected Mushroom.

I think Posford is a really great composer. He, IMO, is one of the few psy musicians whose music has a really authentic psychedelic feel to it(another pick is Electric Universe).

nope im not confusing..

I really dislike the whole overrating of simon p... total groupie whorage...

shpongle, for example, is mediocre chill out.. as someone rightly said, its for people who have 3 chill cds in their collection..

(and I hope no ´captain obvious´ comes saying: ´but this is only in your opinion´)

anyways, for you guys

The Tree Tribe
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 20:17
Perhaps you don't appreciate his music like others do. Maybe you think another artist is good and others think it's shit...

So if it's not a matter of taste and opinion, what is it??

And please, spare us your amateur photo editing skills, maybe do something constructive with it instead.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 21:01

On 2006-04-08 20:17, The Tree Tribe wrote:
Perhaps you don't appreciate his music like others do. Maybe you think another artist is good and others think it's shit...

So if it's not a matter of taste and opinion, what is it??

And please, spare us your amateur photo editing skills, maybe do something constructive with it instead.

for the first part of your post: yes captain obvious, it was already mentioned.. I KNOW ITS TASTE.. DUH..

as for your other comment: your positivity shines the darkness of my mind.. thank you for YOUR positive constructiev comments

its funny how when people are acting like groupies, its all cool.. but when someone dares to make a joke, to disagree, to say some criticism, then people already are totally offended by it... thats what I call acceptance of diversity

shanti shanti, tree tribe.. feel the friendly power of the forest

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 21:17
like the old wise chinese saying: It's better to be a posford groupie then a skazi one...

I love Simon p.'s music, amazingly talented artist imo, and i can still make fun of him.

@sherlockalien - You know whats funny? that people like you think that if they make an opinion opposite to many people different opinion (in our case- shpongle album), it makes you smarter then them, well it doesn't, it just shows your point of view.

shpongle, for example, is mediocre chill out.. as someone rightly said, its for people who have 3 chill cds in their collection..

I have 4 chill cds in my collection, does it still count? or should I say its a bad album now?
Come on man, give us a break...

I only wrote this post cuz I think you're patronizing, you can say your opinion and still have some respect to the other forum members.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 21:41
Well... you have to admire Posford... he is one of the true pioneers of modern-day psychedelic music!

... but if he came round my house... whistling the tune from Gamma Goblins... and started pushing dead cats through my letter box... i would say 'OI! POSFORD! NO!!!'...

'I admire your creative avant-garde electronic style and your manipulation of vocals is second to none... but i don't want rotting cat corpses all over my best hallway carpet... you innovative... multi-talented... cat-pushing... bastard!!!

You have to be rational about these things!

Btw... sorry Harry!

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 21:50

On 2006-04-08 21:17, Ben-G wrote:
like the old wise chinese saying: It's better to be a posford groupie then a skazi one...

.. that IS true

as for the rest.. well.. I dont think im smarter than people here.. what does smart mean anyway, how is it measured?

I was just stating my opinion.. opinions sometimes can be considered offensive, you know... like your skazi joke, for me its super funny, but for a skazi groupie it may be awefully offensive

I understand if you think im patronizing...
thats not my aim, though.. I just wanted to be a little annoying to counter balance the posford groupieness that seems to be prevalent...

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 22:02
Rumour says the Simon eats cats for breakfast. Tsk tsk tsk.
How uncool of him.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 22:02
@sherlockalien - got your point man, taking back what i said. (except the part about shpongle album )

@all skazi groupies - very sorry about what i said, i meant it in a good way..

Now you all bow down infront of the mighty Posford!

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 22:06

On 2006-04-07 20:46, ----Dawn---- wrote:
How about Psytrance Gods Top Trumps™?

Posford has 90 'Killing Power'... Goa Gil - only 81.

Wahahahahahahaha!! I fucking love Top Trumps! I have Star Wars TT, my boy has a fab sharks set and my daughter big cats so it's all good. All of a sudden out household collection feels incomplete however...Psy Gods? Top idea! But none of this 'Killing Power' malarky, oh no. It would be 'Killarggggggh Power' surely? Fight the good fight with ratings on squelch potential, range of psychedelic drugs consumed, dancefloor stompability, UV compatibility...and so on and so forth. Oh mama!

Re. topic - I must say that I do love much of SP's work across a range of guises. I just think he's one of those rare cookies who manages to blend musical talent with originality and top-notch production - and best of all IMO is the fact that so much of it can be immediately be spotted as Posford material, as he is one of the few artists to have developed a singular, unique flavour within his work. I enjoy the progression from Hallucinogen to Shpongle to Younger Brother and all the tinkerings in between; it's like taking a sonic journey through someone's life. He has produced some of the most seminal albums of the psy genre and as the producer whose music sparked off my interest in psy-electronica, I hold him very high in my esteem from a consumers point of view.

Personally I don't really understand why he gets such a bashing, even if you his stuff is not to your taste, simply because his effect on the rest of the scene has been so influential whatever way you look at it. I don't think of myself as a groupie, just a genuine admirer of his work - and what I understand as his aims, attitude etc. I think it's a shame that people get so up a height about it just because he has had a modicum of success when you compare him to most other psy artists. We hippies don't seem to like success - just not crusty and 'authentic' enough innit. I mean how dare his label not fold, how can he possibly sell over thirty thousand Shpongle CD's and still produce decent music, how can so many people love his work without him being a "sell out"...? That kind of mentality is something I have difficulty with. Leave the lad alone will ya! If you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that.

At the end of the day, as with anything else, it's purely a subjective taste thing and no one person's opinion is any more valid than the next. With the exception of Skazi fans.


IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 22:21
Nice post, Rina!

Respect... as always.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2006 00:28

On 2006-04-08 22:02, Ben-G wrote:
@sherlockalien - got your point man, taking back what i said. (except the part about shpongle album )

@all skazi groupies - very sorry about what i said, i meant it in a good way..

Now you all bow down infront of the mighty Posford!

I know the way I used the ´only 3 chill albums in the collection´ is a quite harsh way of putting my point across... sorry if I sounded too bad in this way, thats not what I wanted... I still do think, though, that in general, people who listen a lot to chill will see that shpongle is nothing special.. while people who love shpongle are mostly part-time chill people, hallucinogen lovers..
(I do know that it is a generalization, that even if its true there are exceptions, and that I may just be totally wrong.. but its still the impression I have)


On 2006-04-08 22:06, floatyhippyflower wrote:

Re. topic - I must say that I do love much of SP's work across a range of guises. I just think he's one of those rare cookies who manages to blend musical talent with originality and top-notch production - and best of all IMO is the fact that so much of it can be immediately be spotted as Posford material, as he is one of the few artists to have developed a singular, unique flavour within his work. I enjoy the progression from Hallucinogen to Shpongle to Younger Brother and all the tinkerings in between; it's like taking a sonic journey through someone's life. He has produced some of the most seminal albums of the psy genre and as the producer whose music sparked off my interest in psy-electronica, I hold him very high in my esteem from a consumers point of view.

Personally I don't really understand why he gets such a bashing, even if you his stuff is not to your taste, simply because his effect on the rest of the scene has been so influential whatever way you look at it. I don't think of myself as a groupie, just a genuine admirer of his work - and what I understand as his aims, attitude etc. I think it's a shame that people get so up a height about it just because he has had a modicum of success when you compare him to most other psy artists. We hippies don't seem to like success - just not crusty and 'authentic' enough innit. I mean how dare his label not fold, how can he possibly sell over thirty thousand Shpongle CD's and still produce decent music, how can so many people love his work without him being a "sell out"...? That kind of mentality is something I have difficulty with. Leave the lad alone will ya! If you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that.

At the end of the day, as with anything else, it's purely a subjective taste thing and no one person's opinion is any more valid than the next. With the exception of Skazi fans.


you got some points, but since im mostly the only one being the ´contra´ in this thread, I guess some of your criticisms were directed at me.. For example, this whole ´commercial´ criticism.. I dont care if an artist sells many albuns or not, thats not a reason to judge it musically.. I like some commercial music and some very underground music..

(btw, I agree.. he produces ´decent´ music with shpongle.. but not exceptional music as ott does, for example.. and yes I know, its imo)

I also dont care if he gets admirers, if he gets recognized.. hell, I think it´s in the musician´s right to get liked if he can make good music.. what I very much DONT like is the fact that he is seen as a god, as the master, as the best ever.. far from that.. I think as soon as people think like that, they lose the ability to discriminate.. there is something in psychology called ´perceptive filtering´, which basically means when you are fully in a belief-system, you adjust all stimulus you receive to fit those views you have.. and I think that, just like most (all?) artists, he makes bad things too, he can make mediocre music... he is not god.. so it kinda bugs me, when people are too blind

and yes I am aware that people are a lot of the times just joking when they talk about posford as god.. but its not ´just´ joking all the time. Some of those jokes seem to me to have something behind them, this projection of their own ideals, of their ´hopes´, into this guy, which in reality is just another flawed human.. and then ppl disguise these projections in a light way as jokes...

and yes.. I know, and I think anybody with a tiny bit of sense knows, that its all opinions, and that there is no absolute right or wrong when it comes to our human judgement... except for skazi being bad, cause we all know thats an objective fact
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2006 00:50

What the hell is this topic about? Simon Prick head...???? - I don't get it either            - - It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice... - -
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