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Who is Simon Prickhead?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 18:05
I talked about this the other week...

Peace... and may the force be with you to make it so!
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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 18:33

On 2006-04-07 18:05, Dennis the menace wrote:
postford, the man who invented the car for delivering mail....

Yes, Mr. Postford is a very talented person (Coworker of Mr. Postman Pat I belive). The Postcar your speaking of is of course a "Ford", right? At least thats what would make the most sense. So lets all sit down and praise God.

Yes, moderators, would you please merge this thread with ----Yawn----'s thread? It's the only right thing to do.

PCP, LSD, Understanding and Ritaline's .. 'n stuff?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 18:37
Hey Psytones... what's with the 'Yawn' stuff?

Do i bore you or something?

How do you fancy a good psyslapping?

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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 18:40
Yawn rhymes to Dawn, simple as that. No offence. At all.
Be sure of that.
All respect, and no psyslapping my way please Dawn The Man.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 18:43
I fort yo is like dissin me, man!

Hehe... Bo!
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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 18:54
Ja man, Me tot yo migt get ofended. So me got bad confident later. But no all ok, rit?

pis, løv.. and shait
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 19:06
All the so called artists in this scene should go to Simon P's music school

Simon P's
Simon Peace

<3          "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 19:09

On 2006-04-07 18:54, psytones wrote:
Ja man, Me tot yo migt get ofended. So me got bad confident later. But no all ok, rit?

pis, løv.. and shait

Aye... it be chilly, bro!


On 2006-04-07 18:33, psytones wrote:

... Coworker of Mr. Postman Pat I belive ...

... And don't forget his black and white cat!

Anyway... this is going way offtopic... back to the Posford bashing!

Simon P's and stuff!
          Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  195
Posted : Apr 7, 2006 19:27
You people have no shame... don't be surprised if you'll be struck by lightning tonight, talking this way about the lord...
I will lead the angry mob to lynch you people...

I love his music by the way....

pickles and stuff eh...

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 20:26
What i'd really like to see is a duel between 2 gods of the scene, Goa Gil and Simon Posford. A celebrity deathmatch of a sort. I wonder who will win. Gil has more experience and obviously physical strength. Posford in the other hand is younger and has skilled fingers.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 20:46
How about Psytrance Gods Top Trumps™?

Posford has 90 'Killing Power'... Goa Gil - only 81.
          Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 21:00
I hear you can buy Goa Gil's and Simon Posford's action figures from Amazon. With Goa Gil you get a miniature DAT player that can be used as a weapon and also miniature incense sticks that can be used as weapons as well.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 21:03

On 2006-04-07 21:00, Pavel wrote:
I hear you can buy Goa Gil's and Simon Posford's action figures from Amazon. With Goa Gil you get a miniature DAT player that can be used as a weapon and also miniature incense sticks that can be used as weapons as well.

Yep... and the Posford figure comes with 1,000 obsessed fan action figures!

Good value for money!
          Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 04:09
the most overrated... ahm... (artist? nah... ) ahm... track-producer .. ever

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2006 05:58

On 2006-04-08 04:09, sherlockalien wrote:
the most overrated... ahm... (artist? nah... ) ahm... track-producer .. ever

I think you're getting him confused with Infected Mushroom.

I think Posford is a really great composer. He, IMO, is one of the few psy musicians whose music has a really authentic psychedelic feel to it(another pick is Electric Universe).

Why call him a prick though?

I sense some psychedelic jealousy going on in here
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