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who are brave artists against labels rules producing strong alien music for high quality listeners?

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 11:34
What the hell is alien Music?!?           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 11:45

what is left for lame ass listeners?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 11:45

On 2007-03-09 11:34, Nathan wrote:
What the hell is alien Music?!?

An inspirational approach to Goa music in the 90's. Many theme's in those days had the Alien theme in their music (Just listen to 'The Infinity Project', 'Eat Static', 'Etnica' ect..) Because of lack of believing in aliens and the end of x-files (:p) this inspiration source disappeared with the new generation of psy-trance producer. Not a bad thing, because instead of Alien inspirations we got many other fun trip worlds to explore (themes). I feel that a theme will very often decide the musics shape. Alien theme had a very entrancing way about it self. A Goa vibe which was strong.


On 2007-03-09 11:45, ::bedbug:: wrote:
what is left for lame ass listeners?

much amigo, much
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 11:57

On 2007-03-09 11:45, spytooned psytones wrote:

On 2007-03-09 11:34, Nathan wrote:
What the hell is alien Music?!?

An inspirational approach to Goa music in the 90's. Many theme's in those days had the Alien theme in their music (Just listen to 'The Infinity Project', 'Eat Static', 'Etnica' ect..) Because of lack of believing in aliens and the end of x-files (:p) this inspiration source disappeared with the new generation of psy-trance producer. Not a bad thing, because instead of Alien inspirations we got many other fun trip worlds to explore (themes). I feel that a theme will very often decide the musics shape. Alien theme had a very entrancing way about it self. A Goa vibe which was strong.

was nice back then, but today it will sound childish.
          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
Hex Osirus
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 12:01
Odd harmonic
Hallucinogenic horses
ghreg on earth
neuron compost
me sometime soon

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 14:11
I agree mostly with Hex Osirus..

I think a lot of the other artist names which come up in this thread are producing relatively "mainstream" music within their genre... At least I see them release on many labels and compilations, so they can hardly be breaking many rules.

Artist who break limits and step beyond the box, in my view, are.

Kino Oko



Mussy Moody

Texas Faggot

Mandala Vandalz

Odd Harmonic

Neuron Compost

Viktor Zolotarenko (He broke the rules of 148 bpm
having to be dark, Deja Vu Fabrique)

Ocelot (Also dared to make fast paced psy which is
not dark "Waves of Relief" for instance)

Infected Mushroom (Allthough I hate it, they did
break rules in regards to singing in what was labelled psytrance)

Skazi(He broke the rules in regards to how Rock Starrish music can be)

The Delta (Broke the rules as to how Technoish the sound can become, picking up the dark vibe with "Scizoeffective" 1999 and combining it with a tech sound already featured on Spiralkinder tracks)

X-Dream(Broke the rule as to how electroish or perhaps even Clubby the sound can be, "Winter Interface" 2004)

Kopfuss Resonator(Entered dark sounds coupled with heavy progression, much different than much other stuff, checkout "Whipbird 146", 1997)

Sandman(Broke the rules as to how scary music can be, checkout the "Witchcraft" album, "It looks like a cross between a spider, and your worst nightmare", that sample is said to have given many people bad trips, probably because they didnt expect it, 1998).

Xenomorph(Broke the rules as to how dark music can be, "Obscure Spectre" 1997 and "Cassandras nightmare" 1998)

Ect(Broke the rules as to how furiously psychedelic and abstract the sound be be, checkout "Helpless" 1997 or "Maelström" / "Next stop Earth" 1998)

The Infinity Project(Setting a landmark in psychedelic chillout with the "Mystical Experiences" album 1995).

Those where a few of my most influential rule breakers of all time

Of course, there are lots more... but those where from the top of my head.

- Krell           Label DJ>
Hex Osirus
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 17:16
The artists i named were ones that i think are currently stepping in new directions

a few ones from the past who i like and feel broke the rules

infected mushroom
dark soho
total eclipse
younger brother

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2007 19:06

He may not have the most top end production, but always is nice and alien and has huge mother basslines!

Started Topics :  140
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Posted : Mar 20, 2007 19:18
Lemme add a few more!

Ghreg on Earth
Sick Addiction

These are some few artists ive noticed breaking away from the regular psytrance formula.

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 20, 2007 19:52
Alien Music!

I want more Alien Music!!!!!!!!

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
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Posted : Mar 20, 2007 20:46

On 2007-03-09 01:03, K.T.E wrote:
Our high quality listeners are made from the finest quality hand-crafted materials. Settle for nothing less.

...reminds me of:


These recordings have been carefully handmade in the finest tooled leather. Maximum use of household electricity in conjunction with specially developed Fluorostani wacka-wacka modelling techniques have enabled us to produce a port resonance perfectly centred in the binomial width-enhancer matrix. Lovevalve parameters have been carefully adjusted so that the MIDI controllable toggle/boggle delay switch glitch control gives nominal impedance with an ergonomic design which is also pleasing to the eye, and the Venus Flytrap front baffle loading coefficient ensures perfect Rhapsalidopses every spring with careful pruning. Minimising perceptual jitter in this way is known to make the music smell really loud.

Old-fashioned stereophonic technology allied with the newest hydroponic speaker designs have given us total harmonic control, and given you total listening pleasure; the monitors used on this project were homemade using the latest in paper/shred hemp technology, string and water. Three static flange injectors and deep folly joyloading have meant that the influence of German satellite TV has been kept to an absolute maximum.

          Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 20, 2007 21:11
Ah nice!

Hmmm ... Alien music is that which manifests itself visually as the alien brain/machine. Usually apparent when you see it floating over the DJs head. Tractor beam music by aliens for aliens!

- Almost all of Quasar/Dylalien/Fractal Cowboys sound... They do it best!
- Most of Psykovsky's sound (especially the last track on Kill Fucking Bill)
- Megalopsy (alienesque atmospheres)
- Flip Factory (from what I've heard)
- Some of Procs

- some tracks by Papiyan, CPC Project, Red, Ghreg On Earth, Encephalopaticys, Noise Gust, Alien Mental... lots more out there!

- DJ Psyops from Philadelphia

It's just another subset of the very colorful underground psytrance scene... some others being the cannibals (the real dark music), the full-power full-space sound (VA-Tomatogun), The forest/organic sound (Dejan, Old Jellyheadz, Procs)...and more known unknowns that are being created every month.

psionic nomad
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 20, 2007 21:40
there is a audience for every kind of muzikk you can possibly think of...sometimes more,sometimes less.

Pete Sideburner

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Posted : Mar 20, 2007 23:29
Hm, hard to say, there are plenty, and at the end it all depends on the right combination to the right time...

Well, of course well known are the sages of psytrance: Simon Posford, Prometheus, Ott. Then there once was an awsome artist named Sean Williams or Process which seems to have vanished. But try his two albums on a huge amount of that mental biker's drug with green mountains in the background.

OK, to more actual artists. Well, Shift and Slug definitely. Although Shift seemed a little uninspired on his last album, Slugs last release (Element) is a total mind blaster.

Well, else, The Misted Muppet, Optokoppler. Audialize and Menog used to be cool, but I think they got infected by the full-on-succes-mushroom. Their last releases were a little disappointing.

Or older stuff like GMS when they were still good (1998).

And often, it is not the artist, but just a single tune that blows your mind. It's the chure of good DJ to know it's tunes and to combine them into a mega-mind-blasting supernova that puts the socks of your feet and the sausage from your plate. I could be that DJ for you...

EDIT: OK, I see, it's more about alien theme music? Then check out Pleiadians. They remained true to themselves. Or rule breakers? Hm, aren't many left, because all rules have been broken. But I'd still recommend Process. He made the strangest and most extreme music in psytrance. But braking the rule isn't all. Look at Infected Mushroom or Skazi. OK, they broke the rules and for a little moment it was fresh, but know it just wanna makes you vomit.
          I love humanity but I hate people.
Bender B. Rodriguez
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2007 00:01

HELL YEAH!!!!           SPQR
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