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Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Which master sounds best to you?
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Which master sounds best to you?

Psychrolutes Marcidus

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  18
Posted : Oct 14, 2017 13:13:01
Hey fellas.
I just finished my new track and tried myself in mastering, following this simple tutorial:
I ended up with 3 versions now and cant tell which sounds best. I heard the first version on the stereo of a friend of mine yesterday and it sounded too bassy to me. My old monitors dont have enough bass to really get this right, but on comparison to a referance track by Wishy it looked and sounded quite good I guess.

On the second version I added a glue compressor on the master before the limiter and on the third I equed out some of the mid and high frequencies of the kick and bass (too much?) and put down the volume of the whole sound bus quite a bit (also too much? )
I think you can hear the difference.

I hope you all have a nice weekend.


Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Oct 17, 2017 15:41
Tracks not found           Super Banana Sauce
Psychrolutes Marcidus

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  18
Posted : Oct 18, 2017 08:41
Oh really? Thought if I put a track on private people could hear it if they have the link to it Been wondering why the tracks still have zero plays while this topic has 40+ views
I made them public now, hope it works <3


Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Oct 18, 2017 11:53
You don't need to make them public
Make'em private, open the track, and then press share - it should give you a private share link to your track with a strange code at the end, like:

And share that with us           Super Banana Sauce
Psychrolutes Marcidus

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  18
Posted : Oct 18, 2017 19:42
Hehe shit well doesnt matter no more now
But thanks for the advice
Theyre public now so you can have a listen 

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Oct 18, 2017 20:41
I'm too deaf to hear the difference and say which one is better.

I like the second one the most; but it's like it's 98%, while the others are 97% and 96%.. So not much I can give.

Mix wise, I think the leads are a tad bit too loud, maybe taking a couple of dB off them would make the beat shine through a lot nicer So, essentially lowering everything else so that the beat is a little louder.

But I'm no mastering genius - not even at a mediocre level.. But rest assure that the tune does shine through my monitors nicely, everything is all there, no major noticeable flaws, all sounding nicely

Keep it up!           Super Banana Sauce
Psychrolutes Marcidus

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  18
Posted : Oct 19, 2017 06:34
Cool, thank you so much
On the third one I lowered the volume of all the sounds, Ill try to do so even more. I might have cut away too much of the k+b though.
Its really hard to get the balance right since you just have mastered tracks for reference. But I guess its one of the biggest struggles for everyone, right?
What do you think about the song itself?
Thanks for the feedback, Ill try it again and come back then
Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Which master sounds best to you?
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