IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 15, 2011 19:25
On 2011-05-12 09:48, kazuku wrote:
I am moving to Cambodia for 2 years in August
wow, awesome! i bet you're going to pack many lifetimes worth of memories into those 2 years!
Not traveling all that far in the near future, but still very much looking forward to it all. this coming weekend I'm heading back to my home state of Maine to visit family and then do some biking on the island of Vinalhaven.
then a couple weeks after that going to Montréal to get my hair dreaded and then heading over to the eastern townships of Québec to play a show. I really wish I was going to make a trip to the Gaspé peninsula again this year, but sadly I'm not. seriously, the Gaspé is one of the most beautiful places I've seen with my own two eyes. |