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Where's the intelligent bit of the forum about trance culture....

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:27
Where's the intelligent bit of the forum about trance culture....

For this, yes, the Spirituality section would probably be the safest place to find it. The Trance section (esp since the advent of embedded images) has become a free for all. Pure entertainment for those reading and posting. A good serious topic here can become a monkey cage before the end of the first page. Topics in the Spirituality section don't get the same treatment.
I see you started the trance culture topic. Let's go and have a look and see how it's going...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:33

On 2011-03-25 17:27, rich wrote:
The Trance section (esp since the advent of embedded images) has become a free for all.

Free for all. You said it. That's what it is supposed to be.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:00
Right. And I shouldn't have said 'has become', since it always has been like this. Which is fine, imo. I come here for the entertainment, else I'd go straight to the serious sections

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:01 is a good place to hang out, there's a lot of banter and a good amount of actual discussion about the music, as well as an exceptional music production area. It's also just been totally upgraded and has a lot of new features; FB-style chat and 'like' functions amongst them.

Any forum can become a difficult place to be if you insist on making yourself 'right' and others 'wrong', in the face of evidence to the contrary.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:02

On 2011-03-25 18:00, rich wrote:
Right. And I shouldn't have said 'has become', since it always has been like this. Which is fine, imo. I come here for the entertainment, else I'd go straight to the serious sections

i can always use this smiley for intelligent posts

So, this is also an intelligent part of the forum.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:04

On 2011-03-25 17:19, Dogon wrote:

start acting moki! You have been saying this for some time now but you still keep coming back here with "the idiots" as you put it.


because you are frustrating me. i just cant say it enough how frustrating it can be to alway be missunderstood!
wait i have a better idea, what about a section where every user can take a few minutes with the web cam shouting at the other" hey, you fuckin piss me off and i cant look at this nonsense any more. you hear me???????? you hear me??? get the hell out of my sight!"

ahm. yeah. whatever. i admint one thing. there is a certain degree of insanity to always hope the best and try over and over again.

i keep going because it is a good place to let frustration off somehow. not always. there were cases i really hoped there will be the possibility to discuss the trance culture here. where else? no places left for that.

anyway, i think the element of letting frustratiion off is the most important . but i promise i go on holiday soon
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:09
By all means discuss trance culture here! Seems to me that what pisses people off is when someone takes what 'trance culture' is for them, or what they wish it was, and tries to tell others that that's what it is, or should be, for them too.           Mastering - ::
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:12
^ Kinda hard for it not to be subjective though, no? Even Beat Agency is giving his subjective view point.

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posts :  5380
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:15
Of course it's subjective. What happens all too often is the mistaken confusion between subjectivity and objectivity. ie. "This is what I think about subject A (which is inherently subjective) - if you disagree then YOU ARE WRONG", or people getting pissed off because not everyone agrees with them, and verbally lashing out, or people thinking that a disagreement is a personal attack.
          Mastering - ::
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:18

On 2011-03-25 18:12, rich wrote:
^ Kinda hard for it not to be subjective though, no?

Of course, but its not hard to realize that this is an open forum & everyone is entitled to their opinions & its kind of not very polite to let off ones own frustrations onto other people who do not agree to what you believe or say.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:25
Just remember to write IMO and all is good 
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:35

On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
disco hooligans, i am not the only one here doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

you do exactly the same. how many times did you tell me in the last few years that you dont see any basis in my arguments and dont wanna listen to what i say and to my topics?

Because you keep doing the same thing, post stuff, present it as fact, with no rational foundations and then say something along the lines it was an experiment for me and my cycle of friends that understand me.
You don't understand a really important bit. It is fine to claim something outstanding, provided you use rational thought to connect reality to that outstanding claim. You simply shoot down anyone who does not use irrational thought patterns, as being someone who does not have the same degree of understanding as you.
Maybe you'd feel better if I or the rest of the people what call yo up, reacted differently to the same preposterous claims you make, who knows, who cares. But I am not about to start agreeing with you, just because you don't use any sort of common sense, scientific evidence or rational thought into your arguments. You keep shooting your self in the foot, yet you think people are trolling you.

On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
why do you still talk eery time i try to reach people from my fractal???? you could be anywhere else? why do i have your attention? why is it so important to you to talk to me further if you could just take care to speak with people that you understand?

You ask for attention by posting this stuff here. Honestly, you've posted some nice thread titles, but then you go on like someone who has had too much acid at a party and talks jibberish. I then feel that it is my duty to take the piss outta you and humor some sense outta you. Something that pisses you off and I find most entertaining

On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
you really seem to believe that i have no opportunity to talk with the right people that would be able to understand my words.

You do have the opportunity, a few psychotherapy sessions would be a good starting point for you. After that some reading about basic psychology and rational thinking. After that you should further read into the field of science you are attracted to.


On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
yes i have very very high standards with communicating about these issues, i prefer very very very intelligent....

No you don't. You can't even cover the basics of proper communicating your thoughts, and from your posts I am pretty sure its not your lack of communication skills, it is your delusional thought patterns that make you fail.
Every single time.

On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
luckily i have the chance to choose to whom i speak.

And you choose to post on here, where some people, including my self, read and choose to take part into the conversation. If you don't like what I or Christian or Pavel or mk47 or any other of the people that address your subjects, have to say, you should consider more carefully your choices and selection of ground for debate.

On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
if you believe i would want serious debate from a couple of pathetic losers posting to me pics blond ladies or washed out happies, then you are even more pathetic than i thought.

You mean more pathetic that constantly posting jibberish in this forum where losers hang out and although you know they will take the piss out of you, if you start the same ol' mumbling you're known for by now, yet you carry on only to complain?
Now that is truly pathetic.

On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
face it finally, that there are people who understand me. there are not so little in the number...face it, that i actually dont need these conversations here and do it only because i am different than you and i do see a person and a feeling beind every post, and not only a couple of ascii codes.

I am sure there are like minded people that you can communicate. I've met loads of them in my partying years. Why are you still spending time on here, only to complain later then? Will you ever stay true to your word when you speak? Its not like you haven't insulted people on here, then said you're leaving, never to come back and then you pop up in no time, innit. But it bothers you so much that the people that disagreed with you, still disagree with you because you haven't taught your self anything from the experiences you had with people that do not share your views. You are like a bad 1 bar loop in a DAW that's hung until one holds down the power button.

On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
one more thing. i am not doing the same thing over and over again. this year it was a different experince to me than the last one. i am fuckin proud that i actually dont give a shit anymore about people who dont understand me, rather than just saying this and feeling something totally different. it was a hard learning process.

Like I said, you haven't learned jack.

On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
but somehow you manage to piss me off because you are just losing me time.


On 2011-03-25 17:16, moki wrote:
p.s. changed my full name? hey, you do know who is moki dont you? i dont hide, never done it!!!! i just dont wanna mix real name jobs with this bullshit here

I don't blame you. If I had my username next to the manic depression that is your posts, I would have changed my name as well.

And if you think its the subject of your threads that causes people to react a certain way, and not the way you react, check TranceVisuals' thread on trance culture.
Strange that people debate about it with no funny pics, innit. Do you have any idea why that is?

Peace out.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  93
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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:42
edit: this post up here ^ is win.

anyone else find uses of words like 'vector' and 'fractal' used in general conversation to be unnecessarily overladen with hippy bullshitness? What the fuck does someone mean when they say "...reach someone from my fractal"

Reminds me of that logic bomb track...

"Maybe its a fractal! I wonder how the algorithms are generated...."

It's like those random super high people that wander up to you at festivals and start using words like 'quantum' or start trying to talk about string theory even though they have no fucking clue what it means.

           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:48

On 2011-03-25 18:42, willsanquil wrote:
It's like those random super high people that wander up to you at festivals and start using words like 'quantum' or start trying to talk about string theory even though they have no fucking clue what it means.

Or say Boom Shiva 10 times because they heard someone else say it 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 19:09

On 2011-03-25 18:35, disco hooligans wrote:

And if you think its the subject of your threads that causes people to react a certain way, and not the way you react, check TranceVisuals' thread on trance culture.
Strange that people debate about it with no funny pics, innit. Do you have any idea why that is?

Peace out.

moki: This!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Where's the intelligent bit of the forum about trance culture....
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