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Where's the intelligent bit of the forum about trance culture....


Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 09:06:15
I can't seem to find it, and I wouldn't want to post anything in the wrong section incase the lol-pic-trolls flame my thread into oblivion.

(And if you suggest the off-topic spiritual sub-forum you lose 20 shanti points)

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 10:21

Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 10:29
ok , lolpics aside , here it is , the intelligent bit of the forum would be the production and equipment sections etc (as long as you don't count the random cosmic octave troll topic).. this culture is music , this music is dance

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 11:23
(This) Culture is more than music imho, the music might be the "soundtrack of the revolution", but it's not the be all and end all of "this culture". For me at least it isn't.
I can appreciate that for some people "all that matters is the music", but where do those of us congregate who might belief otherwise, and wish to formulate, discuss, share and discover what it is we do believe, feel and think.

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 11:41
.. its the star around which planets , their moons , random asteroids etc spin , agree with you in a way though , Yidam nailed it good in a recent post


On 2011-03-21 12:04, Yidam wrote:
it's a type of electronic music that comes with a strong cultural connection. it's not like other genres do not. metal, jazz, reggae, hip hop. they all form around a core of subculture.

but go on , discuss all you want about the culture here , start a topic , what stops you

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Posts :  743
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 11:55

On 2011-03-25 11:41, mk47 wrote:

...what stops you

Fear of the lol-pic-trolls I guess, and getting laughed at and finger pointing by the other kids I look up to.
Which has been an all to common an experience, if one seems to suggest it is/could be something "more than a genre of music", or rather the music is just one facet of a very beautiful creation we are all contributing to, e.g. this culture of ours.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 12:03

where do those of us congregate who might belief otherwise, and wish to formulate, discuss, share and discover what it is we do believe, feel and think.

parties , festivals and online hubs like this ?


On 2011-03-25 11:55, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2011-03-25 11:41, mk47 wrote:

...what stops you

Fear of the lol-pic-trolls I guess

he who doesn't roll the dice wont score a 12 , hehe , seriously though , the VAST majority of the topics on here DO NOT get trolled , where ya been

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 12:21

On 2011-03-25 11:55, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2011-03-25 11:41, mk47 wrote:

...what stops you

Fear of the lol-pic-trolls I guess, and getting laughed at and finger pointing by the other kids I look up to.
Which has been an all to common an experience, if one seems to suggest it is/could be something "more than a genre of music", or rather the music is just one facet of a very beautiful creation we are all contributing to, e.g. this culture of ours.

From what I have seen on here, it has more to do with the user than the content of the thread it self.
Moki for example has started numerous threads about interesting stuff, but she has repeatedly trolled her own threads with the way she presents her facts and the way she handles, doubt...going as far as saying people treat her this way because she is a woman in a male dominated forum, which is really weak, imho.
Let's be honest now, as interesting as some of the stuff that people post on the general forum, even though it may be off-topic, the "fate" of said thread had a lot more to do with the a user's on-line character and way said user expressed their views, than the subject of the thread.
There has been do I say this..."a small scale civil war" of who is "right", as if "overpowering" someone's views, or letting things "slip" on here, is of any consequence to the world outside this forum.

Moki for example, she posts some stuff that I would love for her to prove, because I would love to find out that there is a cosmic octave. As a person who loves music and is involved with it, there is nothing more exhilarating that finding out that there actually is a scale that resonates with planets, our solar system...whatever.
But when the only proof I get is that the hippie bullshit exists on here as well and is abundant in the form of her posts and her lunatic friends, I will take the piss. After all it is a good genuine laugh and if people can't handle it, they've got issues they need to sort out.

Peace out.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 12:54
wrong, it is not at all about the MALES, although a person must be quite stupid to disagree that it is a male forum and i dont see much females around. but anyway, males and females are kind of same in the internet. face to face contact could have more neuronal changes and neurotransmitters that affect communication betweeen both. in the internet we are all same. or not?

no, you have to accept that it is not because i am a woman. it is because i am doing this project which presents a different type of trance culture than what you suppose that trance is. this is all . doesnt fucking matter if i am a woman, because you would be exactly as stupid with talking to me, if it was a man too. you just dont understand my topics, you slowly really have to accept this and live with it. and you have to understand that each of those topics of mine have been kind of a different fractal than the usual topics in isratrance. it is not about my person ( how the hell do you know my person, i almost never see people here that i really met in person!) . it is about the TOPICS tha i present, which are foreign to you. FACE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but never mind, it is not about me being treated like a woman. it is just the extreme boredom that this forum creates in my mind. yet, here another topic with my name which i actually really dont wanna hear so much anymore.

i always have those 2-3 intensive months in the winter when i come here ( winter is cold up here) and it actually starts very nice and i kind of love it and at the end it is just an extreme boredom to is like making love for ten hours and not having the slightest chance to put an end. no, kidding. it is just a great boredom to me, because i know another worlds where people are very very different from you here. and i have the luck to enjoy really creative communication, really productive and inspiring, with lots of technicians, engineers, and scientists in my circles.
this forum is like the big failure of the cyber culture. sorry to say that.

the stupid pics of people like mk, or whoever it is, or beat agency, with whom i wanna sink under earth for writing to him the respectful words in the " survey results topic" because he doesnt deserve even a word. it is just really boring. if you wanna believe it has to do with me, then go on for it. really dont care any more ( it was a big improvement in my life to become emotionally uninvolved with this bullshit). i have my trance culture website, and i am actually proud to have it, because there nobody can slightly tell me what to do and what is trance. i can only say, my trance is not your trance.

whatever. i think that growns ups must be at least intelligent enough to see when people just dont come well along with each other and to separate their ways to reduce further frustration.

me personally, i have numerous male friends, all different ages (meaning that i come well along with people with 18 or with 80) and it is a very productive inspiring communication that i love to have and i dont think they see so much of the woman. well indeed, they see that there are rarely woman with that interests.

but no, it is just the way you communicate in isratrance. i wouldnt like to meet you in life that much.

actually why dont we just finally cut it and stop mentioning it. untill it gets even worse. and it can become really really much worser. because i havent even started to actually tell you what i see when i look at you.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 12:59

On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
wrong, it is not at all about the MALES, although a person must be quite stupid to disagree that it is a male forum and i dont see much females around. but anyway, males and females are kind of same in the internet. face to face contact could have more neuronal changes and neurotransmitters that affect communication betweeen both. in the internet we are all same. or not?

no, you have to accept that it is not because i am a woman. it is because i am doing this project which presents a different type of trance culture than what you suppose that trance is. this is all . doesnt fucking matter if i am a woman, because you would be exactly as stupid with talking to me, if it was a man too. you just dont understand my topics, you slowly really have to accept this and live with it. and you have to understand that each of those topics of mine have been kind of a different fractal than the usual topics in isratrance. it is not about my person ( how the hell do you know my person, i almost never see people here that i really met in person!) . it is about the TOPICS tha i present, which are foreign to you. FACE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but never mind, it is not about me being treated like a woman. it is just the extreme boredom that this forum creates in my mind. yet, here another topic with my name which i actually really dont wanna hear so much anymore.

i always have those 2-3 intensive months in the winter when i come here ( winter is cold up here) and it actually starts very nice and i kind of love it and at the end it is just an extreme boredom to is like making love for ten hours and not having the slightest chance to put an end. no, kidding. it is just a great boredom to me, because i know another worlds where people are very very different from you here. and i have the luck to enjoy really creative communication, really productive and inspiring, with lots of technicians, engineers, and scientists in my circles.
this forum is like the big failure of the cyber culture. sorry to say that.

the stupid pics of people like mk, or whoever it is, or beat agency, with whom i wanna sink under earth for writing to him the respectful words in the " survey results topic" because he doesnt deserve even a word. it is just really boring. if you wanna believe it has to do with me, then go on for it. really dont care any more ( it was a big improvement in my life to become emotionally uninvolved with this bullshit). i have my trance culture website, and i am actually proud to have it, because there nobody can slightly tell me what to do and what is trance. i can only say, my trance is not your trance.

whatever. i think that growns ups must be at least intelligent enough to see when people just dont come well along with each other and to separate their ways to reduce further frustration.

me personally, i have numerous male friends, all different ages (meaning that i come well along with people with 18 or with 80) and it is a very productive inspiring communication that i love to have and i dont think they see so much of the woman. well indeed, they see that there are rarely woman with that interests.

but no, it is just the way you communicate in isratrance. i wouldnt like to meet you in life that much.

actually why dont we just finally cut it and stop mentioning it. untill it gets even worse. and it can become really really much worser. because i havent even started to actually tell you what i see when i look at you.

Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  509
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 13:07

On 2011-03-25 12:21, disco hooligans wrote:
From what I have seen on here, it has more to do with the user than the content of the thread it self.

exactly, like the bioacoustic thing could have been a very interesting topic, but when moki starts to talk about it... it just sounds like one of those 40 old dudes that are high in a party that comes and rabble about total random shit to you in a party and makes completely no sense mixing everything up...           On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 13:08


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Posts :  55
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 13:29
When I joined IsraTrance 6 months ago because I had an opinion about some music tastes that I thought it was very important to discusse, I got lot of agressive answers (some of them with insults), just because I had a personal opinion about a concrete style. I was very very polute trying to explain myself why I thought like I thought, arguing with arguments and trying to start a intersting, and if is possible, intelligent dialogue withe the other members. I think only the 30% or 40% of the answers where arguments, the other 70% where attacks, attempts to ridiculize the others and lot of cinism without any fundament.

I´m thinking to change to another forum, anyone knows another one? I don´t care if there aren´t so many members, but please, I WANT POLUTE PEOPLE IN THEIR ARGUMENTS!!!           Dancers make the party, not Dj´s
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 13:30

On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
wrong, it is not at all about the MALES, although a person must be quite stupid to disagree that it is a male forum

I did point out that it is a male dominated forum.

On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
and i dont see much females around. but anyway, males and females are kind of same in the internet. face to face contact could have more neuronal changes and neurotransmitters that affect communication betweeen both. in the internet we are all same. or not? no, you have to accept that it is not because i am a woman.

We are the same, be it in the internet, or the real world, even tho you've been saying otherwise. I have accepted for a long time that the way you get treated is not because you are a woman, its you who needs to accept that...Good to see you've finally realized that so you can spare this forum with another sexist accusation.


On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
it is because i am doing this project which presents a different type of trance culture than what you suppose that trance is. this is all.

You are free to do what you like, just like you are free to say what you like. You are not limited any more than any other person on here. I mean check the myriads of pages of your views. They have not been deleted, even though you disassociated you full name with your posts, by changing it Once again, you are free to do what you see fit.

On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
doesnt fucking matter if i am a woman, because you would be exactly as stupid with talking to me, if it was a man too. you just dont understand my topics, you slowly really have to accept this and live with it.

Wrong. I do not have to accept anything on the basis that you want me to. I like to think that I am a rational person, open to outstanding claims, provided there are substantial facts and a thought pattern that is based on those facts. I just don't agree with anything you say on the basis that it would be so cool if what you say, is actually true.

On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
and you have to understand that each of those topics of mine have been kind of a different fractal than the usual topics in isratrance. it is not about my person ( how the hell do you know my person, i almost never see people here that i really met in person!) . it is about the TOPICS tha i present, which are foreign to you. FACE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Different only in thread size. There have been people before you that claimed preposterous things, just as there have been numerous users trying to get attention and going about it the wrong way. But it was all the same, as negative attention, meant attention. Something you need to face, but the idea that you are no different than any other person that said "rhinos can fly!" is something your on-line persona, just can't stand.


On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:

but never mind, it is not about me being treated like a woman. it is just the extreme boredom that this forum creates in my mind. yet, here another topic with my name which i actually really dont wanna hear so much anymore.

i always have those 2-3 intensive months in the winter when i come here ( winter is cold up here) and it actually starts very nice and i kind of love it and at the end it is just an extreme boredom to is like making love for ten hours and not having the slightest chance to put an end. no, kidding. it is just a great boredom to me, because i know another worlds where people are very very different from you here. and i have the luck to enjoy really creative communication, really productive and inspiring, with lots of technicians, engineers, and scientists in my circles.
this forum is like the big failure of the cyber culture. sorry to say that.

You have said that numerous times. Left never to come back, numerous times. Yet you're still here doing the same thing, expecting different results. Think about it.

On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
the stupid pics of people like mk, or whoever it is, or beat agency, with whom i wanna sink under earth for writing to him the respectful words in the " survey results topic" because he doesnt deserve even a word.

Do you feel you deserve any positive attention when you say, "this is what I believe, but you don't go along with my beliefs so you don't deserve my time"? You did that in the Cosmic Octave thread as well. If you want a serious debate, you're going about it the wrong way. If you want attention, well... you're getting it.

On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
it is just really boring. if you wanna believe it has to do with me, then go on for it. really dont care any more ( it was a big improvement in my life to become emotionally uninvolved with this bullshit). i have my trance culture website, and i am actually proud to have it, because there nobody can slightly tell me what to do and what is trance. i can only say, my trance is not your trance.

That is what you want. A place where no one can disagree with you. Cause the minute people call you up, you can not handle it. You spiral down in to the same accusations, and high horse attitude. It does show lack of intelligence. Of course you will deny this, as it is part of your defense mechanism.

On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
whatever. i think that growns ups must be at least intelligent enough to see when people just dont come well along with each other and to separate their ways to reduce further frustration.

me personally, i have numerous male friends, all different ages (meaning that i come well along with people with 18 or with 80) and it is a very productive inspiring communication that i love to have and i dont think they see so much of the woman. well indeed, they see that there are rarely woman with that interests.

but no, it is just the way you communicate in isratrance. i wouldnt like to meet you in life that much.

You've said that lots of times. When are you actually going to do it? If you can't handle this place, or don't like some of the people on here (like you have said again and again in the past), what is the point of posting here? Especially posting stuff in forums where people frequent? Even tho you could have posted all this stuff in the off-topic sub forums? I do not know what you are like in real life, and you don't know what I am like in real life, although I do not put my online personal costume to post on here. Suits me fine that you would not want to meet up. You would probably bring this stuff up and I would start taking the piss at you as soon as you layed out your reasoning behind your claims...unless I wanted another beer, I would just go to the bar.

On 2011-03-25 12:54, moki wrote:
actually why dont we just finally cut it and stop mentioning it. untill it gets even worse. and it can become really really much worser. because i havent even started to actually tell you what i see when i look at you.

It is of no consequence what you think about me. I haven't met you so you are nobody to me. Just a username with lots of on line mumbling.

Peace out.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 13:40

On 2011-03-25 13:08, mk47 wrote:

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Where's the intelligent bit of the forum about trance culture....

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