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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Where r we going????
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Where r we going????

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  375
Posted : Sep 3, 2009 02:36:34
Hey guys, its been a while
Just want 2 know where u think we r going??
Where r we taking psychedelic trance, or where is psychedelic trance taking us??
Lot of crap around and what r we doing to make it better??
A little xample guys, somehow this track came to my hands....
WTF? what is this?? what is this saying??

          Memento Mori
The Galactic Brain

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  80
Posted : Sep 19, 2009 05:27
wtf? don't do this to your ears bro hehe there are lots of stuff out there that has no psychedelia in... but this is worst hehe

btw great party you & your crew made, congratulations           __________________________________________

.: in lak'ech :.

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Posts :  171
Posted : Oct 4, 2009 23:56
Wow!! how sad...

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Oct 14, 2009 17:47
This is how it works... :

- For better or for worse.. we live in a free world or at least in Mexico where anyone or anybody can buy a computer,download some software and write,do and make any kind of "music"

Being said that....

- What makes this kind of music important it's the own people that make's it important.
-If anybody thing that this is good.... cool that's your opinion.
- Sadly this is not psychedelic music.
- Move on with your life... find the psychedelia in you
- You have the option to make this important or just and expression of some electronic music these days.

Peace out!! and wanted to say hello to Mezcalito!! =)           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something

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Posts :  3
Posted : Jan 6, 2010 23:14
Thats the influence of a over-rated and extreme commercial scene and music !
since we`did to start to hear Pop-Psy-remixes from commercial pop-artist- i just can imagine one thing!
its sells and its sells good- thats why ppl do this kind of things.
i can`t even imagine that kind of track -


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  73
Posted : Jan 9, 2010 22:57
You need to respect their music and they will respect yours.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  107
Posts :  807
Posted : Jan 13, 2010 02:54
whatever people do with their life is their own business... whats the point in this kind of criticism , ??
theres a looong time since most commercial psytrance releases are crap anyway 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  50
Posted : Jan 13, 2010 06:04
Make sure you got a contract singed before you come for a gig.

And make sure you dealing with Profesianal Dj,s.
And organiser not Laundry Makers .
apoya el movimiento
contribute to the awakening of the tribes
Duendo Matka
Duendo Matka

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  73
Posted : Jan 15, 2010 21:27
the point is easy ,
the musicians ar enot doing the music for the ears, are doing the music for the eat, money , live doing what they like, but it all ends up competing into specific styles of music that we all made or whoever made we ahve been following this structure for years, thanks to god not into suomi music but even that music has become a little bit with a kind of path ,

My music needed to stop because i was taking months to produce just one track, without presets, every single sound made by me , and now that i stopped for a while i am realising that this effort is hidden , nobody cares, they just want the final result, people produce music using presets and cheating whatever, and there is no one that recognize people that created their own sounds,

well this is my opinion ,

Any way with al respect to all , good luck , have a great year
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Jan 18, 2010 09:10
Just ignore that crap, there is good music outhere to lose time on crappy stuff.

Why to suffer about the bad is there isnt enough time to search ofr the good one and apreciate it properly.

If you like psy and electronic music in general, make your digging there is many excellent music outthere, just for a begining check           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Where r we going????
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