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Where is psytrance??

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 16:14:49
Hey guys, I know is been already commented on other topics. I just would like to know if the situation of the psytrance partyscene is like this in more places / countries.
I just attended last weekend the summersolstice Party in Ruigoord near Amsterdam, which was announced with quite divers line up, with artists known for full on, proggy/elektro/chill out and some more heavier full on such as some artists from Bomshanka music.

the Music been played by night was `quite nicely progressing into bit more heavier sound as the night also progressed. as the atmosphere was nice and very divers party crowd, also the acd start to work
But suddenly arround the dawn so approx 05,00 h the sound was put outdoor (mainfloor) and they started playing some kind of elektro/house/progressive whatever music, all of our friends started looking eachother and not understanding anything, it seemd we suddnely were in Ibiza club or something. so like tripping and also what IMO is the best part of the party the twilight from night to day, where usually is the most psychedelique part of the party. well no we finally went to chill out where you could feel at least comfortable. and finally ended on the parking listening some tunes from the cars and having a great time.
I mean wtf, where is psychedelique trance on trance parties??
it happend to anyone of you??those who claim the elktro/minimal whatever can be very psychedelique, maybe on a beach or so and at 5 o clock in the afternoon or beginning of the night but come on, playing this kind of music at 05,00h and open air, just killed all the ambiance and vibe and attracted drunk and fucked up people arround.
too bad, looks like my party selcetions is getting very reduced.           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 16:43
psytrance changed into sth new reigned by children imo.
Was a blast in the past but now it is about ego and that's it.
Sometimes its fun to look at this funny development.
There are maybe a dozen of good artists and that's it.
All other are trying to live the best they can to nostalgia if ever.
New scene completely sucks imo.The billions of same sound va's and releases totaly destroyed it.How cheep can you go
Peace and have fun.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 18:31
Man just because this happened in a party does not mean anything...Psytrance scene is always changing look for the right promoters, people that love the music and you will get for sure what you are looking for There is lots happening and of course not everything is good for us!


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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 18:43
obviously organizer's mistake...
and off course a good party can make someone admire the music played or the opposite.
great musics still exist!

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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 19:26
Techno/Minimal can be very psychedelic but it doesn't get played at psy-events and most of the stuff made by ex-psy producers is too clubby and far away from being fresh or innovative.

Bad example:

Good example:

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 19:38
I wasnt there at 5 am. So I can't comment on the music being played at that time. I found the overall choice of music from 2pm till around 22 pm pretty bad. I didnt hear anything that really tickled my fancy. Just random noises and a strong bass/kick. Only the first track by dj Liquid Ross was nice. Some kind of fullon with lots of minimal noises. Otherwise it was more of the same old stuff.
Some funky techno would have been great 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 19:56
Here in Hamburg it is really very similar when it comes to official psytrance events..It is not anymore psytrance ,Im not joking here ,it is all about a bit progressive and as fast as possible to electro or minimal.
I mean fine it can sound as phat produced as I dont know what but still it sucks completely.
When I go to spend a good time on a party I indeed wanna fly and spend some good psycedelic time,this is why psytrance once hit my soul as well as my heart.
Unfortunately this times are really over,at least here - I cannot say if it is not great somewhere else,maybe in Nepal or there where the pepper grows it is psycedelic trance energy and music on events that are titled as psycedelic trance,but here definetly not.
We have some fine underground events though but often it is the same even there.
As much as I once respected events like VUUV etc it has all completely another vibe,which is not mine anymore.
...btw I was a bit too funny with my previous comment of course there are many more great artists than a dozen.
I just wish the old artist would stop to suck and try to become commercial by any means but make again something fresh psycedelic with the aim to reach a new level,not necessearily fast and thats it but really mind expanding level of music and creation of all inside.
I'm glad for you all like that much techno etc tbh I hated completely techno ,psycedelic trance gave me the feeling yess there is in this monotone 4/4 riddim something really killer not just nice and boomy and that's it.Of coure exceptions are existing everywhere even in my imagination.
Peace & stay psyco 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 20:38
well, for sure there is still good music out there and also parties with great and psychedelic vibe, mostly small family style events. have been last year to couple of them in France, Germany and Roumania. indeed it's also about the vibe and was intersting to see when the music became clubby totally different kind of crowd was attracted to the dancefloow, energy was not that postive anymore, that sharing and family vibe well was somewhere else, on the parking in this case.
a couple of years ago a psytrance party was a psytrance party. now the concepts getting mixed trying to please everyone and at the end do not please none.           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 21:31
So who was it playing at 5am? Let's put a name to the music so others can be aware of what this artist plays when given that timeslot.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2010 10:32
psytrance is in the hospital at the moment it has gone a little nuts and very cukoo the doctors have said that this not its natural condition the surgeons are recommending it should take a break for a while and go on a holiday and try different things ..           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2010 11:01
From the line up I guess it was nasa. But I am not sure. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2010 11:11
it's not realy relevant who was playing, the issue is it was no psytrance, the kind of sound you hear at any regular club/disco. like ruining the trip of many people. anyway I just will stay away from parties of this kind, and If I want to hear good techno i will go to Techno party where you have some real quality in techno sound and not those wanabe techno artists playing at psytrance parties as they anyway would not get bookings in big Techno events.           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2010 14:00

On 2010-06-22 11:11, Adigroovy wrote:
it's not realy relevant who was playing, the issue is it was no psytrance, the kind of sound you hear at any regular club/disco. like ruining the trip of many people. anyway I just will stay away from parties of this kind, and If I want to hear good techno i will go to Techno party where you have some real quality in techno sound and not those wanabe techno artists playing at psytrance parties as they anyway would not get bookings in big Techno events.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2010 14:27
A friend of mine who dj's a lot, told me that the party where True Psychedelic sound comes back, are sometimes in Italy otherwise you need to go to the east of Europe....

Most of the Swiss partys actually are full of proggy, electro clamsy tech or are full power dark... or copy paste full on cheesy
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Jun 22, 2010 14:41
I enjoy all kind of psyctrance, from hell darkpsy to heaven proggy.. but i agree when it gets too much minimal/electro it totally looses its vibe..            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
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