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Where is it all going to?...

kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
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Posted : Aug 10, 2010 17:28:04
Here I go, first off I would love to read from all of you, isra members that usually come here and click on some words of wisdom. What is your perspective, thoughts, ideas or whatever comes to your mind when you read the news paper and see another disgorged head thrown in a club, or when, walking in a big avenue in your city, you actually hear the gunshots and see the big trucks shooting at cops and back and forth?. It now became a daily thing that scares the fuck off me. Shootings, killings, chasing killa road shows, when kids get out of school, somehow it is so part of us now, we see it everyday, we read it everyday, we heard it everyday...
WE DON´T FEEL IT ANYMORE, it is not our problem some may say blaming it on the Goverment...
Where is it all going to?

Here is me writing:

It is against our constitution (Art.-129)
That our President Felipe Calderon Hinojosa better known as FECAL, would declare a open war againts everyone (they say is against organized crime gangs and the drug cartels) but we mexicans that live in the coutry know that is againts everyone of us, because one reason only, he never asked us to be prepared for war, he movilized all armed forces with out the senate allowance and with no previous was declaration. We have more deaths than USA have on Irak, and on a daily basis we have more killings that in any other coutry with civil war ever known.
If we wait for him to cancel on us the garantees as individuals (Art - 29) and allow more power to the arm forces, dudes we´re fucked! we will be even more...
This is serious, if the president doesn´t respect the Constitutional Laws, who will?

Read the numbers:

1,000+ Agentes policiacos, militares, jueces, abogados y gobernantes.[2] [3]

* 59 Periodistas.[4]
* 2073 Policías Federales.[5]

10,000 + 121,199 detenidos.[6] [2]

23,825 Muertes en total (dic./2006-agosto/2010).

+ de 28,000 en 963 enfrentamientos (CISEN)[7]
486 Muertes en dic. 2006.
2,477 Muertes en 2007.[8]
6,290 Muertes en 2008.[9] [3]
7,724 Muertes en 2009.[10]
6,848 Muertes en 2010.[11

In a perfect world this would be over exagerated, maybe inside a dark trancer acid experience head, but no! this is happenings in our lives, in our country, and WE are letting it happen.

2012 is the time for all of us to come as one, a civilized, educated, supportive society and our mission is not to commit harakiri and let Peña Nieto be our president, we showed in 2000 that we can change things, we were not told to think about those changes though, we just wanted to change 70+ years of ¨Pri-sidencialismo¨ and we did it, even Sebastian Pando who were behind Fox´s publicity recognices it.

Food for thought, not fun at all...

kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Aug 11, 2010 07:26
I wrote was but not WAR as intended, hope you got it right.


It is against our constitution (Art.-129)
That our President Felipe Calderon Hinojosa better known as FECAL, would declare a open war againts everyone (they say is against organized crime gangs and the drug cartels) but we mexicans that live in the coutry know that is againts everyone of us, because one reason only, he never asked us to be prepared for war, he movilized all armed forces with out the senate allowance and with no previous WAR declaration.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 11, 2010 19:00
in lakech..............
im with you kin beat.......
lets make some conciussness....
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 21:49
i agree but why u mention dark trance acid head as something bad?

im a dark trancer acid head and i dont live in this mental realism.
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Aug 13, 2010 02:56

On 2010-08-12 21:49, Serag wrote:
i agree but why u mention dark trance acid head as something bad?

im a dark trancer acid head and i dont live in this mental realism.

Well I m glad, you´re not one of those evil heads that dig that screaming and chainsaws on their tunes, to be honest I never actually thought you were one, however the truth is that 89% of dark heads dig that!.
Violent tunes with lots of screaming and pain in it.
Anyhow that would appeal to them as sacred you know, ohh yeah! killings shootings lovely...
So you would understand now what I did it.
That is not psychedelic at all, you would agree on this...

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 07:13
like chiken distroy...
next time u can refer to dark as satanic or evil,
that i think fit more the concept,
and is not the topic to discuss but dark has nothing to do with evilness, i actually think is kind of romantic.

then if u put acid in the sentence also u are digging in something that is also not true cause it can be interpreted as u are referring to LSD which now i know u dont...

anyway if u ever mention anything about dark LSD and fast music again i will cut ur balls for my collection.
kidding cheers

kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Aug 13, 2010 08:15
acid is quite good actually.
see let´s find what´s in common, not on what we differ...

Anyways have anyone of you seen the news on Nacho Coronel?, that shit its getting tough in Guadalajara...

The Galactic Brain

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Posts :  80
Posted : Aug 14, 2010 19:00
I don't think that we as mexicans can do anything to fix this problems man... this is just part of how things worked and are working in our country... we're just reaping what we sow... you talked about PRI, those days were things were better... you said exactly:

we just wanted to change 70+ years of ¨Pri-sidencialismo¨ and we did it

we did no thing... they made you believe that "we" changed from PRI to PAN when in the background was all set up to be like this... this country is fucked up.. but it's not only the country... is the whole world, and that's why I wrote that we as mexicans cant do anything... but as humans we can do a lot... and for me there are two key things to make planet earth have a true change.. simple things: 1 change the monetary economic system and 2 change the calendar to a 13 moon based one...

this is what comes to my mind..

maybe rigth now as mexicans we can do something.. like not buying drugs that comes from the narco, like coke and some weed... if you buy any cocaine you are putting your 2 cents to have more gore shows in tv and heads rolling in bars...           __________________________________________

.: in lak'ech :.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 16, 2010 14:13
So what would be the next step in order to change the monetary economic system?
i wonder what would happen without money.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 17, 2010 02:28

On 2010-08-16 14:13, Serag wrote:
So what would be the next step in order to change the monetary economic system?
i wonder what would happen without money.

Money doesnt have will, people are the one just fucked up. And after money there is also power, a thing not even material that corrupt human beings.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Aug 18, 2010 12:43
sorry i think i didnt understand,
but my question is how does the world would be without money what are the alternatives?

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  171
Posted : Aug 20, 2010 00:21

On 2010-08-18 12:43, Serag wrote:
my question is how does the world would be without money what are the alternatives?

It WILL be like this: 
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
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Posted : Aug 20, 2010 06:29
A World without a monetary sistem as it is thought on The Venus Project it´s a well desing engineer sistem that would work if we get all the rich dudes to make it happend beforehand, at least one of those cities in México, so that means that we would need people like Jorge Vergara, Carlos Slim and Joaquín Guzmán Loera to believe on it to see it happening.
Or I would love to know how else would you built it? not out of vibes for sure.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Aug 20, 2010 18:31

On 2010-08-20 06:29, kin beat wrote:
A World without a monetary sistem as it is thought on The Venus Project it´s a well desing engineer sistem that would work if we get all the rich dudes to make it happend beforehand, at least one of those cities in México, so that means that we would need people like Jorge Vergara, Carlos Slim and Joaquín Guzmán Loera to believe on it to see it happening.
Or I would love to know how else would you built it? not out of vibes for sure.

Ona serious side something like that wont work because the premise which it is based upon its false "The premise upon which this system is based is that the Earth is abundant with plentiful resource; our practice of rationing resources through monetary methods is irrelevant and counter productive to our survival"

There are at least two resources that will always be scarce: land and time.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Aug 28, 2010 08:09
The worst is about to come...
So far 72 inmigrants were found, who knows how many still hidden...
Now Etílio Gonzalez Marquez said that the granade that explode and mutilate 4 people and hurt other 19 were mere accident...
Really this is surreal as fuck...

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