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where have all the elders gone?

Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 24, 2010 13:34

On 2010-12-24 13:31, the observer wrote:
you dont need to drugs or party , or school for that matter, all of them do help no doubt, but none of them r required. that is also a common grasp when you look, and try to fing in this vastness, you will feel insignificant and small and meaningless, but you must understand you r 1 with all of this, 1 as in scienctific approach, or spiritual , which ever, will lead to the same, its all 1, you and them all, it all. and once you realize that , you will become everything, and become infintly, but that only occurs when the self is compltly dissolved
buddha wasnt initiated, he did it himself at 27 and took him 6 years to self awareness to see something.

Yes we are all star dust.
School, is required, at least science books.
Drugs are definitely required

Peace out.  
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 24, 2010 14:29

On 2010-12-24 13:34, disco hooligans wrote:

Drugs are definitely required

Peace out.

Specially when Xmas & New Year is just round the corner!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Dec 24, 2010 17:04

On 2010-12-24 13:31, the observer wrote:
....but anyway after a certain age the human mind becomes to rigid that it becomes immposible for it to leave it material attatments, so after a certain age not all people can make progress.

You might have that opinion, but it runs contary to empirical evidence/experience, as well as Buddhist doctrine/belief/tradition.

Difficult perhaps, impossible not.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
the observer

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Posted : Dec 24, 2010 19:08
The only person who can reveal the mysteries of this universe, the real reason of you existance, the key to happyness in life and family,etc etc the answer to all your question is . . Yourself.
only you hold the key, you dont need to look anywhere else,may it be religion,books,guru's, etc etc , even tho some of it might help you understand the workings, and give you perspective on their various approaches towards liberation or nirvana, or whatever you want to call it. some books, certain individuals have explored and probed this fabrique in detail, and have tried to explain their experiences in words ( words cant explain the complete reality,but they try,which is fantastic on their part. but the number of people who have the depth of perception to state with clarity the real workings within the being and the various energies at work are very very few,so not all this material is relaible,but we can still get some picture.
in the end only the individual himself through self exploration and self awareness with absolute dedication can reveal to himself the true workings within himself, you dont need to be a hermit or a sadhu or live in a cave for years,even tho solitude helps,cause of quiet surroundings, but one does not have to do this, one can start by simply observing the workings within him/her self,for example why are their sudden bursts of anger, fears,and try and probe the root cause of its rising,he can observe himself as he goes about his daily everyday life, work, and slowy he starts to get a picture about the workings inside him,ofcourse to get the Answers to all your will have to ask the right questions, and then once he has come to terms with this physical reality(his mind, his body,his family,kids,society,people,matter etc) he becomes calm and silent inside and becomes very comfortable with himself. and that state will invoke a realisation where he becomes aware of his surroundings, and if he gathers his awareness and projects it towards other people with compassion,with love( for example: when you look at your mother, you look at her with love, you say" ow she's my maa" and you have love in your eyes, can you look at everyone,everything with the same love eyes?!! . if everything in the universe is made up of the same thing, and all is one, then why cant you look at everything with the same love eyes? that is true compassion, and that is what is required , i dont talk of supernatural or magical things, because then your minds will take it as it has been taught/ lets talk in simple words of love and compassion, and if a collective of beings who are projecting this warm glow of compassion spread it to people around them and this collective ripples or speards is more wave by wave, that will be one place where everyone smiles and the place we all call our "scene", or the home, family, at work,job, everywhere.But all this can only occur when each one of us, will make an effort inside himself, because only he can, no body else can Awaken him, only he can. rise my brothers,my sisters, by beings, rise, wake , let the elders guide the young ones, let the divine energies guide the elders, let the truth be now.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  93
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Posted : Dec 24, 2010 19:21
fuck, man. PARAGRAPHS
otherwiseitallsoundslikeabunchofpsychobabblebullshitbecausethereisnospacebetweenthoughtsandigetallfrustratedandimsurethatpeoplewouldactuallyreadyourshitmoreindepth           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 24, 2010 19:29

On 2010-12-24 19:21, willsanquil wrote:
fuck, man. PARAGRAPHS

stfu man this whole discusiion is one of the best i read here in the forum and what ever observer wrote makes sense to me.i read your posts earlier and they filled with kiddish bullshit trying to act all mature so shut the F**k up.

Amazing posts and videos here
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Dec 24, 2010 21:15
The hippie get angry.. Good entertainment 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 24, 2010 23:41
Hey all I'm saying is that if you want to express something that's more complex then 'stfu' and you intend for other people to read should format it in a way so that it is coherent.

Didn't mean to demean the self help stuff observer was posting, that was not the intent of the playful post!            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
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Posted : Dec 25, 2010 05:16

On 2010-12-24 21:15, Beat Agency wrote:
The hippie get angry.. Good entertainment

Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 25, 2010 06:46
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 26, 2010 21:46
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  559
Posted : Jan 3, 2011 08:26

On 2010-12-24 19:08, the observer wrote:
The only person who can reveal the mysteries of this universe, the real reason of you existance, the key to happyness in life and family,etc etc the answer to all your question is . . Yourself.
only you hold the key, you dont need to look anywhere else,may it be religion,books,guru's, etc etc , even tho some of it might help you understand the workings, and give you perspective on their various approaches towards liberation or nirvana, or whatever you want to call it. some books, certain individuals have explored and probed this fabrique in detail, and have tried to explain their experiences in words ( words cant explain the complete reality,but they try,which is fantastic on their part. but the number of people who have the depth of perception to state with clarity the real workings within the being and the various energies at work are very very few,so not all this material is relaible,but we can still get some picture.
in the end only the individual himself through self exploration and self awareness with absolute dedication can reveal to himself the true workings within himself, you dont need to be a hermit or a sadhu or live in a cave for years,even tho solitude helps,cause of quiet surroundings, but one does not have to do this, one can start by simply observing the workings within him/her self,for example why are their sudden bursts of anger, fears,and try and probe the root cause of its rising,he can observe himself as he goes about his daily everyday life, work, and slowy he starts to get a picture about the workings inside him,ofcourse to get the Answers to all your will have to ask the right questions, and then once he has come to terms with this physical reality(his mind, his body,his family,kids,society,people,matter etc) he becomes calm and silent inside and becomes very comfortable with himself. and that state will invoke a realisation where he becomes aware of his surroundings, and if he gathers his awareness and projects it towards other people with compassion,with love( for example: when you look at your mother, you look at her with love, you say" ow she's my maa" and you have love in your eyes, can you look at everyone,everything with the same love eyes?!! . if everything in the universe is made up of the same thing, and all is one, then why cant you look at everything with the same love eyes? that is true compassion, and that is what is required , i dont talk of supernatural or magical things, because then your minds will take it as it has been taught/ lets talk in simple words of love and compassion, and if a collective of beings who are projecting this warm glow of compassion spread it to people around them and this collective ripples or speards is more wave by wave, that will be one place where everyone smiles and the place we all call our "scene", or the home, family, at work,job, everywhere.But all this can only occur when each one of us, will make an effort inside himself, because only he can, no body else can Awaken him, only he can. rise my brothers,my sisters, by beings, rise, wake , let the elders guide the young ones, let the divine energies guide the elders, let the truth be now.

if the newers get great and shine, elders will gratz them...

work & dedication is required..

all this talkin of life and happiness and true meaning... "why am i alive".... blahblah..

it just led me to one opinion... life is dull.. wheter ur alive or dead... world keeps spining... so the rest... ur feelings, ur happinesses, ur sorrows, ur bad/good things(cuz all spins around good/bad), ur achievements... all are made by u.. like observer sayd.......

so...... only yourself creates the reactions to all there is in the world....

and yeah, i believe in mistical energies, i just havent thought abt them a lot yet lol

hail life and its wonders
          I want a spare brain.... or 2.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  559
Posted : Jan 3, 2011 08:38

On 2010-12-24 13:09, disco hooligans wrote:
rediscovering your self through music...

i havent read this sentence in a while....

god the pieces are fitting ahah

humans is a biological misscalculation, thats what i believe.           I want a spare brain.... or 2.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Jan 4, 2011 15:50
.. most of them are drinking onionsoup with flavour.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jan 4, 2011 16:21
for example: when you look at your mother, you look at her with love, you say" ow she's my maa" and you have love in your eyes, can you look at everyone,everything with the same love eyes?!! . if everything in the universe is made up of the same thing, and all is one, then why cant you look at everything with the same love eyes? that is true compassion, and that is what is required ,

hm, strange. to me it is exactly the opposite of a virtue. but it will be just one more case when i definitely realize how different people in an international forum can be and that everyone is right for himself.

i would never look at a person with the same eyes like i look at my mother. and if i do, i would see this as disrespect rather than a virtue. i just have only one mother on earth and nobody else can be like her. similarly the elders i would listen to, would probably have a lot of similarities to her qualities and virtues, otherwise i would not listen to them. the authority of a mother gives you the light you look for. but of course there are thousands of different theories of psychology and parents.

i would never listen to any elders in the scene, just because they are older. this is absolutely impossible. why should i, if i have no respect for what they have done and do. sometimes they are absolute losers even. if someone who is 15 years older than me, comes to me and tells me, that i am shame for the scene for whatever reasons, and no arguments can persuade him the opposite, then it is absolutely logical that i will not threat him as an elder but rather tell him to find the youngers who will fi ti hom better and leave my way for ever. and if he falls on the street because he is old, would i help him get up and walk further? just because he is olderand i am now stronger than him? he did not help me grow either. so what compassion, why do i need compassion. i need to focus attention on the right people.
compassion for the whole world is a theory i never truely liked. althoug it can be a great exercize for a broken heart syndrom.
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