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where have all the elders gone?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 20, 2010 18:54
thats the Truth right there
very informative nice video man, fukin knowledge
bum shivam mahadev

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Posted : Dec 20, 2010 23:19

On 2010-12-19 23:04, Colin OOOD wrote:
Budda Sparxxx?

How come people always flip and think they're Jesus? Why not Buddha? Particularly in America, where more people resemble Buddha than Jesus. 'Ah'm BUDDHA!' 'You're Bubba!' 'Ah'm Buddha now..All I gotta do is change 3 letters on ma belt...'

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2010 10:01
man, ya'll sure do talk alot.
the party scene isn't something one can do forever and feel good about it.
music is. when you stop droppin L on a weekly basis and get a job, you realize why the older crowd aren't as visible at parties: cause drugged up 20somethings are freaking annoying.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2010 12:46
first of all, great movie yuli! im gonna spread this one.. imo, as many people as possible should get exposed to this idea, it really represents how i feel about this duality and i do belive like her that it can be combined, all depends on the dosage

to dreadieg - im calling bullshit here... for one, i've been going to parties for over 12 years obviously in different phases in my life, of course the personal preference (music/crowd/type of party) changes - for example i used to go to any party that was on a couple of years ago, but today only go to the smaller parties with the exception of festivals.

secondly, you dont have to take acid to enjoy a party, if you got a job and you cant recoop after dropping acid, simply dont.

i can tell you that while attending parties for that long, i have been spordically licking my hand/biting a small paper square for the past 6 months, and while it did enhance the experience, its not something i HAD to do ever since i did it for the first time to enjoy a party, and i dont do it in every party i go to.

on the parties i did do it, i had no problems working the day after... its all about how you handle it
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 21, 2010 20:23

On 2010-12-18 23:12, the observer wrote:
the truth is,la la land does exist, you have been there,and stood in the middle of constant postive energy exchange, now you cannot sustain this exchange of energy within normal land,or normal sociatal structure because? dont say because we are humans.its because you are not connected to your inner source, not because they(the human race)are must touch as many people in daily life as possible and bring them in contact with this positive energy source that all of us can get connected to.
"That's our biggest challenge- to try and make things whole again, and we will never succeed. It is a separation that is inherent to our existence. But striving there makes things better for sure." - to make it whole, it is whole already. our perception puts veils over our eyes,creating illusion within the mind,leading to this,seperation,duality,confusion, is scientifically proven,everything in this universe is made of of the same thing(atoms,protons,quartz,the small small bits),its all same, all one, no seperation, no duality.
be the change you want to be,i mean all this in no disrespect,but in rather observation,what i mean is, nothing and everything,please be. .

nice post
Mike A

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Posted : Dec 21, 2010 22:21

On 2010-12-17 15:10, Maine Coon wrote:
Funny how rants about youngsters have not changed in the last 2-3 thousands of years.

I've been in this forum since 1999, so I was in the transition from a youngster to an adult (not elderly yet).
Funny thing indeed.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 22, 2010 03:39
On 2010-12-18 00:40, willsanquil wrote:


So you can call people not psychedelic, but when I counter with 'well some people ARE psychedelic' that is somehow suspect?

well i actually even agree with you about it. i have seen brilliant bright young minds at the age of 18 also. and i have seen elders who were not psychedelic at all tooo.
what made it suspect, was the fuck off for a purely sujective opinion that i gave but i am glad that you realize my words were nothing more than purely subjective. derived from purely subjective experience of mine. i used to have contact with lots of youngsers from the scene but most of them are gone in two years out to the mainstream or they just take a path that i dont support.


You said this: " i tell you, the youth of today has no psychedelic values" - In order to make that statement truthfully you would have to know all of the youth of today. You do not. It is a purely subjective opinion based on your personal observations, just like mine. All I was saying is that while you seem to have had one experience, I have had the complete opposite in that I have met many youthful people who are very into psychedelic principles and are hungry for good psytrance and not because they like to do meth and perform satanic rituals or any such nonsense...but because they believe in the community surrounding the scene, they enjoy the music and it takes them places. What more could you ask for??

indeed i dont know all of them. i guess this is why i am here, so that i could see that i was wrong:).
what i ask for? i ask for more respect to the values of the psychedelic elders. you see, i was also almost a child as i was introduced to trance. this is why i remember the beginning of trance and i am thirty now. but the elders have told me a lot of wise things through the years and i am thankful that i listened to these things. learning from history could help us prevent a lot of failures.


Bitchfest indeed - there is no point, no goal and no worth to statements such as "the youth of today has no psychedelic values" in my opinion.

Also, trance is not solely about 'happy communities dancing' because trance is so big that attempting to describe it succinctly with a couple of phrases is an exercise in blind futility. What I meant by that was that one can strive to be an example in their community (be it in physical reality or online) by fostering a positive attitude and working to better the 'scene,' not endlessly going over why it was so much better back in the day and how it sucks now. Don't like it? Change it. Bitching does absolutely nothing.

well this is exactly the reason why i am saying all these things. personally i am trying to do my part togive an example for the values i wanna transfer and respect. the strange thing is that most people who have interest in what i do, both online and at events,are over 40. and i have the opportunity to get some feedback and consider it by doing things for people online. why is that, why do those people like professors and so on suddenly have so much interest in these things i am trying to present and the youth does not. my personal subjective opinion is based on the feedback that i get. the youngsters do not care so much about themes that i find psychedelic. they have other values. and i am aware that not all of them are like that, but it is my impression.

about the bitchfests, no i actually spoke about a very old pagan tradition of witches and wise women. indeed a bit ironic indeed. but it is tradition that witches passed to their apprentices for hundreds of years. i somehow feel like the youngsters of nowadays believe they could do it without roots and respect for those with more experience. and civilisation and progress actually mean that young ppl do not need to fall on the stones where the elders already did...

well ok, i personally know where the elders are gone because i have mostly contact to such people. much older and wiser. and i know i would not find them at parties. vice versa the bright young minds of today will not see the party as a family either and will look for wisdom otherwise. yes this used to be different on those days and i am doing what i can to make it happen again and again and to make this interraction of knowledge possible online and offline. you would not believe how hard this is. almost impossible.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 22, 2010 06:36
goaren: oh, no disagreement here. i go to parties now and then, have some fun etcetc, but it may be that in my area (north carolina usa) there are only a handful of people that are truly psytrance folks, and the majority of people that come out to parties are drugged up rave kids....
kinda gets me down

i simply can't go out cause i work doubles every friday and saturday
food service isn't a very weekend free thing to do

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 22, 2010 10:12
nice discussion. thanks.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 23, 2010 01:15
sry, misspost          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Dec 23, 2010 10:53
Buddha's last words :
or in English:
"Remember that you are the buddha"

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Dec 23, 2010 16:59

On 2010-12-15 13:40:29, the observer wrote:
where are all the elders? dont they care?how will the knowledge be passed on? why dont they help? why is it they dont nurture the new? if they dont wake, how are we to grow so rapidly without guidance? do they even watch? do they care about the ones who walk on their footsteps, on their walked paths? why are they so invisible?why dont they help,guide,through wisdon and experience, knowledge? where are the beautyfull witches that charm the being colourfull? where are the old men who stand still in the middle of a sonic blizzard with a blissfull smile? why dont they wake, their time is close, wake wake wake . . .

How old are you Observer?
If you are over 30, do you remember when you were young and someone came up to you and had a go at passing their knowledge to you?
I listenend, yet diseregarded their views. Yes there was a fair share of long after party conversations, tripping our balls off. Some of it was good, but there was a lot of people that were just talking rubbish, which is understandable, after all, they were tripping their balls off!

What is there to pass on? If some elder dude, says Goa Gill, Infected Mushroom, Astrix, Skazi is shite, all the youngsters will jump off their knickers and eat him/her, alive.

And age does not make one wise. I've met a lot of elders who thrived on MFG and Nitzhonot. If you ask me it is not a message from God to pass on to the young ones, but other will say youngsters are lost because they don't listen to enough old school trance from the likes of AP, IM, MFG...etc.

Most of the "elders" don't even listen to tracne music anymore, some don't do drugs anymore, defo not acid and can you blame someone who has a baby at home and will not allow him/her self to get in such a vulnerable state, when they have the responsibility of taking care of a family?

What is happening is life in its simplest form. Ask the youngsters that are in love with 160+BPM darkpsy, and they will tell you the music has never been this good.
Who are we to question their motives and passion?

Live and let live, I say.

Peace out.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 23, 2010 17:08
Thank God there's House music! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 23, 2010 22:16
They're back to where they belong!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 23, 2010 23:37
and where do they belong?
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