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where have all the elders gone?

the observer

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 23:12
the truth is,la la land does exist, you have been there,and stood in the middle of constant postive energy exchange, now you cannot sustain this exchange of energy within normal land,or normal sociatal structure because? dont say because we are humans.its because you are not connected to your inner source, not because they(the human race)are must touch as many people in daily life as possible and bring them in contact with this positive energy source that all of us can get connected to.
"That's our biggest challenge- to try and make things whole again, and we will never succeed. It is a separation that is inherent to our existence. But striving there makes things better for sure." - to make it whole, it is whole already. our perception puts veils over our eyes,creating illusion within the mind,leading to this,seperation,duality,confusion, is scientifically proven,everything in this universe is made of of the same thing(atoms,protons,quartz,the small small bits),its all same, all one, no seperation, no duality.
be the change you want to be,i mean all this in no disrespect,but in rather observation,what i mean is, nothing and everything,please be. .
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 19, 2010 00:47
I guess it all depends what you consider "la la land."

I remember hearing about a Huichol (a tribe from Mexico) initiation rite where they blindfold the eyes of adolescents at night and give them peyote. The adolescents trip all night with their eyes covered and in the morning they take the blindfold off and tell them "thats the real world". So la la land maybe to them is the outside world.. you know?
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 19, 2010 08:23

On 2010-12-18 23:12, the observer wrote:
the truth is,la la land does exist, you have been there,and stood in the middle of constant postive energy exchange, now you cannot sustain this exchange of energy within normal land,or normal sociatal structure because? dont say because we are humans.its because you are not connected to your inner source, not because they(the human race)are must touch as many people in daily life as possible and bring them in contact with this positive energy source that all of us can get connected to.
"That's our biggest challenge- to try and make things whole again, and we will never succeed. It is a separation that is inherent to our existence. But striving there makes things better for sure." - to make it whole, it is whole already. our perception puts veils over our eyes,creating illusion within the mind,leading to this,seperation,duality,confusion, is scientifically proven,everything in this universe is made of of the same thing(atoms,protons,quartz,the small small bits),its all same, all one, no seperation, no duality.
be the change you want to be,i mean all this in no disrespect,but in rather observation,what i mean is, nothing and everything,please be. .

Talk doesn't cook rice, as the Chines say. I'm yet to meet the person who can live in this world (family, work, food, cleaning, communicating with ppl and government, etc. etc.) and feel that oneness/wholeness every second of his life. Even once a day. And I'm totally ok with this. It's life, it's beautiful.

As I said, there are very few Bodhisattvas in the world and you wouldn't want to be married to one. And I don't want to be one. It's not, well... human.

But good luck my friend.

"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 19, 2010 08:24

On 2010-12-19 00:47, Aluxe wrote:
I guess it all depends what you consider "la la land."

I remember hearing about a Huichol (a tribe from Mexico) initiation rite where they blindfold the eyes of adolescents at night and give them peyote. The adolescents trip all night with their eyes covered and in the morning they take the blindfold off and tell them "thats the real world". So la la land maybe to them is the outside world.. you know?

That's semantics. The separating line is still there, and the shaman will be the first to tell you that.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

the observer

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  44
Posted : Dec 19, 2010 09:08
"And I'm totally ok with this." - sounds like you are at ease and content with it,maybe, or maybe it can be sloth and ignorance on ur part not to try harder,i agree family and job and all r important, but the higher purpose of existance cannot be swept aside, there is a higher purpose for your existance.why r you content with contact maybe once a day, why not every moment?and to live in this world, with family,friends,work,society,this chaos, to stay in this chaos, and be completly unaffected by it inside is what is required. the remedy can only come from the parts of the being that are already turned towards the Light, to call in the light of the divine conciusness from above, to bring the psychic being to the front and kindle a flame of aspiration which will awaken spiritually the outer mind and set on fire the vital being, is the way out.No one is saying you have to become buddha, just Awake!just one step towards it is not enough,a very real,conciouss effort has to be made,and i speak to the population in general, not any individual,wake wake wake. . .and the elders must show by leading as examples for the younger ones.and maybe some esoteric revelations must also be summoned and caressed to unfold and reveal the true nature of this reality you represent
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 19, 2010 11:52
Well i see it as natural that the youths wants to create something new and exciting, why would they want to do the same old thing(even if thats what we all do), its not about them its about us, what we feel comfortable with! we identify our selfs with the music we grew up with and how it has transformed in our time. It takes some real open mind to accept all the changes that happens.

Now i really think you can find gems in all kinds of music, Hardcore techno, Dubstep, ect, ect to name a few that people might have a hard time getting... Also Like Terrorcore and Speedcore...

But what we see is not really something new, its just the youths ways of making something their own. So it wont feel like its something old that has been done before.(even if it has)

Cause everything is connected, we can rather speak about musical parameters, like tonality, like Consonance and dissonance, its more like someone said about musical preferences than about how old you are...

And if we talk about drugs it wouldnt be strange to like some more mellow dubbed out slow stuff when you have smoked or to listen to some real speedy stuff if you have done speed. or some Finnish tango when you have drank a lot of vodka, or why not Russian folk music.. ect, ect

Still its a interesting topic cause we are in the time when a whole generation is about to die, soon there wont be any more people born 1910 - 1920, but these people dont listen to trance anyway so i dont really see the point of wondering where all the elders have gone at isratrance

i remember when it was a sensation to see 50-60 year olds dancing at a psytrance party, it was like wow they like this stuff too, how great, thats ultra connection.. i bet we would see 80+ dancing to some good solid 138-140 bpm trance... or why not 145bpm
if we invited them (and gave them some nice acid)

Anyway i think its about time that the elders start mingle with the youths and give them some attention, and start showing that we can jive to their stuff and connect with them! Do some Role modeling...

Its a fucking segregation of old people going on in most of the western society´s or maybe we should call it discrimination. We lose vital information that they hold, we lose our identity! and people in general are moving further and further away from each other in the capitalistic industrial western society´s

I bet we all miss sitting around the campfire listening to the elders histories! yeah its like we all know that our lifes is just a waste if we cant share them! and still we keep walking away from the good things about mankind!

And even if i write this here it wont matter, what anyone writes on the internet it wont matter. its not action as we are used to , Action is going out on the streets and getting peoples attention! No i tell you this is just what they want us to do, be passive active internet rebels! Lol we do no harm to these capitalists who like everybody will die alone with a dollar in their mouth! haha

i wonder when a festival will become a village, like someone said, you cant eat the cake and still have it.. Thats exactly what we are doing, we go to festivals pretending to be so free and ecological but we want to have the cake that the City provides, Fast food, coca cola and cheeseburgers, cellphones and computers, cars and plastic-toys, genetically modified vegetables, everything served with the least effort possible.. we want to drain the earth from fossil fule! and we want to risk the wellbeing of the planet earth by taking a huge risk with Nuclear power...

We wont settle for less! haha! but we want to re-live the old days and go back to our roots from time to time... maybe its the evolution of everything! its the way it is and always have been... So why do we complain, why do we all feel we are on the wrong track... i wonder we are so passive and afraid, and as time goes we grow more and more comfortable with life as it is! It would really take for a total destruction to make a change, and really i think its just what we are waiting for! As we dont seem to be capable of solving the problems we create, its that with humans, sweep it under the carpet or burry it in the earth, throw it in the water, if you cant see it, it wont exist!

I could go on for hours in this manic state!

Still life is good and i guess its just to accept everything and try and live as good as possible!
Listen to the same old trance tunes, the same old reggae and smile lol im so cynical it hurts

this is how it goes when you stop seeing people and isolate your self! Its a good trip still, seeing things from another perspective! No drugs beside nicotine and antibiotics! Low amount of food and lots of sorrow in your hearth!

I always seen my self as the overly serious one, it kind of bothers me... i really should isolate my self even more, the mountains seems to be the best place, finding a nice cave with a big view over the mountain tops and the skyline....

haha and now i read the post above and thinks its the answer to my thoughts... Strange isnt it... Still i post this shit..
Fu Hsi
Perfect Stranger

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Posts :  235
Posted : Dec 19, 2010 18:43
La La Land does exist:

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  1477
Posted : Dec 19, 2010 18:47

On 2010-12-18 19:17, shahar wrote:
And Outolintu, thanks for putting my story into 4 pictures. Brilliant! Loved it

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  1477
Posted : Dec 19, 2010 19:12

On 2010-12-19 18:43, Fu Hsi wrote:

nice one!


On 2010-12-19 08:24, shahar wrote:
The separating line is still there, and the shaman will be the first to tell you that.

the line seems to exist between the right and left hemisphere of our brain.
          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Dec 19, 2010 20:56

On 2010-12-18 19:14, shahar wrote:
Very few people can be buddha.

Technically, for the record.

Everyone is buddha, but not everyone seems to realise it. 

2,000,000+ views and counting.

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Dec 19, 2010 22:27

On 2010-12-19 20:56, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2010-12-18 19:14, shahar wrote:
Very few people can be buddha.

Technically, for the record.

Everyone is buddha, but not everyone seems to realise it.

This guy here disagrees:
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Dec 19, 2010 23:04
Budda Sparxxx?           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 20, 2010 05:06
I have always loved this story:

A young man who was struck by Buddha's extraordinary radiance and peaceful presence stopped and asked: My friend, are you a human or are you a God? Buddha replied: I am awake.

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
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Posted : Dec 20, 2010 11:12

On 2010-12-19 18:43, Fu Hsi wrote:
La La Land does exist:

Amazing Yuli, thanks for that. Exactly my view on life, but I never realized it's a right/left thing

TED is awesome, btw, everyone should spend some time there...

"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4138
Posted : Dec 20, 2010 14:51
That's a fantastic video, here is another one that really broadened my horizens.

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