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where have all the elders gone?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2010 20:21
great post by shahar, and i feel like im one of the happy people that have been to la la land, and keep visiting it every once in a while, and i quite happily say that this every once in a while became more and more often in the past few years

so yes combining the real world with lala land isnt easy, but once you find the balance and mix the mindset, ideas and take the positive behaviour, thinking and open mindness that are abundant in lala land - there aint nothing like it

for me it happens in a fair dosage daily, and really explodes in weekends and summer festivals
Solid Snake

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Posted : Dec 17, 2010 21:13
I love you all!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2010 23:47

On 2010-12-17 19:05, willsanquil wrote:
this thread is fail. Full of cynicism and pessimism for no reason (with the notable exception of shahar's post - great stuff ). There is great music being released, there are great parties, there are great people.

No psychedelic youth? Fuck off. You don't know everyone in the world, so don't speak as if you do - it is ignorant. I know plenty of young people (18-20, very new to the scene) who are very psychedelicaly minded, just as I know a lot of older people who are not...and vice versa. This is not a black and white issue, no matter how much you want it to be in order to justify your senseless bitchfests.

The scene is not perfect, but it never was. If you want to be a true 'elder' be a positive joyful force to remind people what trance is about - happy communities dancing!

excuse me, if trance is all about happy communities dancing, why dont we please call it happy communities dancing instead of trance?
also what is a psychedelically minded person? how does a person with 18 prove to be a psychedelically minded person? yeah, indeed, everyone is very "psychedelic" at the age of 18, and it has to do with the first time you see shangri la or whatever you call it, but is is much more difficult to stay like that ten more years, and even more difficult to stay there 20 or 30 years. if you did it, you have a prove that you were a psychedelic mind at the age of 18 too. otherwise, you were just a visitor to the land we were talking about. you come and go. you saw it from the outside.

and, no , oh dont tell me it is true, seriously you revealed the secret i was hiding so long , that i dont know six million people. oh no, i am disclosed and desperately leave isratrance to such great psychedelic minds like you, who cant even fuck off with decency. you need much more psychedelic elegance to fuck off like a psychedelic mind. i prefer senseless bitchfests indeed.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 00:40

On 2010-12-17 23:47, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

excuse me, if trance is all about happy communities dancing, why dont we please call it happy communities dancing instead of trance?
also what is a psychedelically minded person? how does a person with 18 prove to be a psychedelically minded person? yeah, indeed, everyone is very "psychedelic" at the age of 18, and it has to do with the first time you see shangri la or whatever you call it, but is is much more difficult to stay like that ten more years, and even more difficult to stay there 20 or 30 years. if you did it, you have a prove that you were a psychedelic mind at the age of 18 too. otherwise, you were just a visitor to the land we were talking about. you come and go. you saw it from the outside.

and, no , oh dont tell me it is true, seriously you revealed the secret i was hiding so long , that i dont know six million people. oh no, i am disclosed and desperately leave isratrance to such great psychedelic minds like you, who cant even fuck off with decency. you need much more psychedelic elegance to fuck off like a psychedelic mind. i prefer senseless bitchfests indeed.

So you can call people not psychedelic, but when I counter with 'well some people ARE psychedelic' that is somehow suspect?

You said this: " i tell you, the youth of today has no psychedelic values" - In order to make that statement truthfully you would have to know all of the youth of today. You do not. It is a purely subjective opinion based on your personal observations, just like mine. All I was saying is that while you seem to have had one experience, I have had the complete opposite in that I have met many youthful people who are very into psychedelic principles and are hungry for good psytrance and not because they like to do meth and perform satanic rituals or any such nonsense...but because they believe in the community surrounding the scene, they enjoy the music and it takes them places. What more could you ask for??

I have absolutely no clue what your last paragraph is supposed to mean. I in no way consider myself to be a 'great psychedelic mind' I just get upset when I see people make enormous blanket generalizations about something SO HUGE based on their INCREDIBLY TINY slice of our collective reality. Bitchfest indeed - there is no point, no goal and no worth to statements such as "the youth of today has no psychedelic values" in my opinion.

Also, trance is not solely about 'happy communities dancing' because trance is so big that attempting to describe it succinctly with a couple of phrases is an exercise in blind futility. What I meant by that was that one can strive to be an example in their community (be it in physical reality or online) by fostering a positive attitude and working to better the 'scene,' not endlessly going over why it was so much better back in the day and how it sucks now. Don't like it? Change it. Bitching does absolutely nothing.

Sure, I was 18 when I got introduced to psytrance and was lucky enough to be introduced to it via an incredible series of festivals that drastically changed my life - I would definitely refer to that time in my psy-life as "La La Land'. That specific time is gone for me, and if I wanted to follow in the footsteps of lots of others on this forum by saying how great it was then and how shitty it is now, I could do that. But...what would that do for me, or for the people I express these views to? Nothing. I would much rather focus my energy on looking forward to the future as I know what's in the past but I *don't* know what's in the future. That is, unless I make up my mind that the future sucks before it has happened....and you know what? If you do that, you will fulfill your own prophecy. No thanks. I love my community, I love this music, I love this scene and I find it disturbing that so many people who claim to espouse the same views continually attempt to tear it down....for no reason other than...yeah, I don't know either.
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Solid Snake

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 01:11
On a good day I would call you morally noteworthy but today the best word I could find was naive. I for one is not bitching about the "good old days" because I remember those days and franqly they weren't that good either. The fact remains everything is subjective and we are all arguing in endless pointlessness. How's that for reality. Let the trolling begin.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 01:47
I would at least like my pointless arguing to be on the side of the positive and the forward-looking-ness (word? nope...) as opposed to the trolling and the griping

I would be interested to hear why you think my viewpoints are naive

My comments about bitching are not directed at you A, I've seen you bitch about things but that has not been one of them per-se. I enjoy the fast trance nazi-ism the most ^_^ but then again...that's because I agree a lot of the time hehe            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
the observer

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 03:10
la la land,sounds like a fictional place,the smile that you put on in la la land, do u put that smile on in normal land also? and can we maintain that state of smile/mind, in everyday living? where the being is in oneness with everyone/everything else,in harmony? why is there this seperation, a duality u have created?dont say because of society, and social terms,is it because of ur bondage to this society?
and look at them fighting over who is wrong, and who is right,they dont even have grace and calmness of understanding, and knowledge which induces respect, to express themselves,and they speak of elders.but time is close. . rise
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 03:31

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 11:54
agree with almost every word wils wrote here... i see plenty of psychedelic minded youth in parties... hell they even dont make me feel old, and in a way they are way more psychedelic minded than i was at their age - moki, i honestly say that the point of view you described has much more to do with the places you go to than the actual reality.

for example, there are shitloads of parties in israel where very young people and people that are still doing their army service just go to in order to get as drunk wasted and fucked up as they can, usually (and excuse me for generalizing, but this is what ive witnessed) these parties are of the "dark" genre, atleast thats the way it is here...

on the other hand, i see plenty of young people of the ages i just mentioned who are very psychedelically minded, very open and have a different perception of mundane things than the majority of people their age. these people are the ones i have the most fun with and i feel very happy to have such a tribe where there are people older than i am, my age and younger than me who all project these ideas and mindset onto the day to day lives, each one in his own way.

i for one just finished my B.Sc and am working at a software company, but keep going to parties every weekend, festivals every summer (and when the dates are right even in the middle of the year), have a different point of view on things - the same point of view and mindset i had when i was travelling, and i could go on and on on how i am balancing both worlds...

bottom line - its all there and its all manageable, and like in all psychedelic things - YOU decide how the psychedelic aspect of things and the psychedelic life combines with the day to day life the rest of the world is living
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 12:33

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 12:45

observer = xolvexs ?

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 13:01

On 2010-12-18 11:54, goaren wrote:
agree with almost every word wils wrote here... i see plenty of psychedelic minded youth in parties... hell they even dont make me feel old, and in a way they are way more psychedelic minded than i was at their age - moki, i honestly say that the point of view you described has much more to do with the places you go to than the actual reality.

for example, there are shitloads of parties in israel where very young people and people that are still doing their army service just go to in order to get as drunk wasted and fucked up as they can, usually (and excuse me for generalizing, but this is what ive witnessed) these parties are of the "dark" genre, atleast thats the way it is here...

on the other hand, i see plenty of young people of the ages i just mentioned who are very psychedelically minded, very open and have a different perception of mundane things than the majority of people their age. these people are the ones i have the most fun with and i feel very happy to have such a tribe where there are people older than i am, my age and younger than me who all project these ideas and mindset onto the day to day lives, each one in his own way.

i for one just finished my B.Sc and am working at a software company, but keep going to parties every weekend, festivals every summer (and when the dates are right even in the middle of the year), have a different point of view on things - the same point of view and mindset i had when i was travelling, and i could go on and on on how i am balancing both worlds...

bottom line - its all there and its all manageable, and like in all psychedelic things - YOU decide how the psychedelic aspect of things and the psychedelic life combines with the day to day life the rest of the world is living

funny enough its quite the opposite situation here in denmark
the most psychedelically minded people are the ones at the "forest" and "dark" parties
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Dec 18, 2010 19:03

On 2010-12-17 23:47, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i prefer senseless bitchfests indeed.

We know you do. But we don't, so please try to say what you want without the bitchfests, it can actually come out pretty interesting then, and can actually provoke thought and discussions. Thanks in advance for your consideration.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Dec 18, 2010 19:14

On 2010-12-18 03:10, the observer wrote:
la la land,sounds like a fictional place,the smile that you put on in la la land, do u put that smile on in normal land also? and can we maintain that state of smile/mind, in everyday living? where the being is in oneness with everyone/everything else,in harmony? why is there this seperation, a duality u have created?dont say because of society, and social terms,is it because of ur bondage to this society?

Of course it is because of attachment (note, there's a difference between attachment and bondage)to society, to this world. But that is natural, that is human. Very few people can be buddha. Very few people choose to not leave in this world. As I said, there is a price you pay for that. And it's heavy. Most people are not interested in that, weather making this choice consciously or not. But as I said, you can bring things into this world/life/society, even if you choose to stay in it.

As for why this duality, well, that's how we are, that's how the world is. We are broken, we are separated. For but rare moments in our lives, everything outside us will be other, different, not us, not the same. You can find this in every basic creation myth in every cultural mythology, the break between the born human/creature/world and the whole. The break that occurs once things are being born/created, given names and shapes, once they become parts. That's our biggest challenge- to try and make things whole again, and we will never succeed. It is a separation that is inherent to our existence. But striving there makes things better for sure.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Dec 18, 2010 19:17
And Outolintu, thanks for putting my story into 4 pictures. Brilliant! Loved it

"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

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