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Where do you draw the line between what you define as psychedelic or as dark?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 07:32
I see...
You are not denying that your 2/3 track is darkpsy. You just don't wanna be associated with the newer hard-core trend.

I listened recently to some older darkpsy (Parasense) - a lot of it is in a moderate tempo and with not too much tzwik-tzwak-pao-zoom flying around. Just like your track in this sense. Come on, can we please call it "progressive darkpsy"?

Yeah-yeah, I know, tomorrow Ocelot will come here and tell everybody just to call it all psychedelic and be done with it...

P.S. Last week my cat brought home a baby rabbit. He did not harm the poor thing in any way. Just played with it, like with his pet. I tricked him, took the bunny away and released it back behind the garage. I was pretty happy. Tonight I found a baby rabbit (most likely, the same one) and its head - separately - on my porch. Now, that's very sad. And probably "dark" too.
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 08:47

On 2010-04-29 07:32, Maine Coon wrote:
I see...
You are not denying that your 2/3 track is darkpsy. You just don't wanna be associated with the newer hard-core trend.

I listened recently to some older darkpsy (Parasense) - a lot of it is in a moderate tempo and with not too much tzwik-tzwak-pao-zoom flying around. Just like your track in this sense. Come on, can we please call it "progressive darkpsy"?

Yeah-yeah, I know, tomorrow Ocelot will come here and tell everybody just to call it all psychedelic and be done with it...

P.S. Last week my cat brought home a baby rabbit. He did not harm the poor thing in any way. Just played with it, like with his pet. I tricked him, took the bunny away and released it back behind the garage. I was pretty happy. Tonight I found a baby rabbit (most likely, the same one) and its head - separately - on my porch. Now, that's very sad. And probably "dark" too.

No it's not dark, it's life in it's most pure form.

We do what we do day in and out, sometimes we get to play with others, sometimes they play with us, sometimes when things are out of control we get rescued, sometimes not then we all end up the same... dead... and sometimes this is in a brutal fashion, like the rabbit, and sometimes peaceful but in the end it's all the same...

*sigh* sorry off topic... am feeling a bit depressed & reflective today, being unemployed & being told by all the agencies that you are highly employable just sucks.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 13:16
for me good psy music >> comunicative vibes ,euphoria...
good psy dark music >> it s more a personal experience, everyone in his own trip,exploring ...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 16:04
Do you define death metal and other forms of hard metal as psychedelic?

Do you view horror movies as psychedelic?

I dont view it as psychedelic but i think it can change my emotional state at the moment.But that is not the same thing as something i would call psychedelic.

I myself enjoy some act`s that are being called dark since i find them very psychedelic and mesmerizing,for example Atriohm,Phatmatix etc.

For getting psychedelic it needs other feelings,vibes,emotions then feelings like those who we traditionally experience as dark.So if you talk about getting beyond all the "light & dark" , beyond all duality then the track cant only be dark since that is not beyond duality.

It shall be feeling like it is the "thing" (god, life ,soul,existence) talking directly to you and not the visions of a person with anger issues and problems in his life that copies horror movies and put in his fear and hatred in the track and not like a person who does full on and wants to be cool without putting any "soul" to it but just coping other popular acts.

Just because something is "mind bending" or "twisted" etc those not mean that it is psychedelic,there is lot`s of different mindsets one can be in ,psychotic or "fucked up" and psychedelic is not the same thing.

There is lots of psytrance music now,many branches of the same tree that not are psychedelic ,i am not complaining about that i am just accepting the fact. There is some plastic full on which moves further to the direction of mainstream music,there is some so called dark psy that moves into the direction of death metal and the likes of that etc.

But there is also alot of good producers out there doing very psychedelic stuff
Fat Data

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 17:11

On 2010-04-29 07:32, Maine Coon wrote:
I see...
You are not denying that your 2/3 track is darkpsy. You just don't wanna be associated with the newer hard-core trend.

I listened recently to some older darkpsy (Parasense) - a lot of it is in a moderate tempo and with not too much tzwik-tzwak-pao-zoom flying around. Just like your track in this sense. Come on, can we please call it "progressive darkpsy"?

well at least for our music.. yes its darker in the feeling it leaves to the listener.. maybe progressive maybe darkpsy... i find it more psychedelic than progressive or dark.
and its not something totally new style wise we have many influences from x-dream, midimiliz and the aussie psy scene, for me the last 4 years are the most psychedelic sounding than the European psy scene that has been flirting with more clubby ( prog psy ) and hardcore ( dark ) 2 opposites but very popular styles.
i like the music i listen to to be psy makes me feel weird, dancy, experimental, and takes me to a place that has glowing bright fluo colors with weird creatures and amazing plant life...
todays prog psy is all about that morning sunrise feeling.. we go to club parties and from the beggining to the end i listen to morning sunrise festival music..
i like it but in the morning or in the festival at sunrise not all the time.
i need psy music and not club trance with psy elements or hardcore trance with psy noises.


old but extremely psychedelic...
a feeling that is lost lately.. or taken over melodies and speed,
tripping and flowing with the world a track can create in front of you is what i want.. little psytripping 6-7 minutes stories!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 17:49
there is no dark. there is no light. there is no psychedelic... but thinking makes it so.

seriously, they're just labels and the definitions vary upon personal interpretation.

just enjoy what you enjoy, and don't slag what someone else does. it's all just individual taste anyway...

          Are you connected to yourself?
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 17:52
fraggletrollet is psychedeliccccccc... balaboom           No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 18:38

On 2010-04-29 08:47, Buddha Monkey wrote:
am feeling a bit depressed & reflective today, being unemployed & being told by all the agencies that you are highly employable just sucks.

Have been there for a few months already
Now you understand how a dead baby bunny can lead you to a very unhappy place. It's all about where you already are to begin with.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 19:15
Orange, thanks you for a detailed answer. I actually agree (mostly) with what you said. Put too much emphasis on melody - and you'll end up back in Italo/Eurodisco. Get too much into speed/aggression - and you'll end up in Gabber and Schranz. There is nothing wrong with that but it won't be psytrance any more.
Your examples are good too. Although, I could not help thinking about techno tunes I heard in Detroit's Goth clubs, when I listened to the second track. Either I don't hear it right or it actually has some techno-ish character to it.

Anyway, it's very strange to have this psychedelic vs. dark argument about a genre, which revolves around the phrygian scale. Some amount of darkness is just built in there from birth.

Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 03:23

On 2010-04-29 19:15, Maine Coon wrote:
Although, I could not help thinking about techno tunes I heard in Detroit's Goth clubs, when I listened to the second track. Either I don't hear it right or it actually has some techno-ish character to it.

well if a technoish track makes me feel really psychedelic than real psychedelic has taken a wrong turn somewhere...
but i dont feel that the zerotonine track has much techno in it.

the delta and the likes where alot more techish but alot more psy in the same time!

although what i want to say is that it doesnt really mind the influence or remindings its all about the sense of a good psy story in the track..
a psy track for me needs to suck you in its atmosphere todays psytrance is mostly into sucking you in lots of decibels and super filled up mixes with 200 sounds all over the best melody hook or the most weird noises.

less is more and a track with a good sense of atmosphere will make your hook stand out more proper psychedelia needs no formulaic structures.. needs improvisation and a piece of adventure in it 1998-2002 was the best time for psy trance for me, technology evolved and people really used it to make psytrance now its under everybodys fingertips and most are trying to make the best they can but have lost the virginity and passion on being psy, im included.

its hard to reinvent things i know and with todays quantity, quality comes second ( i dont talk about sound quality )

music always made circles and eventually will have its great times again only thing missing in my point of view its passion and creativity.. and this goes to most of todays music.

be the best of your self and not try to be better than the neighbor.
make music for you rest will follow.

Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 04:58

On 2010-04-29 18:38, Maine Coon wrote:

On 2010-04-29 08:47, Buddha Monkey wrote:
am feeling a bit depressed & reflective today, being unemployed & being told by all the agencies that you are highly employable just sucks.

Have been there for a few months already
Now you understand how a dead baby bunny can lead you to a very unhappy place. It's all about where you already are to begin with.

My situation isn't to bad and it is self-induced... after 1.5 years living far from each other I moved back to marry my fiancée, and had to give up my job for it. It is ok being home husband, she is on a pretty ok income which is good for us, but it is more that I feel like I have lost apart of my identity.


Ok so much death, grind, black metal is not so psychedelic but some is... but if you listen to the early metal like Black Sabbath & cohorts from that era it had a very psychedelic & drugged fueled edge to it.

It's all up to the person           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 06:23

Orange wrote:
although what i want to say is that it doesnt really mind the influence or remindings its all about the sense of a good psy story in the track..
a psy track for me needs to suck you in its atmosphere todays psytrance is mostly into sucking you in lots of decibels and super filled up mixes with 200 sounds all over the best melody hook or the most weird noises.

Sure, I completely agree. Tzwik-tzwak is good as long as it fits into the track’s story/atmosphere and complements them. The same goes for speed too. And often it’s not the case. I got a track a few weeks ago from somebody’s Web site (don’t remember where). It had 9 minutes of the same 4/4 kick, the same bbb on exact same nearly infra-sound frequency and the same couple of piu-pao and tzwik-tzwak flying from one ear into another and back. All this was a backdrop for a conversation of two drunken Russian dudes. The site proudly declared that it was darkpsy. While it was, IMHO, neither dark nor psy – it was just childish and stupid.


its hard to reinvent things i know and with todays quantity, quality comes second ( i dont talk about sound quality )

I know you are not talking about technical quality. Otherwise, we would all just stick with Astrix.
I saved “Unstable” by Morphix, even though it doesn’t do much for me (artistically). It’s just a great reference for good sound (technically).


be the best of your self and not try to be better than the neighbor.
make music for you rest will follow.

Actually, as somebody just making the first steps, I have to face these decisions. And that’s exactly what I decided too. The world has enough copycats already. And life is too short to produce fake art.

Anyway, thanks for the detailed response.

Good luck with the remaining 1/3 of that track.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 06:28

My situation isn't to bad and it is self-induced...

Buddha Monkey, hope we both will get out of it soon. Get the "Striha Lita" mix by Alienatix - 2 hours of nice ambient stuff. Helps me quite often.

Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 09:01

On 2010-04-30 06:28, Maine Coon wrote:

My situation isn't to bad and it is self-induced...

Buddha Monkey, hope we both will get out of it soon. Get the "Striha Lita" mix by Alienatix - 2 hours of nice ambient stuff. Helps me quite often.


Thanks mate, yes hope for you to as it is hard on the psyche.

And I miss my own income for spending on music & going out, my wife is happy to pay but it is hard to take the money, thought she insists i am contributing a lot at home...           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 19:00
For me psychedelic is radiant music that I want to dance to all night long and bathe in it's multi textural tones dark psy on the other hand just makes me want to get away from it's ugly noise the sound range, is not there the rythmn doesn't work for me at all, some of that Russian dark psy just sounds like a brick in a spin dryer. sound effects our moods so much there is nothing uplifting about that music at all it just leaves the soul feeling irritated and tired.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Where do you draw the line between what you define as psychedelic or as dark?
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