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Where do you draw the line between what you define as psychedelic or as cheesy?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 16:07:41
Where do you draw the line between what you define as psychedelic or as cheesy?

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 16:37
On the mirror, with bolivian marching powder and a razor blade. 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Fat Data

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 17:23
when heading home after a party night and have pizza taste in my mouth instead of otherwolds in my brain. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 17:35
in my ears - often after a few seconds.
..when it comes to music.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 18:22
This may help
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 18:24
DNA - Sounds Like a Melody

To quote Nancy Reagan: just say No!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 01:14
What's with this recent obsession with drawing lines?

Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 01:25
lack of a decent paint app in isra.... 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 01:38

On 2010-04-30 01:14, kazuku wrote:
What's with this recent obsession with drawing lines?

Its just another way of saying "what don't you like about x"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 02:01

On 2010-04-30 01:14, kazuku wrote:
What's with this recent obsession with drawing lines?

I find it interesting to see which kind of sound structures,vibes,atmospheres etc that makes people place them in different categories.
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 06:22
An in the scene example:

S.U.N Project - "380 Volt" cheesey

Astral Projection - "Visions of Nasca" not cheesey.

In heavy metal:

Gamma Ray is cheesey.

Slayer is not cheesey.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 06:48

On 2010-04-30 06:22, Buddha Monkey wrote:
An in the scene example:

Astral Projection - "Visions of Nasca" not cheesey.

This song is incredible

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 07:53

On 2010-04-30 06:22, Buddha Monkey wrote:
In heavy metal:

Gamma Ray is cheesey.

Slayer is not cheesey.

What about Def Leppard and Bon Jovi - are they just "not that heavy" or would you mark them as cheezy too? I don't think they are cheezy, but many people do - because they are melodic, heard on commercial radio and many girls like them.
What about Scorpions or Europe?

...Just trying to make sure we are on the same page...
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 08:54
Def Leppard & Bon Jovi are more hard rock IMHO, and yes they are cheesey in a way.

I mean, cheesey IMHO is not a bad thing.

We all like some kind of cheese in our lives, it makes us smile, even if we do feel guilty.

I enjoy bad (or as my wife says dad) type jokes, though I never admit this.

Cheesey in metal for me is songs about love, about being being strong and riding out to some imagined battle... DragonForce pretty much take the cake for this.

But I still like it, I enjoy all facets of metal as I do trance.

I have to admit that even though seeing Behemoth (Poland) live blew me away sonically, and getting a high five from Nergal was kind cool, it was damn cheesey seeing them on stage with faces painted, leather armour n' spikes... shouting between songs about the evils of religion and the bible being a book of lies, tearing pages out of it etc. etc. pure cheese, but apart from the fact that my surgery wound was causing me agony, the cheese added so much fun...

please continue hehe           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 08:57
ok cheesey metal:

non-cheesey IMHO:

and yes I prefer the Vader cover here than the Slayer original...           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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