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Where are all of the israeli?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  398
Posted : Jun 26, 2009 19:18:25
Well i know that all israeli people have alot
to say most of the time and still this forum nothing realy
happens. I mean i go inside here at least once a day
hoping to see something new an interesting topic but nothing.
So where are u guys? what are u doing all day?

          Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 26, 2009 22:57
Usually my topics/replays are general so I post them on the Trance/Production sections... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  398
Posted : Jun 28, 2009 00:50
well u are one of the few I do see in this forum
but as you can see from the amount of replies and
how many peaple even read this thread, there isnt much
movement in here....           Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  442
Posted : Jun 28, 2009 11:09
this section became kinda slow lately
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  192
Posted : Jun 28, 2009 19:08
trance ppl arn't communicating each other in this web site as much as they used to in the good old days
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  398
Posted : Jun 29, 2009 01:24
And its a shame cause we have a great community
in our country. So lets go back in time a little bit
and bring this forum alive
          Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  1362
Posted : Jun 29, 2009 23:57
FB?           Always agressive never progressive.
Rattamahata with fluoro-stick

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  342
Posted : Jun 30, 2009 09:03
Blame the Facebook hhh            C20H25N3O
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  398
Posted : Jun 30, 2009 11:18
We can blame the Facebook.
But the Facebook doesnt have what this forum have. Its much more interesting here. Much more information here.
People just wonder around the facebook all day long without actually doing anything or geting any usefull information.
So at some point they have to come here and see that this place is still alive           Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  29
Posted : Jul 7, 2009 02:01
yeah it is a shame, in la the party scene is a lot worse but the online communities for electronic music are better.

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  14
Posted : Jul 17, 2009 15:54
here is a copy of the review i posted of last week's rave on the beaches of Nitzanim [09-07-09] which celebrated the 20 year anniversary of the Forum empire. though what i quote here is from a party review, it is, in fact, also an assessment of the current state of [israeli] psytrance:

"So, can i determine that the absence of any sort of mention of this party on this forum is because what occurred on Thursday night at Nitzanim Beach is not a)of interest to this forum’s good members b)a trance party c)the sort of rave/EDMC [electronic dance music culture] which we/you/i consider ourselves a part of?
Or, could it be all three reasons tied into one are responsible for this oversight or perhaps none of them at all, but rather it is simply a case in which life is moving by at an all too fast pace in order to deal with, let alone catalogue, all of its nonstop events in a single digital alter-world format?

Nonetheless, and whatever the reason, what occurred in front of 15,000 or so fans (and hundreds of advertising banners) on Thursday night under the title "electro rock night" [] was quite an impressive show of arms.

Though this is not the correct context to discuss the Israeli rock part of the evening, it is exactly the right venue to query what isratrance peeps feel about the current state of psytrance as represented (or not) via Infected Mushroom's breathtaking performance at Nitzanim?

And a performance in all its glory it certainly was, as well as proof that with the right kind of monetary assistance, promotion, attitude and a bit of LA-La land energy, the sky's the limit.

Ok, Infected no longer play (what we once considered) psytrance, a music style that is in fact today an anachronism and relatively non- existent format save in the odd retro set here and there. Yes, IM are commercialized no doubt, but it appears that that no longer matters or perhaps is a term which should be redefined to include a number of previously unconsidered meanings. The party's organizers must have aimed to gain maximum audience numbers for their evenings big act since despite the roster of other stars, the party’s marketing scheme was geared toward promoting Infected Mushroom as the events central performance ('get infected', a logo with someone looking suspiciously like Amit from IM playing a guitar - a nod, no doubt, to the fusioned electro-rock element of the event). But in truth, Infected should have been the last (and not the first) of several trance acts to play since they upstaged all those who (lamely) followed. This list includes the Skazi show, as well as Rami Shapira’s/Chakra's, new group which, like Skazi and IM, included a drummer and a wacked out ego-crazed guitarist playing distorted riffs at way too loud a volume.

And here is where i give it up for Infected since they have come a long way and managed to keep it together [and apparently enjoy a few shwarma's along route [cf. blog #6 in their ‘talk’ section: ].

But hands down, their sound was the cleanest, most intelligent one heard from the celebratory stage at Nitzanim where 3 of the 4 big acts (IM, Skazi, Chakra) used drummers and guitarists, while the 4th group [xdream] rehashed already rehashed remixes and sounded staler than last week's toast as they pretended to 'play' their prerecorded set through their nord lead, effects boxes and their apple laptop...

It was interesting to see how far IM have come since I last saw them in a similar big venue format at the first Sonica in Italy in the summer of 2005 (not to mention in Goa circa the winter of 1997/8). Their sense of professionalism (along with a large investment from their record company and their relocation to LA) was evident in their primed up show which hands down had the best visuals, most interesting musical arrangements, chunkiest beats, the greatest amount of enthusiasm and, frankly, was the most exciting performance of the evening.

Taking the sound to a different level; although they are no longer 'underground' [whatever that means], theirs is nonetheless a formidable achievement.

So what's next? Madonna is coming here in September and Paul Oakenfold will be her opening act. And, apparently, Ester’s entire show is now fully based around EDM. If Infected continue along their current path, they too will likely make a similar crossover into the world of straightforward commercial pop (although it could be argued that they already have; an argument which, taken to its logical conclusion, suggests that, at least in Israel, trance is popular music).
And thus, in sum, if nothing else, Infected have managed to keep their game fresh, even if this freshness has a faint odor of cheese. But who really cares??: both here and abroad, the crowds continue to go gaga for Amit’s drumstick conducting (wood not chicken) and, from city to city, seem to be having a kick ass of a good time. &, in the bottom line, isn’t that what it’s all about??!!
The king is dead; long live the king!!!"

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  29
Posted : Aug 1, 2009 18:40
psylady your post is completely irrelevant and your review is way off.

I was at the party, but only because my girlfriend was going and i had been in greece and hadn't seen her in 3 weeks.

Infected mushroom was god-awful, the first 20 minutes of their set i felt like i was listening to some cheesy second rate pseudo-metal band, they were so bad my girlfriend and i decided to go and take a nap on the beach until their set was over. T

The only good thing about their set was when it ended and all the musically challenged bandwagoners who came just to see IM left.

Astrix and Balkan Beatbox and Skazi were the only saving graces of the night.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  123
Posted : Aug 9, 2009 00:42
dunno 'bout the rest of folks, but we're in europe for the summer where the real festivals take place

..even though eagerly waiting for TAZ or otherwise Moksha at the end of september =)
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Where are all of the israeli?
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