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when you make dark trance fast, its not dark anymore

Inactive User

Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 23:45
Yo handicap!

Hero #1

Offtopic posts:  6
Posted: Mar 4, 2010
No time to watch this, but yore mamma sure liked sucking on mine haha.

ps : YOu asked for this, I was merely responding to the old school yogi know it all holier than thou ocelot.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 4, 2010 23:57
WTF?! It looks like this forum is for kindergarten
children.... when did you stopped talking music and
started cursing each other moms?           Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 5, 2010 00:01
emm, now. unfortunately
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 00:07

On 2010-03-04 16:00, ocelot wrote:

On 2010-03-04 15:16, Elad wrote:

your frustration about not making psytrance your job is quite funny , you try to sell very un-needed product my friend its time to realize that (and yes i like your music but i think the same for ANY psy music its just not commerce that the supply is rare and that the demand is high)

btw LOLZ -

and that hole dark = mosquito theory is rubbish , listen to some FAT dark aka Entropy , Hefty output , Pondscum etc.

im shocked at your (i hope not deliberate) misinterpretation of my post

dark trance is dark trance. its good for a night set for example on an open air party.

Elad my friend, im not talking about the heavy slow stuff, which i commend you may note.
im ripping on this trendy fast shit.

come on.

you think im trying to sell an un-needed product? hmmm
you should know better than to say such things. perhaps the people who like my music would disagree with you...

but please- i dont want to stop you if you feel like suddenly stabbing your friend in the back by all means show your true colours.

i'll say it again and in less pc terms

fast psy (dark or fullon or whatever)
is GAY (and i dont mean homosexual. i mean it in the grade-school derogatory sense of the word)
a disco beat (which is what a trance beat is if you think about it) at high bpms is GAY.

and its just a coverup for the fact that most of that music and the people making it put zero care into the MUSIC and focus instead on maximum twitch and flip potential- freaking the bassline out etc...

well i actualy do some fast darkpsy thats all. did you ever think some really nice people can like it as well doing it too?
yes ME , leo aka kdd , vins electrypnose , even your home label dennis zaikadelic is based the label on that , and obviously.. lolz... yourself!!!! man you did this and now you say you cant hear your own music?? well that must be confusing. i guess anything got its own time. its not good reason to curse people that still like it.

and here you come and call them (and to yourself):
"chipmunks on amphetamines tiptoing through the tulips and trying to be scary...
ninjas with many fast showy moves being decked by a single focused punch to the plexus
tiny little vampires that suck your blood but not very much of it. oh wait thats a mosquito
mosquito trance. oh its so powerful. im so afraid. oh oh!
pussies "

SO THATS OFFENSIVE DUDE!!! and to all the fans too!! they can like whatever they want... what you think you are? some kind of muscial authority? "some kind of special or something?"

i really think that there is almost same amount of producers and fans in the scene..
example: food is needed. everyone on this planet needs it. car is needed. millions and millions of people buying it for alot of money. trance track? how many people care and whiling to buy that?
so yes i think its not much needed product in the world , and sales records proove it. no one would cry cause ocelot or tsabeat didnt made new track.

i dont stab you in the back at all... its you thats shooting your own (and your friends) leg.

stop act like sad politician that whinge about whats wrong everywhere else but himself.. time to be happy.

and yes i make other stuff too and maybe even i think its better in a way but everything got its time and space.. and everyone think "too fast" in different way (130? 140? 150? 160?)
Inactive User

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  772
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 01:19
trance track? how many people care and whiling to buy that?
so yes i think its not much needed product in the world , and sales records proove it. no one would cry cause ocelot or tsabeat didnt made new track.

its you thats shooting your own (and your friends) leg.

stop act like sad politician that whinge about whats wrong everywhere else but himself..

[/quote] No doubt some will cry if ocelot won't make new track, for tsabeat i don't know if anybody will cry..
He shoots yours and other's legs as I see, not his. You can't realize as it seems that beyond his offensive expression there is a need to make things better. The bad thing when adding offensive elements in your words in forums, is that people who initialy can't understand much more than the basics of everything around them, when they feel offended they can't understand almost anything of what you say to them..
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 01:34
yes yes its me that doesnt understand anything im sure lol
doing is actually better then talking , specially trash talks.

and as far i can remember 3 times ive seen ocelot live (includ one time i booked him for my party in israel with zaikadelic) he played very fast trance.. very much opposed to what he say here.

and also i have more then 20 tunes that are also under 140 bpm.. its not like "dark" is my own thing and truth is that i quite dislike most of it but still its only taste and no one is better then no one thats it, try to prove that one wrong and you can only sound childish


Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 01:41
i never played above 150bpm except the time i played after highcosmos full moon 2005 then i started at 154 and went down rather rapidly to my comfort zone of 146 or so...

full respect to highko and cosmo. inventors and originators of some kicking fast trance...

no respect to the legions of fanboiz that copy clone and now think they are rebels for copying the pilot works of others.

if you feel offended... well i wont complete that sentence.

its funny. if this were a fight it would be 50 against 3-5 here on the forum...

i'll admit. i said some controversial and even offensive things!
but those who respond with the mob are no better than sheep. followers. ba bah... feel free to attack me en- masse.
i dont feel your courage. i feel your fear.
          check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 01:42

On 2010-03-04 15:54, ocelot wrote:

ummm no i have bookings. that i have.
if you want to be precise you should know that i complained that i am not on 'any of the large festivals' this coming summer.
i.e. ozora boom fullmoon etc...
perhaps i will get on boom chillout and vuuv. im trying still...
but bookings i have. usually too many for the same weekend and some other weekends sit empty...and usually its the dark parties that dont pay much because theres 10 new killer acts that charge 200 euros or something... are you one of those?

I didn't say you weren't getting bookings. I said you weren't getting the bookings you feel you're entitled to.

Yes, actually 200 euros minimum is what I asked for when I was in Europe last year. The reasons why were: 1.) As I was living in Germany, I had a regular job, teaching English, at a kindergarten and through a private agency, thus I didn't need to rely on bookings for income. 2.) I am a relative unknown, and couldn't justify charging high amounts. 3.) I was more interested in traveling, meeting people, and having good times than making an income from psy-trance.

I'm happy to say that I was successful in all my goals. I had some really great times, visited lots of new places, and met lots of people who have since become good friends. I was definitely blessed and very thankful that I've been able to do what I've done. I couldn't have asked for more, really. As it was, I felt the relative meager amount that I was asking for was quickly giving me a money-minded mentality which I didn't really care for personally. It didn't sit well with the original reason I got into this music in the first place... because I love it. I'd be doing it even if everybody else in the world hated the outcome. Plenty of other artists I met told me I was selling myself short, and plenty of artists whom I met who shared similar frustrations with yours also seemed to share a similar mentality with you regarding the states of their careers.

I'm guessing attitudes like that frustrate the hell out of you, and if so, I'm sorry. However I'm not in competition with you or anybody else for bookings etc. so I don't see any reason to stop doing what I've been doing or change my policies since it has made me happy and very fortunate until now and only seems to be looking brighter for me.

The best advice I can humbly offer if you are not happy with the state of things is: 1.) Don't be motivated by money, status or fame to make music. Then, the music becomes its own reward and it may be easier to recognize that anything else that comes your way is what it is: an added bonus, blessing, and reward for your talent and efforts.


2.) Stop making music, at least for a while, and try to find something else to do that brings you satisfaction (even if it means you have to find a regular "normal" job -- to quote Colin OOOD, nobody ever stops paying their dues.) Maybe when you come back to it you may see things in a more refreshing way.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 01:47
I was talking with the promoter of Psycrowdelica a few months ago, and he told me an interesting story. At Psycrow 2009, there was a girl from (i think it was) Malaysia or Indonesia, one of the two... anyway, she was there because her whole family saved up for a whole year just so she could travel to Psycrowdelica and see the acts and hear the music she loves. She was so happy just to be there that she raged it constantly throughout the whole party, having the time of her life. That's a really wonderful thing.

I'm kind of glad that even something we take for granted such as surfing the internet is probably such a big deal for her that she doesn't have the time to come to forums like these and read such sour attitudes from people who don't realize how good they have it and take what they've been given for granted.

I guess the moral of this story could be, "Never fed, ever satisfied -- ever fed, never satisfied."

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 01:52

On 2010-03-05 01:42, Axis Mundi wrote:

On 2010-03-04 15:54, ocelot wrote:

ummm no i have bookings. that i have.
if you want to be precise you should know that i complained that i am not on 'any of the large festivals' this coming summer.
i.e. ozora boom fullmoon etc...
perhaps i will get on boom chillout and vuuv. im trying still...
but bookings i have. usually too many for the same weekend and some other weekends sit empty...and usually its the dark parties that dont pay much because theres 10 new killer acts that charge 200 euros or something... are you one of those?

I didn't say you weren't getting bookings. I said you weren't getting the bookings you feel you're entitled to.

Yes, actually 200 euros minimum is what I asked for when I was in Europe last year. The reasons why were: 1.) As I was living in Germany, I had a regular job, teaching English, at a kindergarten and through a private agency, thus I didn't need to rely on bookings for income. 2.) I am a relative unknown, and couldn't justify charging high amounts. 3.) I was more interested in traveling, meeting people, and having good times than making an income from psy-trance.

I'm happy to say that I was successful in all my goals. I had some really great times, visited lots of new places, and met lots of people who have since become good friends. I was definitely blessed and very thankful that I've been able to do what I've done. I couldn't have asked for more, really. As it was, I felt the relative meager amount that I was asking for was quickly giving me a money-minded mentality which I didn't really care for personally. It didn't sit well with the original reason I got into this music in the first place... because I love it. I'd be doing it even if everybody else in the world hated the outcome. Plenty of other artists I met told me I was selling myself short, and plenty of artists whom I met who shared similar frustrations with yours also seemed to share a similar mentality with you regarding the states of their careers.

I'm guessing attitudes like that frustrate the hell out of you, and if so, I'm sorry. However I'm not in competition with you or anybody else for bookings etc. so I don't see any reason to stop doing what I've been doing or change my policies since it has made me happy and very fortunate until now and only seems to be looking brighter for me.

The best advice I can humbly offer if you are not happy with the state of things is: 1.) Don't be motivated by money, status or fame to make music. Then, the music becomes its own reward and it may be easier to recognize that anything else that comes your way is what it is: an added bonus, blessing, and reward for your talent and efforts.


2.) Stop making music, at least for a while, and try to find something else to do that brings you satisfaction (even if it means you have to find a regular "normal" job -- to quote Colin OOOD, nobody ever stops paying their dues.) Maybe when you come back to it you may see things in a more refreshing way.

now this makes sense to me. i may not wish to be in the same position as you are willing to put yourself in, but i can totally respect what you are saying.

you have music. you know its not well known. you want to give it a shot and get some experiences and so you shall.
go for it. i think its great.

colin ought to know a thing or 2 over the years... i remember his 160bpm experiments in the middle 90's...

and i am speaking publicly in a way that most of my better knowing friends would say is suicidal to my career. idiotic even.
im aware of this. i have to speak my truth and to stand for what i feel is the essence of psychedelic- to challenge the herd mentality and to question authority and status quo and to always push... push push...
if i finally end up dead in a ditch one day from some angry fast-trance fan knifing me in the back, it will have been worth it for the freedom in insist on.
you see- you can hold a gun to my head whatever but i control the muscles in my tongue and my thoughts until my body is dead. no one else owns me. ever. i am free. geniuinely free. i dont give a flying fuck!
or at least- i refuse to allow fear to rule my world...
if i fail at this music and if one day no one really wants to hear my music, then i guess i will go back to tech support and maybe even construction and home repairs. farming.... whatever... the way i see it- i have this life to make something with the talents and gifts i was given as aaron-

at this moment i feel unprecedented support from so many people and i know in my heart what i am representing and all the bullying in the world (and yes its bullying when its 200 attacking one and like 3 defending... uncoordinated by the way. i dont send my friends here with msn links some some people ok to go it alone if need be...) will never ever stop me.

show me your true faces.
i respect your post axis mundi.
          check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  523
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 02:00

On 2010-03-05 01:52, ocelot wrote:

On 2010-03-05 01:42, Axis Mundi wrote:

On 2010-03-04 15:54, ocelot wrote:

ummm no i have bookings. that i have.
if you want to be precise you should know that i complained that i am not on 'any of the large festivals' this coming summer.
i.e. ozora boom fullmoon etc...
perhaps i will get on boom chillout and vuuv. im trying still...
but bookings i have. usually too many for the same weekend and some other weekends sit empty...and usually its the dark parties that dont pay much because theres 10 new killer acts that charge 200 euros or something... are you one of those?

I didn't say you weren't getting bookings. I said you weren't getting the bookings you feel you're entitled to.

Yes, actually 200 euros minimum is what I asked for when I was in Europe last year. The reasons why were: 1.) As I was living in Germany, I had a regular job, teaching English, at a kindergarten and through a private agency, thus I didn't need to rely on bookings for income. 2.) I am a relative unknown, and couldn't justify charging high amounts. 3.) I was more interested in traveling, meeting people, and having good times than making an income from psy-trance.

I'm happy to say that I was successful in all my goals. I had some really great times, visited lots of new places, and met lots of people who have since become good friends. I was definitely blessed and very thankful that I've been able to do what I've done. I couldn't have asked for more, really. As it was, I felt the relative meager amount that I was asking for was quickly giving me a money-minded mentality which I didn't really care for personally. It didn't sit well with the original reason I got into this music in the first place... because I love it. I'd be doing it even if everybody else in the world hated the outcome. Plenty of other artists I met told me I was selling myself short, and plenty of artists whom I met who shared similar frustrations with yours also seemed to share a similar mentality with you regarding the states of their careers.

I'm guessing attitudes like that frustrate the hell out of you, and if so, I'm sorry. However I'm not in competition with you or anybody else for bookings etc. so I don't see any reason to stop doing what I've been doing or change my policies since it has made me happy and very fortunate until now and only seems to be looking brighter for me.

The best advice I can humbly offer if you are not happy with the state of things is: 1.) Don't be motivated by money, status or fame to make music. Then, the music becomes its own reward and it may be easier to recognize that anything else that comes your way is what it is: an added bonus, blessing, and reward for your talent and efforts.


2.) Stop making music, at least for a while, and try to find something else to do that brings you satisfaction (even if it means you have to find a regular "normal" job -- to quote Colin OOOD, nobody ever stops paying their dues.) Maybe when you come back to it you may see things in a more refreshing way.

now this makes sense to me. i may not wish to be in the same position as you are willing to put yourself in, but i can totally respect what you are saying.

you have music. you know its not well known. you want to give it a shot and get some experiences and so you shall.
go for it. i think its great.

colin ought to know a thing or 2 over the years... i remember his 160bpm experiments in the middle 90's...

and i am speaking publicly in a way that most of my better knowing friends would say is suicidal to my career. idiotic even.
im aware of this. i have to speak my truth and to stand for what i feel is the essence of psychedelic- to challenge the herd mentality and to question authority and status quo and to always push... push push...
if i finally end up dead in a ditch one day from some angry fast-trance fan knifing me in the back, it will have been worth it for the freedom in insist on.
you see- you can hold a gun to my head whatever but i control the muscles in my tongue and my thoughts until my body is dead. no one else owns me. ever. i am free. geniuinely free. i dont give a flying fuck!
or at least- i refuse to allow fear to rule my world...
if i fail at this music and if one day no one really wants to hear my music, then i guess i will go back to tech support and maybe even construction and home repairs. farming.... whatever... the way i see it- i have this life to make something with the talents and gifts i was given as aaron-

at this moment i feel unprecedented support from so many people and i know in my heart what i am representing and all the bullying in the world (and yes its bullying when its 200 attacking one and like 3 defending... uncoordinated by the way. i dont send my friends here with msn links some some people ok to go it alone if need be...) will never ever stop me.

show me your true faces.
i respect your post axis mundi.

ok screww all this....... man ocelot ur a chut.... people trying to prove something are also a matter of fact this entire fucking isratrance is gay, what started as a partie source has gone and become some sort of frkn ego booster.... people trying to prve everything to oneanother...... man, plus ocelot and axis mundi, what do you do the whole day just isra ranting and writing essays....... now im no one to say anything, just noticing all the fryness all around... man plug out your computer and go to the woods...... if not go get a life.........

my dad always told me, think before you talk ,,, 10 times

and one more thing........ somebody once said on ,,, cut the cheese, keep it real, actions speak louder than words......

          Sorting scenezzzZ to find the ultimate chill :DD
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 02:01
Well, I respect you, as well, even if I almost never agree with your opinions or the manner in which you state them. We've never met, but we know a lot of the same people. I think it's great that you're unafraid to speak your mind, not only for the obvious, but because I can be unafraid to speak my mind in a conversation with you. (I think that's a good answer to Ascension's comment about how if people knew you personally etc....)

A mutual friend of ours, Tena Moore, told me a funny story about you once, in that house you all used to live in in San Fran, when you had that big scary non-trance-liking roommate who tried to get you to stop making tunes one day, and you totally let him have it, since he should have been comfortable with what obviously went on there in the first place before he moved in. I thought that was great, and funny as hell, that you did that, and I remember that story when I read your posts. It's what keeps me from getting uptight about something you said and what allows me to know you know what you are saying and that you don't take it personally when people are honest about their opinions.

:edit: for being redundant in a sentence.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 02:06
So wait, psyko, you are getting pissed at people because you think everyone's out to prove something, and then in the next sentence you ask us to provide a listing of our daily activities besides posting here? lol.

You may think Isratrance is gay, but from where I'm standing, you're here posting, also, talking shit just like the rest of us, so...

my dad always told me, think before you talk ,,, 10 times

Maybe you should try eating your own words, my friend

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Mar 5, 2010 02:37

On 2010-03-05 02:00, psykomaniac wrote:

On 2010-03-05 01:52, ocelot wrote:

On 2010-03-05 01:42, Axis Mundi wrote:

On 2010-03-04 15:54, ocelot wrote:

ummm no i have bookings. that i have.
if you want to be precise you should know that i complained that i am not on 'any of the large festivals' this coming summer.
i.e. ozora boom fullmoon etc...
perhaps i will get on boom chillout and vuuv. im trying still...
but bookings i have. usually too many for the same weekend and some other weekends sit empty...and usually its the dark parties that dont pay much because theres 10 new killer acts that charge 200 euros or something... are you one of those?

I didn't say you weren't getting bookings. I said you weren't getting the bookings you feel you're entitled to.

Yes, actually 200 euros minimum is what I asked for when I was in Europe last year. The reasons why were: 1.) As I was living in Germany, I had a regular job, teaching English, at a kindergarten and through a private agency, thus I didn't need to rely on bookings for income. 2.) I am a relative unknown, and couldn't justify charging high amounts. 3.) I was more interested in traveling, meeting people, and having good times than making an income from psy-trance.

I'm happy to say that I was successful in all my goals. I had some really great times, visited lots of new places, and met lots of people who have since become good friends. I was definitely blessed and very thankful that I've been able to do what I've done. I couldn't have asked for more, really. As it was, I felt the relative meager amount that I was asking for was quickly giving me a money-minded mentality which I didn't really care for personally. It didn't sit well with the original reason I got into this music in the first place... because I love it. I'd be doing it even if everybody else in the world hated the outcome. Plenty of other artists I met told me I was selling myself short, and plenty of artists whom I met who shared similar frustrations with yours also seemed to share a similar mentality with you regarding the states of their careers.

I'm guessing attitudes like that frustrate the hell out of you, and if so, I'm sorry. However I'm not in competition with you or anybody else for bookings etc. so I don't see any reason to stop doing what I've been doing or change my policies since it has made me happy and very fortunate until now and only seems to be looking brighter for me.

The best advice I can humbly offer if you are not happy with the state of things is: 1.) Don't be motivated by money, status or fame to make music. Then, the music becomes its own reward and it may be easier to recognize that anything else that comes your way is what it is: an added bonus, blessing, and reward for your talent and efforts.


2.) Stop making music, at least for a while, and try to find something else to do that brings you satisfaction (even if it means you have to find a regular "normal" job -- to quote Colin OOOD, nobody ever stops paying their dues.) Maybe when you come back to it you may see things in a more refreshing way.

now this makes sense to me. i may not wish to be in the same position as you are willing to put yourself in, but i can totally respect what you are saying.

you have music. you know its not well known. you want to give it a shot and get some experiences and so you shall.
go for it. i think its great.

colin ought to know a thing or 2 over the years... i remember his 160bpm experiments in the middle 90's...

and i am speaking publicly in a way that most of my better knowing friends would say is suicidal to my career. idiotic even.
im aware of this. i have to speak my truth and to stand for what i feel is the essence of psychedelic- to challenge the herd mentality and to question authority and status quo and to always push... push push...
if i finally end up dead in a ditch one day from some angry fast-trance fan knifing me in the back, it will have been worth it for the freedom in insist on.
you see- you can hold a gun to my head whatever but i control the muscles in my tongue and my thoughts until my body is dead. no one else owns me. ever. i am free. geniuinely free. i dont give a flying fuck!
or at least- i refuse to allow fear to rule my world...
if i fail at this music and if one day no one really wants to hear my music, then i guess i will go back to tech support and maybe even construction and home repairs. farming.... whatever... the way i see it- i have this life to make something with the talents and gifts i was given as aaron-

at this moment i feel unprecedented support from so many people and i know in my heart what i am representing and all the bullying in the world (and yes its bullying when its 200 attacking one and like 3 defending... uncoordinated by the way. i dont send my friends here with msn links some some people ok to go it alone if need be...) will never ever stop me.

show me your true faces.
i respect your post axis mundi.

ok screww all this....... man ocelot ur a chut.... people trying to prove something are also a matter of fact this entire fucking isratrance is gay, what started as a partie source has gone and become some sort of frkn ego booster.... people trying to prve everything to oneanother...... man, plus ocelot and axis mundi, what do you do the whole day just isra ranting and writing essays....... now im no one to say anything, just noticing all the fryness all around... man plug out your computer and go to the woods...... if not go get a life.........

my dad always told me, think before you talk ,,, 10 times

and one more thing........ somebody once said on ,,, cut the cheese, keep it real, actions speak louder than words......


your daddy always told you and you never listened.

i am keeping it rather real homeboy rich kid.
i called you a pussy and you called me a chut. pardon my hindi- bol rahe ho hindi me chut in english? pussy eh? same same
but i dont like your evil clown moniker very much... its ok to disagree... you clearly dont like me either. hows that for real dude
maybe one day you will do something on your own without your daddies cash boy...
oh sorry im digressing... your probably the guy who will do me in the dark alley with the knife. i'll look out for evil clowns. thanks

wait! i regret giving you attention. +1 point for you... my bad          check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
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