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when you make dark trance fast, its not dark anymore

Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 20:56
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 22:12

On 2010-03-04 07:41, ocelot wrote:
i would put an old DEEDRAH track called "signe furax"
up against 99% of this so called 'dark psy' and i would say the deedrah track is scarier, darker, more powerful, more intense, and kicks more ass!

thats right. a DEEDRAH track is more scary than all the cannibalistic psycho head chopper wannabe crap...

sheep who follow trends in the end its just like the commercial guys. in fact it IS the new commercial sound
dark psy for the kiddies when yesterday it was skazi

shutup chutiya, i would say there is some really good music outthere..... u sit and keep on suckin balls to that deedrah track of urs and all bullshit music so called darkkkk...

over and out...

          Sorting scenezzzZ to find the ultimate chill :DD
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 22:29
Ocelot is GAY.

Ocelot likes to come and shit about dark trance here.

Ocelot craves attention.

Ocelot wants to play at big festies.

Ocelot thinks he is cool and high bpm dark trance fans/producers are not.

Ocelot likes to diss at a wide audience and expects a warm hug.

Did I mention Ocelot is GAY ?

Oh, and his music is also gay now as he is full of shite.

Ocelot has left isratrance after a publicity stunt sometime back but not sure why is back here.

Ocelot, you are not booked coz you are a chutiya as rightly said above.

Thats enought ocelot for the whole year.

See you next year , I will start a thread where you can come to get sympathy.

Oh, and in Ocelots words by "GAY" (and i dont mean homosexual. i mean it in the grade-school derogatory sense of the word)


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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 22:32

On 2010-03-04 22:29, Hero #1 wrote:
Ocelot is GAY.

What are you like 13 or something? 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 22:39
I wonder how people would reply if they had actually met aaron or knew more about him....  - Midwest based psytrance group
Hero #1

Offtopic posts:  6
Posted: Mar 4, 2010
TranceVisuals , Do you drink Ocelots pee for breakfast ?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 22:39
^Sorry, who the hell is Ocelot?
Is it the same person who produces music tunez under the alias of oCeLoT?

Some people take shit all too serious and personal, let it be, don't use your energy to get pissed off only to fuel his laughter and sorrow, it's not worth it.

bOm! Shiva

According to a lot of offended and pissed off people, this Ocelot character, which I only know from reading Israposts and Only own two tracks on a couple of compilation, never did bother to check out his music until the day it passes by my ears in smooth synchronicity. *I lieke dos 2 traks I own aLoT

Anyway, seems like this threadpusher of an egochallanger is an EveRlaStiNg cOcKsUcKeR:

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 22:44
he's pretty good at offending a lot of people, but you really shouldn't be offended by what he says  - Midwest based psytrance group
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 22:47
Ocelot thinks if he rants on online forum, people are listening to him and will start worshipping him.

This is the nth time he has come here dissing on dark trance and musical styles.

If he dont like it, dont listen and stay away.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 22:48

^Fair enough, I'll buy that.

Started Topics :  94
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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 22:59
im mostly repeating what thousands of people told me in many countries all over the world. they are tired of being chased away from the dancefloors by these guys on a macho trip with their fast music. im trying to make the point that this supposedly more macho music is actually a joke.
and its a bad wrong direction to take trance and will result in people leaving trance in droves. i see this. i think this.
i appreciate the feedback from those who don't agree.
i do like some controversy and im definately trying to stir shit up. no question.
i tend to think that a forum online on trance does not represent the true crowd of people who fill the large festivals and parties of the world. there are more fans of obscure styles of trance here and more boys than girls.
maybe im wrong but... i dont think so
i don't have any shortage of bookings currently (since about 2005) but i am not currently scheduled on any large festivals in europe this summer. this is an anomaly.

those angered by my comments who actually wish harm to me, well... lets not get into that on a public forum.

thanks for all the lovely diverse opinions on this subject matter.
its definately a polarizing topic.
people love it or hate it. (this recent crop of fast psytrance)
and i hate it
i prefer dnb at 160bpm and up... its got more balls. (noisia. audio. my own neurotransmitterz project... etc...)

oh and if some of the kids are un-aware- im fairly old school. not the OLDEST school but pretty old school... and i was heavily involved in the beginnings of what later turned into todays 'dark psy' so im not some outsider talking out of my ass.... im defending something i love from cretins

thanks!           check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 23:11
the ridiculous, dark and fast music is actually attracting more people to the scene around my parts...  - Midwest based psytrance group
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 23:13
Hey ocelot , why dont you go make music for those thousands or people ??

Spare us your ranting and now image.

YOu dont like fast bpm dark music which for you is unintelligent . Every one has their own tastes , GET THAT. Stop shoving your ideas down everyones throat here , let your music speak for itself.

Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 23:14

On 2010-03-04 22:47, Hero #1 wrote:
Ocelot thinks if he rants on online forum, people are listening to him and will start worshipping him.

This is the nth time he has come here dissing on dark trance and musical styles.


Is this the final statement of what you understood from Ocelot's post? If yes, you're born bitch, if not, you're definately bitching around.
Hero #1

Offtopic posts:  6
Posted: Mar 4, 2010
Dear John Tarasmas, I wasnt born a bitch coz I was having sex with your mother (while listening to Ocelot's highly intelligent music)
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