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when you make dark trance fast, its not dark anymore


Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Mar 6, 2010 16:38
Furious? best living producer bpms have no meaning in his music ......

and ....... ocelot .... you are very unrespectfull ..... and very ungently ... and I think these are two things are very important in innerhuman relationships!

so say what yout think .... but there'S no reason to be rude like these ....

other Question for you OCELOT .... ever heard of Flyh? He makes very slow (130-138) bpm dark psychedelic prog... so if you want more of these shit .... than these !nonsense! music ...(and even there bpm does not count!!! ...) I agree with you

I really love the music demoniac posted!!! but also the 140-150 bpm range (and even there I also love the melodic shit ..... and the psychedelic shit and the technoid style) as long as it's GOOD)... and the prog things as long as they are GOOD ... that's the point ... not the bpm in any way ..... the only thing that's count is the quality ....

have a nice day
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 6, 2010 16:57
There really is no point in arguing about different music styles. I checked all the clips demoniac posted... Man it has nothing to do with the trance I grew up with and the trance I listen to today, besides a 4/4 kick, only at Gabba tempos (in some cases, some clips where not so wild on the BPM).

Comparing psy-trance and dark trance is like comparing apples and bananas, how can anyone say which one is better?

I enjoy the on line bickering when its done in such style, I've had a few laughs reading through this thread. But really, live and let live.

This scene is like a sea with so many different currents going every direction possible.
Other than the attention (positive or negative) and a few possible bookings, Ocelot mate, just let it go.
You've said so your self you've been into this stuff, do you remember how you felt like when you were making it? Would you convince your self other wise if your present self, started pissing over the music your past self, made?
Put your self in ...your old shoes for a second and think about it.
I appreciate your passion but you're really channeling all that energy down the wrong channels. You feel like you need to protect what is important to you, but there is no amount of dark psy that will ever stop you from making the music you like, is there?
Do you make music to get bookings, or do you make music, because you simply can't help it?
So why do you even bother?...unless this is a huge piss take, in that case, carry on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2010 17:28
Myself i like so called "dark psy" when it is psychedelic,powerfull and mysterious but i dont like it when it is focused on evil ,with samples of people screaming in pain and with gore themes and such stuff.For me that has nothing to do with the reason that i listen to this music.For me that is like listening to some metal stuff.That stuff for me is not psychedelic but more like the same stuff like horror movies,some direction in metal music or something similiar.

I like the strong raw force in much night psy but i cant see the connection with something bad just because the music is strong and hard.

I truly hope that there will come more stuff that are psychedelic ,strong and hard,mind exploring,mysterious , and spiritual that has a fat and strong bass and are hard without having downpitched laughters and stuff like that.

More mature, intelligent ,deep ,mysterious ,spiritual night psy that breaks the matrix and connects the listener with source and less back to earth, metal theme,gore and pain,misery,decay and problems,thanks!

I also think that we all should treat each other as nice as possibile and be respectful towards each other.Even if we dont think the same in all questions there is no reason to be rude to one another.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2010 17:38

On 2010-03-06 16:38, Ruffon wrote:
Furious? best living producer bpms have no meaning in his music ......

.. ever heard of Flyh? ..... the only thing that's count is the quality ....

have a nice day

I agree that at one stage it's not Really about the BPM's anymore, it's just a medium to reach a certain type of trance and Furious in my opinion really does make your experience Fly!

Flyh - Be Aware of the Evil Mushrooms I got the album, it's wicked.

You 2 =)
Inner Demon

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Posted : Mar 6, 2010 18:09

On 2010-03-06 17:28, Fometrius wrote:
I like the strong raw force in much night psy but i cant see the connection with something bad just because the music is strong and hard.


And that's why I listen to PENTA

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 7, 2010 12:22

On 2010-03-06 16:38, Ruffon wrote:
Furious? best living producer bpms have no meaning in his music ......

What do you mean "bpms have no meaning"
of course they have meaning. BPM dictates how fast you dance, which dictates how long you can last on the dancefloor and in what manner you dance.

Also, calling Furious the best living producer is a little generous. He's good but he's no simon posford or ben watkins

I think the poster I am replying to indicates the main disagreement I have with dark trance fans: They don't think of the music as dance music, but as flail-around-while-tripping-face-music

I like dancing, and by dancing I don't just mean swaying back and forth with a vacant expression on my face while in a drug-induced haze.

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Posted : Mar 7, 2010 14:51

'dark trance fans' sounds wack man..

i've been to fullon party's where almost everyone had some vacant happy mask on.. while drug induced..

i've been on 180 bpm dance floors where people where truly dancing.. (some not even drug induced) dancing the most interesting of stories.. some together in some kind of modern electronic tango... some alone.. working out personal kinks through dance : )

and ofcourse the other way around...

duh.. bpm's have technical/musical meanings... (and appearantly they influence your dancefloor workout shedule.. )
i think he meant that they don't matter if you slide away your preconceptions and expectations of a certain bpm catagory/genre.. (but again..
i say let's forget about genre's )

and uhmm. . sorry.. but Simon Posford.. funny guy and all,.. but the best producer... there is no such thing..


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  37
Posted : Mar 7, 2010 17:35

On 2010-03-07 12:22, Shiranui wrote:

On 2010-03-06 16:38, Ruffon wrote:
Furious? best living producer bpms have no meaning in his music ......

What do you mean "bpms have no meaning"
of course they have meaning. BPM dictates how fast you dance, which dictates how long you can last on the dancefloor and in what manner you dance.

Also, calling Furious the best living producer is a little generous. He's good but he's no simon posford or ben watkins

I think the poster I am replying to indicates the main disagreement I have with dark trance fans: They don't think of the music as dance music, but as flail-around-while-tripping-face-music

I like dancing, and by dancing I don't just mean swaying back and forth with a vacant expression on my face while in a drug-induced haze.

It's only my opinion that he is the best =)....
and I think they have no meaning cause you wanna get into a psychedelic trance .... and if the track is good you will get into your psychedelic trance whether it'S fast or slow

(to dance it here one tip I read from someone here in the forum who makes fast music) "Don't dance on the 4/4 kick but rather the snare" =) might helps you ^^

I like dancing by dancing too on festivals =) but I can dance fast and slow (I even like the slow morning sometimes a bit more ;P ) ..... you not?

but I also like it to hang out with a vacant expression on my face while in a drug-induced haze (as you sayed so nice )
but I prefer doin that at home ...

different kind of music as you said so they have different needs =)

dancemusic and tripmusic
(really good music has both)

@ psytones

you hit the point!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2010 02:32
you cant simply label fast bpm music shit. There is cheap, talentless music at all bpms, and there is also brilliant music at all bpms

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2010 18:01

On 2010-03-04 07:20:02, ocelot wrote:
chipmunks on amphetamines tiptoing through the tulips and trying to be scary...

ninjas with many fast showy moves being decked by a single focused punch to the plexus

tiny little vampires that suck your blood but not very much of it. oh wait thats a mosquito

mosquito trance. oh its so powerful. im so afraid. oh oh!


Dude, no need to be a dickhead and polarize yourself in the scene. If I was your PR guy I would just quit while I was behind...

Furthermore, this is dance music, it's never been very dark, none of it. If you want dark music seek out other genres... There is alot of VERY dark music out there. I suggest checking some some Sunn O))) or Neurosis - Through Silver In Blood... Shit does not play around, nor does it stray from the subject...

Deedrah is not scary... It's a laugh to listen to that compared to Watain and think about you being scared by it.
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 8, 2010 18:32

On 2010-03-06 01:04, chaitones wrote:

As I re-read your edited text which I wrote about it, I get the sense your not very clever. Seems with the words your writing, you are offending oCeLoT's art more then I ever did or intended to do.


Started Topics :  94
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Posted : Mar 8, 2010 18:33
returning to the point of the title of the thread

1) speed it up and you don't have time for the bass to play its notes
a) especially with lower note basslines aka dark
b) especially with 3 in a row psy basslines
c) no amount of bass plugins or eq will fix a temporal (time based problem) that occurs at quantized absolute values corresponding to the note frequency hence cycle length

= weaker bass than music below that absolute value correspondant to the frequency of the bass note
- its all fine until you cross an exact value of time depending upon the note of the bassline

one would need to go up in pitch of bassline as the bpm goes up or try a new kind of bassline...

basically- each "duk" in "dukka dukka dukka"
hasn't the time to fully express its frequency and so you get weaker bass or you can let it slop all over the place and make your hi-hats sound out of time... up to you.. but i think you get the point.

          check new OCELOT, PROG-A-LOT and more on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2010 18:44

On 2010-03-08 18:33, ocelot wrote:
returning to the point of the title of the thread

1) speed it up and you don't have time for the bass to play its notes
a) especially with lower note basslines aka dark
b) especially with 3 in a row psy basslines
c) no amount of bass plugins or eq will fix a temporal (time based problem) that occurs at quantized absolute values corresponding to the note frequency hence cycle length

= weaker bass than music below that absolute value correspondant to the frequency of the bass note
- its all fine until you cross an exact value of time depending upon the note of the bassline

one would need to go up in pitch of bassline as the bpm goes up or try a new kind of bassline...

basically- each "duk" in "dukka dukka dukka"
hasn't the time to fully express its frequency and so you get weaker bass or you can let it slop all over the place and make your hi-hats sound out of time... up to you.. but i think you get the point.

This actually makes a lot of sense. But then again, dark music doesn't necessarily mean "fat" or "wide", which is what you're really losing when you speed it up.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 8, 2010 18:48
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 8, 2010 18:50

On 2010-03-08 18:33, ocelot wrote:
returning to the point of the title of the thread

1) speed it up and you don't have time for the bass to play its notes
a) especially with lower note basslines aka dark
b) especially with 3 in a row psy basslines
c) no amount of bass plugins or eq will fix a temporal (time based problem) that occurs at quantized absolute values corresponding to the note frequency hence cycle length

= weaker bass than music below that absolute value correspondant to the frequency of the bass note
- its all fine until you cross an exact value of time depending upon the note of the bassline

one would need to go up in pitch of bassline as the bpm goes up or try a new kind of bassline...

basically- each "duk" in "dukka dukka dukka"
hasn't the time to fully express its frequency and so you get weaker bass or you can let it slop all over the place and make your hi-hats sound out of time... up to you.. but i think you get the point.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - when you make dark trance fast, its not dark anymore
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