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When Muses Visited Hesiod , they reveiled him that...

CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 02:40:55
in the beginning, there was the Night The Night gave birth to an egg. When the time was right , the egg opened up and split in two. The first half went high up becoming the Sky and the second half fell down becoming the Earth .From inside the Egg came Eros, the one whose power to connect everything lies within the roots of every life form, mortal and immortal. Cosmos is the living creation surrounding all living creations inside it. .Cosmos is a community inside of which humans, gods and every other living life form connects. Through harmony, the right portions and justice, Cosmos is a community which connects the sky and the earth.

In a Project like that everything is included
Cosmos is whatever you want to be and anything can happen.
no pros no cons
no isms
no nothing
freedom .fantasy , creativity , communication, expression , respect ,Psychedelic and tribal unity

          Helicon Sounds Music
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 16, 2009 07:08
I think it sounds pretentious and wanky to assume that not one "person" in your Utopia would come across the idea of ultimate control and power and destroy the place.

It's called being human           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
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Posted : Aug 7, 2010 20:40
friend first of all this is not what the muses said to Hesiod
lets start from there

Theogonies are cosmogonies , which have as their subject , the report of the development to which the gods were born and rule the world. Such cosmogonies see the world as entirely a creation of one or more gods. The gods have the power to create from scratch.
Information regarding the creation of the world and the birth of the gods found in just a few poets of antiquity. The first references are attiruted to Homer , mostly fragmented and scattered, but enough to form an adequate picture of the gods and get a first impression on the world's creation.
The ancient Greeks, through the myths of theogony , tried to explain:

* The first principle from which the world was created,
* The evolution of the world to reach to the current version
* Forces which hold the unity of the Cosmos and the position of man in it.
The first organized attempt of theogonic - cosmogonic records ,were found in Hesiod's work called Theogonia, around 740 BC . His work is a detailed description of the pre-Olympic gods and the Olympian gods.
          Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 7, 2010 20:40
Theogonies were also written by Apollodorus and Ovid and what they wrote matches almost exactly with Hesiod . Perhaps the more interesting in terms of the cosmogonic references they have is the Theogony of Orpheus and the Orphic Hymns.

Brief reference to the Orphic Theogony

The cosmic egg

Pindar places Orpheus, the most famous musician and poet, among the oldest heroes of antiquity , after participating in the Argonaut expedition, but he was not mentioned neither in Homer nor in Hesiodic epics. The Argonauts were saved twice from the dangers of the sea thanks to Orpheus, who was initiated into the mysteries of Samothrace, and the Dioscuroi, who, also , participated in the campaign. The first time since their departure from Cape Sigeum of Troy, two stars fell on the heads of the Dioscuroi, and the second time, in the middle of the Black Sea, they stopped , again at the behest of Orpheus, who saw the event as s an initiation to achieve a more favorable travel.

The Orphic, followers of of the religious movement that emerged in the 6th BC , attributed the establishment of the religion to Orpheus, hero and author of many epic poems titled Theogoniai. Most of these poems has been lost.

In the Orphic Theogony except Chaos, Gaia, the sky and the ocean , there are other primary forces such as time, ether, water and the cosmic egg as well

          Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 7, 2010 20:41
Orphic Creation
In the beginning there was Agiraos (ageless) Chronos.From Chronos(Time) came Ether, and around it , the vast gap Chaos , wrapped in deep Erevos(darkness). Within Ether , Chronos created the Cosmic egg , which was shining through Chaos. From the silver egg (egg argyfeon) , hatched Fanis (or Phaethon or Protogonos(Primitive) or Metis or Eros(Cupid-Lover) or Irikepaios) who was both male and female, with four eyes, four heads in the form of an animal, golden wings and voices of lion and ram. The name indicates the light and was named as the bright creator of the world.He and his sister Nyx( Night )gave birth to Uranus(the Sky), which made him dominant in Gods and the Earth (the first gods reigned after Mother Night).He created Uranus (the Sky) for the gods to live , then Gaia(Earth) and the moon.
The subsequent birth of the gods is like in Hesiod's Theogony with some minor differences. Uranus is expelled from Saturn and he in turn by Zeus, who re-created the world.
Zeus swallows Fanis and becomes so powerful that dominates everything.The epicenter of Theogony is the epic of son of Zeus and savior of the world , Dionysus Zagreus. Dionysus Zagreus was the son of Zeus and Kore - Persephone and his birth brings the creation of divine beings to its end .
          Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Aug 7, 2010 20:42
The Titans are frangmenting and devouring Dionysus,until came Athena to rescue him but she only managed to retreive his heart . Athesa gives Dionysus's heart to Zeus and he rebuilts him back to life. As an effect to this disrespect , Zeus eliminates the Titans with thunderbolts and from their ashes , he makes the human race. Due to the fact that the ashes were containing fragments of both the Titans, and fragments for the devoured Dionysus , man has two natures. A Titanic and a divine one . Divine is the soul and Titanic is his body.
According to the Orphic , the human soul was imprisoned within the body as a consequence of the sin of the Titans. People are led to salvation through trying to distract and to distinguish in them the divine element from the Titanic but the road is long, because the soul is constantly subject to new incarnations and returns to earth after a temporary stay in the underworld until he completes his cycle of birth and the number of incarnations.
          Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Aug 7, 2010 20:42
The initial positions of the Orphic religion of Ancient Age continued in the post-Hellenistic Imperial times , in a form of a new religious movement: the Neo-Orphic.
This new movement has tended to monotheism, having given a superior position in one god over others. God has ranged from Zeus, sometimes Zeus - Dionysus - Sun - Hades and continued during the Roman period.

The Theogony of Hesiod

The Theogony of Hesiod is a lengthy composition of a huge variety of local Greek traditions concerning the gods. The project is organized as a narrative indicating how the gods created and how they established permanent control over the world.

In the Theogony of Hesiod already exist three Primary forces, Chaos, Gaia and Eros. These three forms are not born from one another. They are selfbirth ( in greek is called aftogennita) and are seperated only due the time series of birth. Of the three first gods only Eros cannot create offsprings but He unites and leads the other forces into Creation.
From Chaos came Erebus and the Night. And from the union of two of them came Ether and the Day.
          Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Aug 7, 2010 20:43
Gaia ,without a previous erotic union creates Uranus (the Sky), which has as much space as she has. Gaia also gives birth to the Mountains and Sea. Thus the whole configuration of the world starts from her . Gaia created Cosmos by giving birth to its constituents.

Gaia gives some of her powers to Uranus and by erotic union with him, she gives birth to the Titans, the Cyclops and Hecatonchires.

Uranus loses its power from Kronos(Saturn), who cuts Uranus genitals to seperate him from Gaia . From the blood of Uranus came Erinyes(Furies), the Giants, the Melies and from the sperm that came from his cut in the genitals came Venus.
          Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Aug 7, 2010 20:45
Uranus predicted that Kronos will lose its power by one of his children. For this reason,he swallowed all his children that were born by his wife Rhea. He Swallowed Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. When Zeus was born , Rhea gave Cronos a sculptured stone instead of Zeus to eat , and she hide the newborn baby in a cave of Mount Dicti in Crete.

When Zeus grew up he forced Kronos to forces to pull out from his belly , his brothers and sisters and after many conflicts which were named as the Titanomachia(Titan wars), Zeus took the power in his hands and initiated the era of the Olympian gods.           Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Aug 7, 2010 20:53
when u have the time lets speak about human
and sorry for the false information i spread at the primary post
i was aiming for a killer combo of Orphic and Hesiodic Theogony combined but it failed
          Helicon Sounds Music
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 9, 2010 14:23
Interesting stuff, thanks.
BTW, when did the Argonaut expedition happen?

But this is not about Argonauts... What I wanted to bring up has to do with theogonies themselves. I wonder if we can pretend for a second that we’re strict materialists and consider a hypothesis that all this is just an allegory for the story of settling Greece. And gods in this story are tribal leaders. Just like Ramayana can be an allegory for the Aryan conquest of India. Or it may not be. It may be a divinely inspired story, which is still an allegory but for some spiritual matters. But it also could’ve started as a regular human chronicle, which has nothing to do with gods and the Universe at large.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - When Muses Visited Hesiod , they reveiled him that...
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