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When a party is busted / canned do you artists still get paid?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 23:29
Ive only thrown one party, it was a renegade in teh forest and got shut down by cops, my friend and I and the dj playing at the time they showed up got hit with fines. We all knew the score in that regard, I told everyone I could that this is a QUIET PRIVATE event and to BE SUPER QUIET ABOUT IT, since we were just setting our sound up in the woods in blatant disregard for laws and basic human decency. We figured it was too far away from the beaten path to either be happened upon by campers, or cops, accidentally. The cops told me 3 different stories about how they found out, one said its his normal patrol route, another said Internet, third said Kids We Stopped Along the Way Gave Us the Map (i wanted to be sure no one got lost), all of which are pretty unlikely as I didnt mention anything about the location online except the day-of, and in an email, Ive been in the area before and since and never saw a cop, and, I want to believe that no one would be silly enough to hand a party map to a cop, what reason could anyone have to share that info? Who knows what the story really was...

I paid the ticket fine for the dj who was playing when the law showed up, and gladly, wasnt his fault. He came from out of town to play for free, and brought his wife, also a dj, and a random Israeli from Portland, also a dj, all willing to play free, pretty much everyone played for the love of it, despite some longer than average driving. I made sure to have the means to get hotel rooms, food, whatever anyone wanted, but surprisingly no one took me up on my offer.

If I brought an act to a party of ANY KIND promising to pay them, I would pay them before the party, if possible, and AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after guests start arriving. If the cops showed, or anything at all happened to make it so the act couldnt play, it should change NOTHING. It is my pleasure to provide for guests of any kind. If a promoter asks an act to come to their party from farther than across town, it shouldn't even be a question of whether or not they will be taken care of. If the artists come from out of the country, its the in-country promoter's obligation to make their entry and stay in the country smooth and as friendly as possible. If artists are promised a monetary amount then its the promoter's job to promote and get a good crowd, enough to at least pay for artists' fees + airfare/transport costs of any type, or if that doesn't happen, to pay out-of-pocket (most of the artists will be paying from their own pockets too most likely), and to make sure to have enough money to pay the artists you promised compensation, and if thats not at possible either, some offering of a bed, food, drink, or whatever else you can offer that they may need, or would help them think fondly of their experience in your area despite the hassles.

Its just how I would do it, and gladly. Not everyone is as nice though, not everyone can see beyond the money lost. I prefer to think of the money already spent on the gig as gone, lost already, never to see it again. I spent it on a nice party for happy people to have fun, and no matter what happens thats enough profit for me.

Most everyone here, even highly public mainstream party promoters, understand that any party has the potential to be shut down for whatever reason the local law can find, and you better believe they try as hard as they can, even if all the permits are in order and no mayhem, nuisance, or other overflowing of glee spills out into the public, they're just as likely to do a walk-through of the place trying to find anyone suspicious, or selling drugs (RAVE act says promoters are responsible for illegal activity, and can be charged for it), or molesting stuffed animals, or out past their bed time (avg age of mainstream party goer- 14). The cops are generally as friendly as faceless aspects of unfeeling inhuman Law can be, but the fact that they put so much effort into trying to ruin our fun doesn't make me feel served or protected. How many other crimes went unnoticed while all those cops were desperately seeking teenage ecstasy overdoses?

Thats the US, though, electronic events here are all RAVES and RAVES mean DRUGS and RAMPANT HEDONISM including underage strip shows starring the 8th grade class girls in their granny panties and sweaty, jowly, stubbly, van-driving greasy men in undershirts leering and prodding with stubby gnarled fingers at the bare thighs of the no-doubt drugged young ones on display in some perverse deviant cattle market, and YOUR DAUGHTER COULD BE NEXT. At least, the way the authorities act towards electronic music, you'd think thats whats going on. In fact it has been a big problem in this town at all-age parties, the girls, usually under 15, seem to have a misguided fashion fad of wearing nothing to parties but their underwear, or more likely their big sister's underwear, usually accompanied by nothing more than something UV reactive and a request for "A dollar for water". Promoters have had to institute dress codes (inorite?wtf) but often, these 'prosti-tots' as we call em, wear acceptable clothes in, then take em off after getting inside the venue. Idk wtf is going on with that shit but its enough to make me feel like a leering pedo just for being there. Who told these girls that it was OK? I guess some parties in LA, 21+ parties, are lingerie parties where the women, healthily aged and legal to leer upon, are encouraged to wear lingerie. How that translates to '12yos now given OK to wear nothing but underwear and eat random drugs given by random dudes'. Its seriously turned me away from all ages events, if its not girls in underoos its dumb jock types getting in fights typically with skinny raver kids who couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper sack, and usually for no better reason than bumping into the 'wrong' person.

Everyone understands the risks around here, and are prepared.
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
Posts :  1219
Posted : Aug 15, 2010 07:12
Maybe if they didn't cram so many people into insufficiently ventilated venues, girls wouldn't wear close to nothing.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Aug 16, 2010 15:55
Sure, it's because they are too warm. Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that they are teenagers. She defies her parents' moral preaching AND gets plenty of attention in one easy move.
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