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Whats your opinion on "illegal" youtube uploads?


Started Topics :  14
Posts :  274
Posted : Aug 31, 2010 15:11
In an ideal world, it would be best if the artist could decide, but since that's nearly impossible today, I think a place like youtube should be looked at as a promotional tool. It's a good way for people to be exposed to your music.

In the end, the audio quality from youtube is rather, umm... lacking, so people who are serious about their music would look to other places to aquire the tunes (hopefully not just some torrent site )

I don't think that the people who would actually download and use the audio from a youtube video would bother to buy music anyway, so it's not like your loosing potential buyers that way...  | | |
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 31, 2010 18:22
i would be honored if someone uploaded one of my tracks to youtube 

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Sep 1, 2010 15:55
good promo.
i wish everyone would verify the tracks, the track names, and the artists ...

ive seen too many mis-labeled tracks, artists, etc...
on the youtube clips

but its good promo for sure. it seems to be a popular thing for facebook sharing of songs, which always helps the work get recognized and hopefully sells a few copies...
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 1, 2010 23:17
Youtube has totally destroyed the quality of some of my tracks, I could actually see people being put off by first hearing it there.
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 2, 2010 03:40
if done properly it's good.

I just don't get why labels don't jump on board like some of the heavy metal ones or even artists open up there on channel and put all their stuff up there?

I mean the quality isn't like top mp3 or wav and it's better than having it ripped onto rapidshare or something no?           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Sep 3, 2010 19:05
Youtube is fine, I like it. Although it is better when someone puts a little effort on making the visuals more interesting or at least in as good quality as possible.
Respect!           .
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IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  93
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Posted : Sep 3, 2010 20:59
Promotion is good. Any promotion. All promotion. People hearing your music and not paying for it > people not hearing your music and not paying for it

It is quite simple.

(exceptions of course being 'bad' publicity, like you blogging that while making your music you also rape babies for inspiration)           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
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