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whats with the boom????

Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 02:58:59
in every post i see people finish their post with the word boom..

what the hell.. do they all explode after posting?

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 03:40
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 04:58

Never liked it's use... right up there PLUR!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 05:11
seriously youre asking or wat? or are you just being sarcastic / cynical

Babas (Sadhus) say boom or bom and then follow it with Shiva's name (bholenath, shankar, siva etc) before inhaling from the chillum. the word bom itself actually doesnt have a meaning i believe. Its just like a way to call everyone to smoke together. Guess it just became popular with the psy crowd (prob cause a lot of ppl in the scene like to smoke ) and everyone likes to say boom. so....

Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
Posts :  3918
Posted : Apr 29, 2010 05:28
definitions aside.. and i pretty much know what it stands for... i still find it explodingly funny.

sooo.... BOOM!!!!!!!!!! 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 07:07
Cool - learning never stops...
Thanks, AumShantiAum.
Then I guess "Bom Shankar" is kinda like Arabs saying "Yalla" (literally - Oh, God) when they urge others to join them in doing something or going somewhere.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 08:22

On 2010-04-29 05:11, AumShantiAum wrote:

Babas (Sadhus) say boom or bom and then follow it with Shiva's name (bholenath, shankar, siva etc) before inhaling from the chillum. the word bom itself actually doesnt have a meaning i believe. Its just like a way to call everyone to smoke together. Guess it just became popular with the psy crowd (prob cause a lot of ppl in the scene like to smoke ) and everyone likes to ( edit )believe they are all sadhus so....
bOM ??

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 09:19
BOOM!           -.-. .... --- --- ... . / .-.. --- ...- .
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 09:52
boom lol !
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 12:18
A way overused word by people who never ever traveled to India. As most other things its become "cool" to say boom without even knowing what it is you say. 

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 12:21
my fave is....

bum spanker!!!! 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 13:00
haha bum spanker... =)

it's like saying amen.. but then people think it is cool to say it because hinduism is cool and christianity is not.. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 13:11
Everyone needs to find out the meaning for themselves.

Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 13:13
no religion is cool ...

Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 13:26
what a big issue?
let people end their posts with whatever they want really =)

who cares?

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Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - whats with the boom????

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