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What you eat is what you are – are there any options left?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Mar 31, 2014 02:15

On 2014-03-28 20:24, Maine Coon wrote:

The imperfections of the world order are not the only (and not even the main) reason for our inability to see sustainable future on a scale of thaousands of years. The main reason is we cannot see *anything* clearly on that scale.


In any case, if we cannot get it right on the scale of 30 years, what sense is there to even wonder about the effects of our actions on what's going to happen thousands of years from now?

Exactly. The "unclear" and biased view on transcendental issues is typical for any human.

Unfortunately there might be quite a few ideas based on sustainability that we consider right and we think they protect our nature from our destructive industrial societies but they turn to be quite unsustainable at the end. For example the solar power plants which require a high investition of natural ressources to be built although their function is highly sustainable after they are created (ineffective only in their initial ecological bilance but very effective afterwords). I once read about the term bilance of sustainability in a book called Ecological intelligence by Dan Goleman. He compared and analysed the ressources and costs of different types of power plants in the process of building them and came to the conclusion that solar power plants need to be continuously switched on and functioning for hundreds and hundreds of years before you achieve this certain rentability of sustainable investition. At the end of the day, they are very expensive to built as far as the rare natural ressources of the earth are concerned. So what if we have no clear sight and just think that our sustainable methods are good for the earth in a scale of thousand of years? And if they are not? What I am trying to say is that by all means we are in the hands of this certain type of a higher global mind which in comparison to us IS able to see the transcendence clearly...because it is a transcendental object itself. And we just listen ..we just act intuitively according to what we think is right without a hundred percent clear sight of every single impact and effect. Then we can only do the right thing and nothing else.

...we hook up in the global matrix field and there is either a higher meaning of this evolutionary change of our species and the rest of the natural environment as a result of climate changes or there is no such higher evolutionary sense and we are more or less doomed on this planet because it is one to twelve and it is too late. In the second case i really believe that the action to try is not worth the time.

but you see, in any case we do not only have an unclear sight but quite a few humans on this planet are mentally inable to see the impact of what humanity created in a smaller scale within 30 years. this is not because we have unclear sight but because we choose not to see. it would be a nice realistic goal to even change the mind of the few people who controll global economics and to make them realize how important it is to act differently and to save the global environment from sudden collapse. But this is difficult enough. May be it is not even what life is all about.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - What you eat is what you are – are there any options left?
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