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what would you do?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 22:03

On 2010-05-24 11:40, kazuku wrote:
I would travel to Peru and find a Shaman to
cook me up a fat natural cure - some dried batwings, spiral-frog eyes, Chupacabra ass hairs, Ayahuasca, and coca leaves might do the trick...
If it didnt, I would try somewhere else...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 23:39
another important issue is what would you do if you find out that a friend of you has this???
of course you are then not allowed to be scared. not even to stress him with your feelings.

would you just let him go and separate the ways for ever? would you stay with him and try to help him and get him out of there? or would it be all same?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 00:07
You said “friend”, right?
Then you already know the answer.

Besides, epilepsy is usually not that horrible, if caught early. Most of the time, anticonvulsants do the trick. I know a guy who has not had a single episode since he was diagnosed many years ago. He has to take his meds (which have no noticeable side effects) and because of that he had to quit drinking. Hardly a huge handicap. If you don’t treat it – it’s a different story. The attacks will become more pronounced and more frequent, they will spread more and more from the original site. At some point it can become unresponsive to drugs. Surgery helps sometimes, but it’s not fun at all. And the worst case scenario: the seizure can spread so wide that the person can fall into status epilepticus. The seizure feeds upon itself then until either the brain burns out or the patient is put into a drug-induced coma (from which people don’t always come back).

So, yes, I would stand by my friend and make sure he/she is taking all the meds and does not do stupid things. That’s what friends are for. And I think helping your friend adjust to this new life style is still easier than watching his family unplug him from life support.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 00:40
You can always try that brain-lob separation surgery that totally cures epilepsy, only problem is you end up with something else even worse called Alien-hand syndrome.
just a thought
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 00:41
I have a friend from NY who has exactly this.A friend for over a decade.
He can smoke like a dragon and it makes him good, but we refused to visit a psyparty with him,because you never know.
He's a great musician though.
I once were in a different situation where he got sorta attack the rain.. and some psy circumastances..was thrilly..,of course I stayed with him.And that was the right thing.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 01:38
Of course, it was the right thing to do.

This whole discussion made me think once again about how "God works in mysterious ways" (atheists can substitute some quantum phenomenon for "God", if they'd like). I’ll explain.

A couple lifetimes ago, I was taking care of this epileptic guy. He was pretty far gone: having seizures couple times a week, his brain so burnt out that his speech consisted of the same 2-3 phrases (neither of which made much sense). Once he was peacefully eating his lunch, when he suddenly fell on the ground – dead at once. Turns out, he had a massive pulmonary embolism completely unrelated to his epilepsy. I guess you never know...

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Posted : May 25, 2010 07:41

thas crazy...never know when or how its gonna hit ya...!!!
Inactive User

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Posted : May 25, 2010 09:04
it's crazy like that... a good friend of my bro dropped dead going for his morning jog... and no autopsy or test could work out why... he was 100% healthy!          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 10:24
once in my life i felt very strongly in love with someone who had epilepsy. but i did not know that he has it at the beginning.

i was first just wondering why is he so strange in the communication, and also i was wondering why does he hate my work on visuals and other psychedelic educational videos from me ( that are often very stroboscobic).

it was a real shock as he told me that he has it.

soon after that, the shock was gone ( love is stronger than that ).
but nevertheless he never opened himself to me. never trusted my good intentions.

i wouldnt say that the psycho pharmacy has no side effect. i dont think so. everything has a side effect. it makes very nervous at the beginning.

and i actually really wanted to help him, to bring him to a shaman to nepal, to help him heal this thing, to help him realize the real cause of it ( in the deeper traditions of shamanism it just shows that the way from the brain to the heart has a barrier). but no way, he did not want any help.

dont know what happened to him after that. never saw him again. i just know that he only thought of himself , all the time. no help needed, no love needed. and somehow nobody else was important enough in this world except himself.

but i dont wanna say that all ppl with epilepsy are like that. certainly not. depends on the charakter. i just share the experience. it costed me loads of energy to leave the situation. at the end of the day, i would probablky have done better to go immediately. because in one year i lost like energy for 25 years life. if you know what i mean. and i never helped him anyway.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 11:11
Seriously now! If Shamans in Nepal was the answer to all questions and sickness in this world I am sure they would have all the world's sick people knocking on their doors. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 11:57
they do have a lot of people in front of their doors . any kind of serious healers have loads of people in front of their doors. but as in any other field of life, you need connections and references to find the right healers. we * most of us here * do not even know about their existence. and anyway , this kind of healing can only be successful if the patient has a holistic or almost alchemical view of his physical body as a microcosmic model of the universe out there. every illness has a meaning in this holistic view...the crisis is there to help you know yourself.

of course not everyone with epilepsy goes to a shaman to have an amanita muscaria session, because first of all people dont believe in shamanic healing rituals. so they prefer modern medicine. they prefer antibiotics, anticolvuntants, anti depressiva. they prefer a lie. it is their choice.

if anyone is interested to know more about the issue / the book i could recommend is>
tantra in nepal, by christian ratsch. somewhere in the book he describes how epilepsy could be healed with that. but i guess google could help too.

p.s. and dont try this session alone...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : May 25, 2010 12:37
p.p.s. but i am sorry for saying that, because it is probably not a trance related topic in the common definition of what is trance.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 12:43
I belief alternative medicine is the strongest.
And shamans do not need to be only in Peru or Nepal. 
meat battery

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  59
Posted : May 25, 2010 14:03

On 2010-05-25 11:11, Beat Agency wrote:
Seriously now! If Shamans in Nepal was the answer to all questions and sickness in this world I am sure they would have all the world's sick people knocking on their doors.

What do you call alternative medicine that works?...


I'm probably quite biased but stuff like naturopathy really sh*ts me to tears. A couple of years ago I saw a lady who had a child with bad infantile spasms (basically the tots brain was a step up from mush and he likely wouldn't survive more than a few years)

It was really difficult to treat and the mother obviously was looking for anything to help. She went to a naturopath who built her up and gave her hope that there was a cure when the definately wasn't one. He then charged her $150 for 2 bottles of black solution that didn't list the ingredients (which is illegal) plus $60 for the consult. She had 11 other children and not a lot of money so $210 was heaps to fork out.

Since then I've despised naturopaths. I don't look down on the mother for trying to help her kid but I hate the naturopath for preying on someone who is down and out, giving them false hope then charging ridiculous amounts for it.

I know it's just one person but until (to steal from Tim Minchin) anyone can show me one example in the history of the world of a single naturopathic practitioner who has been able to prove under reasonable experimental conditions that solutions made up of infinitely tiny particles of good stuff dissolved repeatedly into relatively huge quantities of water have a consistently higher medicinal value than a similarly administered placebo, I will continue to see them the same way
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : May 25, 2010 15:23

On 2010-05-25 14:03, meat battery wrote:

What do you call alternative medicine that works?...

I would not visit any of those titlesthpath's.Only if you know good or have a real trust like a friend,and if they do not want to suck your money of you out but want help.For free.
Go deep in your inner and look clearly.
But I believe in nature lays the key.
Some shamanic journeys can heal a lot and cure a lot.
And without side effects.
That's just my thaughts about it.

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