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Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - What video on youtube got the 'best' quality?
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What video on youtube got the 'best' quality?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Jun 22, 2012 16:59:27
As the title directs.. I'm interested in greatly produced, clearly defined technoid music that's tranformed into shitty youtube format (dunno mp3?) and still sounds awesome..

There is a big difference between well done and shitty amateurish or highly proffesional..

Do you have a recommendation?? Its not about your favourite style just about the high quality of music..
I dunno I guess electro EXtrawelt, Perfect Stranger, Solid Snake, Disco Hooligans would be my choice.

again : its not about a great genre or something liek this just about the collective, objective view on highly produced music. this one with more quality


Alien Bug
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  682
Posted : Jun 23, 2012 03:56

YouTube use AAC now:

Original 152 kbps AAC
1080p 152 kbps AAC
720p 152 kbps AAC
480p 128 kbps AAC
360p 128 kbps AAC
240p 60 kbps MP3

Videos uploaded prior to May 2011 should have these audio qualities, as long as the video was originally uploaded with 128 kbps or higher bit rate, or lossless audio:

1080p 128 kbps AAC
720p 128 kbps AAC
480p 128 kbps AAC
360p 128 kbps AAC
240p 60 kbps MP3

Before March 2011, YouTube used these audio qualities for several years:

1080p 128 kbps AAC
720p 128 kbps AAC
480p 96 kbps AAC
360p 96 kbps AAC
240p 60 kbps MP3

So time of upload can be also important. 

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Posts :  51
Posted : Jun 23, 2012 19:00
I've seen YT tracks in 360p or 480p, with essentially static images, where the file size relative to the track length suggests much higher bit rates than 96 or 128. Any thoughts?
Alien Bug
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  682
Posted : Jun 24, 2012 05:07

On 2012-06-23 19:00, BraneFreeze wrote:
I've seen YT tracks in 360p or 480p, with essentially static images, where the file size relative to the track length suggests much higher bit rates than 96 or 128. Any thoughts?

yes, can be a static image, but every image is different: there is more or less data when You looking on file size, think that video codec is important too. sorry but i don't know how YT looks from video codec side 

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Posts :  51
Posted : Jun 24, 2012 18:09
It also occurred to me after I posted above that large YT file sizes might be caused by low bit rate copies of high bit rate originals with even larger file sizes.

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Posts :  56
Posted : Jun 25, 2012 02:09
Don't normalise the audio to 0dBFS. Knock it back about 3 tenths of a dB.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - What video on youtube got the 'best' quality?
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