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What the hell is "high tech"

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 19, 2010 02:54
As Mist said I always thought it was this kind of full on:



Fast night full on with clean sound, fast leads, but no dark or too kitshy feelings

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Posted : May 19, 2010 03:44
Well, i hear people talking about high-tech, as the sound from some ibiza based full-on artists.
On the other hand, for dark music, i usually hear it as hard-tech, for artists like cosmo, highko, etc... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 19, 2010 11:19
i dont think mekkanika,azax,cpu are hi tech...for me they are still full on morning

hi tech for me is noise poison stuff...few artists who according to me who makes hi tech music are kashyyyk, arcek, insector, zombie scream, highko, cosmo, furious..its got that glitchy sounds with high bpm and very new age tech sounds and with very full on basslines

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 19, 2010 13:33
High Tech = when it takes longer than 60 seconds to scroll from the top to bottom of project.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 19, 2010 13:46
all this names like morning trance,good evening trance,misty afternoon trance,forest mechanic gnome trance or whatever trance is nothing more but a hype.In the end it's all psychedelic trance. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 19, 2010 13:50
The album which comes to mind when speaking of high-tech is

Terranoise - Cross dimensional feedback.
          missing plug-in
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 19, 2010 15:14
I used to ask myself that same question a few years back...
Still haven't got a decent answer...

It's full-on for Christ sake.

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Posted : May 19, 2010 18:53

On 2010-05-19 15:14, John Doe® wrote:
I used to ask myself that same question a few years back...
Still haven't got a decent answer...

It's full-on for Christ sake.

I understand you're talking about the basic structure and I, like others, believe that music is a free way to create, and labelling it only takes away its magic, but it's not the same as full-on. Can you really compare Cosmo to, I don't know... Absolum?

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Posted : May 19, 2010 19:06
maybe every music includes latest production technics...
in every style.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 19, 2010 19:08
I still never describe music as "full-on" if I can help it because so many people are prejudiced against "full-on" music.

when I think "full-on" I think cheesy rave synths, overdramatic buildups and no psychedelic content whatsoever, but some people use "full-on" to describe any psytrance with a rolling bassline and the slightest melodic content
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 19, 2010 19:09
Of course there is also very good non-copypaste full on

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 19, 2010 19:28

this thread is High Tech           ...

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Posted : May 19, 2010 19:38

i heard this term at a party in portugal a couple of years ago,a dj kontakt or smthing was playing and it was a noisy+cheesy, start-stop,hands in the air,oh my god another break, kind of psytrance

i left after 30 minutes of pain in my eyes and ears


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Posted : May 19, 2010 19:51

and yeah after some research,it's 3d vision's sound today

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 20, 2010 02:56
"High tech" is one of the weaker attempts at defining a new sub-style of psytrance... I think we can safely put it back on the shelf alongside traumatrance, neurodance, and buttrock.
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