What shall I do with this cd?
Goa Constrictor
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 11:57
I´ve got a problem.
I make parties in Israel. A few weeks ago I booked a big and famous trance act (I don´t want to go out and diss him in this forum) and he acted like a pig and did only play for 45 minutes when we agreed on one and a half. He was drunk and on drugs and was not proffesional at all. I feel he let me and his fans down. Still I payed all his money.
The problem:
He forgot a cd in the Pioneer cd player he used. 4 new unreleased tracks. I gave the cd to a friend that runs a psytrance hub, because I was so angry, he ripped it and is going to put it out on the net. Now I feel that maybe this is wrong after all, even if Im very angry with him and he acted as he did.
What shall I do?
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 12:01
Uh if I were you I'd delete this post as evidence for starters.. 2nd I'd try to get the cd back.. Not sure what type of Intellectual Property laws there are in Israel, but I wouldn't be surprised if Israel's adopted anything similar to the US DMCA law.. If the guy's a prick he could make you liable... Gay stuff if you ask me, he should have done his job right, but if Israel law is anything like the US, if he finds out you're responsible you could be sued.. =/ |
Justin Chaos
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 12:31
Just forget about it.
  My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them. |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 12:46
I would definatly have written his label manager a complaint, in some cases they do act accordingly and you might even get a partial refund. IF you hurry your ass over to your friend and *PRAY* that he hasn't done anything with the cd yet. also check his hard drive and delete copies there.
giving out the cd was a very very bad idea. :: Brand new website for sharing your psytracks with the world. Get a free 250Mb Artist profile, Blog and events calender! :: Upload your psychedelic art and partypictures to our gallery! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 12:56
writing about it was even a worse idea. |
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 12:58
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 13:03
Now that... is Funny .... Sorry
But being drunk and on drugs then leaving 4 unrelesed tracks in the cd at the end of the night i bet he feels a right idiot too....
Looks like he still owes you 45 mins ....
I bet somebody feels really ripped off
What to Do....
I guess throw this guys energy he created some of the same.....
Enyway tell him were he can download his music and hope hes not in the same mood as when he played........
You must see the funny side..
  You have not gone far away, they have gone far away and they have been going on and on for millions of years. The distance between the real man and the man that exists in the world has become almost unbridgeable. They are so far away from their own realit |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 13:10
if the tracks are good, then consider urself lucky to have got some nice tracks, else just throw the cd in the garbage |
Goa Constrictor
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 14:22
To SippinSoma :
Im not worried about the law, I don´t think he´s got any big shot lawers on his payroll and besides he doesn´t even know I got the cd.
It´s four great tracks, and I do think he deserves to get them spread on the net.
My friend was planning to release it on the net today but I told him not to do it.
I think with this kind of behaviour it will come back to him sooner or later anyway.
It just makes me so angry when I put so much energy and love into this party and then he comes and fuck it up like this.
Another day in the psytrance scene...
Mike A
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 14:37
On 2004-07-16 14:22, Goa Constrictor wrote:
and besides he doesn´t even know I got the cd. |
| Maybe he reads the forum?
| and I do think he deserves to get them spread on the net. |
| BAN!
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 14:39
On 2004-07-16 14:22, Goa Constrictor wrote:
My friend was planning to release it on the net today but I told him not to do it.
Try your fav filesharing program and look for the tracks, i'm willing to bet that they're already online :: Brand new website for sharing your psytracks with the world. Get a free 250Mb Artist profile, Blog and events calender! :: Upload your psychedelic art and partypictures to our gallery! |
Goa Constrictor
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 16:48
Why so hostile Mike A?
You have been a frequent guest in the Psyisrael trance hub haven´t you?
Anyway things are back to normal.
"The well known trance artist" called me and appologised and said he was sorry about what happened. My friend is not releasing it on the internet, and I got the cd as a gift, so that´s all folks. |
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 17:36
On 2004-07-16 14:22, Goa Constrictor wrote:
To SippinSoma :
Im not worried about the law, I don´t think he´s got any big shot lawers on his payroll and besides he doesn´t even know I got the cd.
It´s four great tracks, and I do think he deserves to get them spread on the net.
My friend was planning to release it on the net today but I told him not to do it.
I think with this kind of behaviour it will come back to him sooner or later anyway.
It just makes me so angry when I put so much energy and love into this party and then he comes and fuck it up like this.
Another day in the psytrance scene...
I understand your position and also your opinion.. The only reason for my concern was because in addition to the exportation of weapons and financial aid, lately the US has also been exporting Intellectual Property Rights legislation to other countries.. I know for a fact that DMCA has been exported to Australia, and parts similar to it are showing up in EU.. I in no doubt believe he might deserve some reciprocation, but considering this action and then posting it in a public forum if you ask me, just isn't the best thing to do.. |
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 17:39
On 2004-07-16 14:37, Mike A wrote:
On 2004-07-16 14:22, Goa Constrictor wrote:
and besides he doesn´t even know I got the cd. |
| Maybe he reads the forum?
| and I do think he deserves to get them spread on the net. |
| BAN!
That was my first impression to.. These forums are pretty public, and if the person in question doesn't read it then there's always the possibility that someone he knows does. Someone might pass that information along to him, especially if that person was at the party in question.. |
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 17:40
On 2004-07-16 16:48, Goa Constrictor wrote:
Why so hostile Mike A?
You have been a frequent guest in the Psyisrael trance hub haven´t you?
Anyway things are back to normal.
"The well known trance artist" called me and appologised and said he was sorry about what happened. My friend is not releasing it on the internet, and I got the cd as a gift, so that´s all folks.
Glad to hear everything worked out for the best |