What's the best way to quantize a project from 48 kHz to 41.1 kHz?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 10, 2018 22:24:39
My windows PC defaults sometimes its standard samplerate to 48 which is not a usualy thing but happens from time to time by some unknown cause.
Normally I have and want it to be in 41.1 kHz.
I forgot to check the right samplerate the other day, in a project, where I bounced a lot of files to audio.
I know it would not cause any quantization errors if the samplerate of my files would be double the normal rate - 82.2 kHz or maybe even 196.4 kHz but from 48 to 41.1 it's possible to create a waste of quality or some micky mousing or sth like that.
Is it better to quantize just the whole audio file/tune at the mastering level or is it maybe even better to quantize each file seperately from 48 to 41.2 kHz via offline processing in Cubase?
Any experiences with that?
This forum is in hinbernation mode but maybe someone is so nice to answer this question.
Thanks in advance! |
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Posted : Jul 11, 2018 23:59
From my understanding, with a sample rate of 48kHz you can accurately represent frequencies of half - so up to 24kHz; with a sr of 44.1kHz, you can represent frequencies up to 22.05kHz: both beyond our listening range.
Going from 48kHz to 44.1kHz you'll loose all the frequency info from 22.05 kHz to 24kHz; however I suspect you shouldn't have any information going on here anyways
So quality wise I don't think anything would happen in the audible range, at normal playback speed, if you simply convert the file sample rate from 48 to 44.1 kHz.
  Super Banana Sauce |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 17, 2018 23:17
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2018 18:38
me think is Cubase issue, was noticing this several times last week in the export audio screen at random 41 became 48, now i take notice every time |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2018 19:15
and just use the option in cubase convert to 44.1 (41 was meant as 44 in above post). before bouncing i normally check the audiopool to make all 44.1
by the way: you went to Voov? things on website look cute |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 21, 2018 23:32
Hello everyone, been a long time...
All of the above + dither wouldn't hurt (on last stage) |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 24, 2018 01:20
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 24, 2018 01:37
On 2018-07-20 19:15, vipal wrote:
and just use the option in cubase convert to 44.1 (41 was meant as 44 in above post). before bouncing i normally check the audiopool to make all 44.1
by the way: you went to Voov? things on website look cute
thanks for info about the cubase issue. Good to know that its not just my PC making me trouble.
I haven'nt been to VooV this year but I heard really good things about Voov this year as it was from several people.
I've been there the last time 2 years ago and it really was disappointing. The organizers are nice people but the crowd that was there was so different than the crowd from years ago. So many body builders and some kind of a strange vibe that I didn't want to attend anymore in the future. But things sounds like things have somehow changed. I consider to go there maybe next year again.
I was at Antaris 2018 - and I must say it was the best Party of my live - even I was not on any hallucinogenic substances. It was like back in the days. A spirt and music and people and all ths PLUR like from the videos of best goa times. It was one of best movies of my live I've take a small part in and I enjoyed it from the whole heart.
Sad news next year will be the last Antaris. I really recommend to come there . This might be the last party of the original kind. I could write probably a poem about it how it was and what I felt but i let this as it is now |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 9, 2018 17:04
cool thank you for the info.
yes i know this bademeister trend, haha , it became something different because of that vibe, was once in the middle of that too.
why antaris stops? not enough visitors? permit problems?
i dont go to germany anymore since i was i this traffic razzia for smoking a joint the night before with all the nervous police people as if i was some kind of dangerous terrorist (the policeman told me he would shoot us if we would run, i am serious), in a bus to the police station, blood sampling by chinese doctor in hospital, 300 euro fine, weird weird weird eastern germany scenery, prefer to avoid that. and clean on a party i dont think i would like that for 3 days.
but ok, nice to have this nostalgic info, it used to be great. write your poem, in Cubase! |