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What makes Skazi ???

Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 17:21
go in the corner to see if im coming
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 17:51

Skazi haters should get a life
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 18:05
i have only 1 mp3 of skazi, steeling my memories. very good tune. guess you can label it psytrance.

dont care much for his new stuff

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 18:48

On 2010-03-24 15:34, JohnTaramas wrote:

he should be gone, not cosma

what a shitty thought
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 20:25
I'm sure there's plenty of psytrance artists who would love to have the kind of adulation and fan base Skazi has
... judging by the cheesiness of a lot of stuff out there parading around as psychedelic trance.

To the topic, what I find make's his new music unique to him, is his cold fused blend of techno and heavy metal elements. He's always been a metal head, so he's really found his niche here. If he'd only expand on his music a little more, he could really take it somewhere and get real recognition.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 20:35
if the new skazi is psytrance, then what do we call the old stuff? because, if i tell people i like psytrance, i do not want them to think i like the new skazi.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 20:38

On 2010-03-24 20:35, *eLliSDee* wrote:
if the new skazi is psytrance, then what do we call the old stuff? because, if i tell people i like psytrance, i do not want them to think i like the new skazi.

I stopped telling people I like psytrance a long time ago. It's getting more and more embarrassing.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 20:48
embarrassing compared to what?

I was just watching skazi on youtube.
Funny, he seems to really enjoy this super-coool rockstar image..
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 21:08

On 2010-03-24 20:48, *eLliSDee* wrote:
embarrassing compared to what?

I was just watching skazi on youtube.
Funny, he seems to really enjoy this super-coool rockstar image..

Whats so funny ? Don't like, don't listen , dont attend..Go complain elsewhere
Skazi has a fan following, people like his music, you don't , I don't. BUt whats the point in hating him ? This is sounding like Ocelot complaining and hating the dark scene.

Why can't you guys do what you want, follow what you like and attend parties where your style of choice is being played ?

What are you're accomplishments in life / to the scene ? It's so easy to come here and shit on Skazi/IM whatever...Grow up kids !! Ocelot atleast has music to back him up so I can still understand his frustation(but it's not justified imo).

Bring it !!!

Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 21:14

On 2010-03-24 12:33, TranceVisuals wrote:

skazi is finished

The Psy-Stasi have developed a special "bulgarian guitar" for his next performance.

P.s. We also have good evidence, that he is infact a shape-shifting reptilian from the 5th Dimension, and not human at all.

haha dude, instead of being jealous of Skazi's success you should stop complaining about how you are can barely sustain yourself through the scene.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 21:20
OK guy, relax, take a deep breath.
Where did see me complain?

The more acid i drop the more ridiculous i find people trying to project this way-cool image. (this hey look at me, look how cool i am, damn this beautiful face of mine, ego crap).
that is what i find funny.

Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 21:31

On 2010-03-24 21:20, *eLliSDee* wrote:

The more acid i drop the more ridiculous i find people trying to project this way-cool image. (this hey look at me, look how cool i am, damn this beautiful face of mine, ego crap).

Exactly, thts what I am saying -- The I-am-too-cool-for-Skazi is getting old

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 21:40

On 2010-03-24 21:31, Hero #1 wrote:

On 2010-03-24 21:20, *eLliSDee* wrote:

The more acid i drop the more ridiculous i find people trying to project this way-cool image. (this hey look at me, look how cool i am, damn this beautiful face of mine, ego crap).

Exactly, thts what I am saying -- The I-am-too-cool-for-Skazi is getting old

maybe i'm not trying hard enough.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 22:15

On 2010-03-24 21:08, Hero #1 wrote:

On 2010-03-24 20:48, *eLliSDee* wrote:
embarrassing compared to what?

I was just watching skazi on youtube.
Funny, he seems to really enjoy this super-coool rockstar image..

Whats so funny ? Don't like, don't listen , dont attend..Go complain elsewhere
Skazi has a fan following, people like his music, you don't , I don't. BUt whats the point in hating him ? This is sounding like Ocelot complaining and hating the dark scene.

Why can't you guys do what you want, follow what you like and attend parties where your style of choice is being played ?

What are you're accomplishments in life / to the scene ? It's so easy to come here and shit on Skazi/IM whatever...Grow up kids !! Ocelot atleast has music to back him up so I can still understand his frustation(but it's not justified imo).

Bring it !!!

You just have to stop paying attention to those people. There's no rationalizing with people that make irrational judgments...

Besides most of it is rooted in jealousy even if they don't realize it. - Midwest based psytrance group

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 22:24
Skazi, annoyingly, like Infected Mushroom proved that "rock and roll" is bigger than "psytrance".

People will pay more, to go and see a band on a ten foot high stage, be treated like punters, and accept a crap environment, because they are both largely uneducated, and it is aspirational.

On the otherhand, the sensory emersive experience, where the the music is maybe just one facet, of the jewel of the individual-collective experience and communion, is rejected on its "socialist" roots, by the individualistic self-goal orientated philosophy, that seems like a cancerous meme.

Unfortunately it seems in this creed, that is "success" in our "capitalist culture", and attracts the the most monetary, gain and hence other rewards.

The cooperative strategm seems only successful when it isolates itself from the competitive strategies.
Otherwise the short-term gain of the monkey mind tends to fuck things up....

I still believe in the psychedelic experience, or rather the collective goodness given a chance to express itself. It is parties, that I believe provide a safe and creative environment, for that to manifest. Or at least it should imho....

Those that think psy-trance™ is just a style of music, are the equivalent of the marketeers in Bill Hicks's stand-up...

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