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What makes IM?

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 15, 2010 22:43

On 2010-03-15 22:09, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2010-03-15 11:18, Sputer wrote:

let me add also this beautiful track by Erez & talamasca ->

one of my favorite

Erez was involved with this? I had this on a DAT tape as talamasca only.
I guess there is one tune IM were involved in that I really like.

I used to rewind the tape through out the night back in the day when I was listening to music through my Sony-D8

ya was released as 'magic mushroom - one absolute'.
magic mushroom refer to infected & Cedric, and if I remember just Erez worked with Cedric on this one.. amazing tune           ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
Follow your heart, not the people around you"
Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2010 07:12

On 2010-03-15 13:13, Sputer wrote:
who says IM making today music with soul ???
this is exactly my point..

I am not naive. I know most of the artists make music for the money and the point is that u can HEAR it in the music. no soul today.

IM music today has no soul. BUT, its still good music for my opinion they have nice show some cool trax ..

Nice show?! their show is a JOKE, I am not sure what kind of music they play, and regadless of that, their stage performance is seriously a joke. a bold guy with no singing talents jumping around, and looking like a rapper/rocker. I went to their concert that was 100% sold out, and waited in the cue for an hour to finally see a disapointment. why? because the IM were the first psychechelic band that made me love trance, and now I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them live. I am not against artists experimenting with new genres, I am not saying they should have kept their old style, I loved every single album they made, untill the last one, but after seeing their performance, I don't even want to listen to their old stuff.I should have saved my money to see some local rock band with better talent on stage.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2010 10:17
I dont think u can say the show is JOKE when the fact is that they have tons of fans and as u said thier show 100% sold out.
if u looking for psychedelic trance ya its a joke.

but if u live in the univeres at the last years, u know that they left psychedelic years ago.

so thier show is very nice dance music ! beseide Duvdev's singing, there are 2 great guitarist and Erez who doing his amazing job on the keyboard           ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
Follow your heart, not the people around you"
The Chilling Spirit

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Posted : Mar 21, 2010 23:51
I really like "I'm the supervisor". From my knowledge the ingredient for that album is simply popular music theory. They use all the well known and established rules to make a song approachable. That mixed with psychedelic elements and sounds, taadaa you got yourself an easy pop-candy psy success. I wish there were more releases in that style, the songs have a lot of vibe and flow.

But of course - as we all know - they sold out, God hates Isreal and puppies cry if those tasteless every-day people like psychedelic trance music! Sorry for posting something thoughtful in this trollfest.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 23, 2010 22:21
looks another alice touched the bass-line and got infected.. good at least a new dust particle to corrupt...bad because now this one extra person will make events more expensive because the demand went up...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 03:27
Well one thing's for sure...

There's nothing wrong with this:

Infected Mushroom 2009 and one of their finest tracks ever I think.

It's got some really nice sections and they all flow nicely into eachother. Anyone who appreciates a good melody and a driving dancefloor track MUST be able to appreciate some of this.

I can understand a lot of folk not liking the more radio orientated tracks, but for sure at least one of these guys has still got the skills.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2010 02:10
Sure, its got good production and it might even have decent melody - they are very talented producers and they know their equipment - but for me a large portion of the impact of music is in the story and the intention behind it - when I know that the 'story' is just a favorite food stand, and when I know that the 'intention' is for the music to not mean anything (their words) then it loses all appeal whatsoever.

Yet another example of money, fame and commercialization shitting all over previously inspiring artists.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2010 04:26

see I don't care too much for intention and story. Someone could have the most heart felt pure intentions and a beautiful feeling to express and still make some awful shit.

All I care about is how it makes me feel when I listen to it.

I'm certainly not going to write something off because it's off an album with a stupid name.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 26, 2010 12:02
Wasn't commenting on the album name however stupid it is - was commenting on Franks in particular as I believe that is a name of a particular food place they like. I agree with you in that all I care about when I listen to music is how it makes me feel...but that reaction can also be affected by my feelings about the artist, my expectations of them given their previous work, etc.

IM was one of the first psytrance groups that I was exposed to, and I was enthralled with their music, hell I even liked the album before this one a lot. However, I had the unfortunate experience of reading an article in which they were talking about the latest album.

They basically said....we stopped doing drugs, we're trying to be more mainstream, our music doesn't mean anything/isn't very serious, and the album and some of the songs on it are about our favorite places to eat'.

This coming from people who I assumed were psychedelic visionaries going on a quest towards better and better music.

So yeah, sure...franks isn't a bad song. I happen to like Project 100 quite a bit...

I'm not sure this analogy is going to resonate with you, but say Tool comes out and says our next album is about our favorite fish sticks, and we're going for a pop-punk feel to it. No matter how halfway decent that concept may be, you're basically shitting on something that was before then ridiculously awesome.

So with one article and one album, I went from a rabid IM fan to someone who hasn't listened to them since the last album came out, and it makes me sad...because there are so many great tracks in their library that before now took me on incredible emotional journeys but now....its all tainted.

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Posted : Mar 26, 2010 12:09

On 2010-03-26 12:02, willsanquil wrote:
was commenting on Franks in particular as I believe that is a name of a particular food place they like.

One of my favourite Hawkwind albums, was named after their favourite cafe at the time...

"Hall of the Mountain Grill"...

I was even more enlightened when I found out that Hawkwind, basically meant "Spit and Fart".

Psychedelia maybe definately is in the mind of the beholder.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 27, 2010 00:10
What about this song?

Every time I hear this I cannot sit still! It is like heavy metal with computers!...psytrance;

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 27, 2010 04:31
true about Tool.
hear that Tool? don't go and spoil your mojo like that. if you do, i'll throw away all your older albums.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 28, 2010 14:11
the ability to write real catchy music, good production skills and A LOT of hard work.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 31, 2010 14:56
Funny dscussion...

to all the haters: Stay calm dudes, don't loose your patience becouse infected changes there style

Some guys here....grow up... promote what you like...
Instead of following the hype to hate all new music.

Open your mind....



Started Topics :  37
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Posted : Mar 31, 2010 15:34
Why do i get this very funny feeling that IM will come out with a totally twisted, psychedelic album with sounds never heard before

Im waiting for this to happen soon

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