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What lable..

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 03:54
Labels for me that are dead boring and generic


cannot stand these labels whatsoever any more, just junk food!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 05:17
And why create a thread like this in the first place??? Why not start the thread, "Which label do you think releases the most modern an innovative sounding music these days" instead?

Come on, we're supposed to be a community guided by new age ideals, experiences, and positive energy. And this thread is most certainty NOT positive in the least. Creating any medium for the sole purpose of bashing something is a lot different than positive criticism. Maybe you could suggest specific things that these labels you say you don't like could be doing better instead of just flat out saying that "they suck."

I've heard good music and bad music from lots of labels. Even some that have released a lot of my favorite tracks will release some stuff I absolutely cannot stand sometimes. But I think rather than simply calling it "bad music" and calling it a day, you should realize that not everybody's music tastes lineup. So what may sound like "utter crap" to you may sound amazing to somebody else. Why not embrace this? When an artist goes out and makes a track that doesn't quite fit you own style, I've seen that there seems to be a tendency in this scene to write off the artist altogether. So if an artist goes out, and makes a vocal Full-On track, then all of there future music is disregarded as "crap" by the majority of people. Why can't you see that a good artist can extend their style to appeal to a great many people. Just be mature enough to realize that they aren't making EVERY track for you, but that's OK. 
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 09:12
kahn cuz its even more redicules to release the same old "crap" over and over again. some lables need to wake up imo. Cant just be happy and smile with it all the time.

cheers!           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 15:38

and you think all these threads will wake them up ?
think it will motivate artists to create 'better' music?

"oh-Yay! wizack and other people said crap is released over and over again, let's make it better for him !" If some music really bothers you so much say, give THEM some critisism. not the scene or something...

Sanathana's idea is quite nice i think..
Kahn makes wicked sensible points..

most labels are just slowmo music-suckers.. where people with 'good' taste are at the controls i think.

some idealistic labels aside ofcourse.
which is they way we should flow i say.

Truly no offence intended but to me wizack twizack is among the ones that releases the same dusty stuff again and again... but i'm a critical bitch.. and i guess you did not claim to be innovative ...

Let's trust more in the builders and stop listening to shittyfull music.. I really try to avoid EVERY possible second of something i don't like.. Even if i have to abruptly cut off a conversation for it.

Sometimes i have the most deviously horrifying things like 'Lil Jon, Katie Perry or any of those on by accident.. (mtv in the background)
This tickles me to find something good or find better music.

big contrast.. from terror-pop to 'good' psychedelic trance.. but..

Every second of music in your ears matters
make sure it's stuff made either with love or hate.

Peace & Love

Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 16:19
Nostrazuma, i didnt say they have to stop! im sure they doesn't care at all, im just airing my thoughts. cuz i heard alot of music this last few weeks and most of it was fullon stuff, and its wierd cuz it all pretty much sounded exactly the same. and i mean EXACTLY. Sure i might recycle some ideas n shit in the music i make hear and there, but hey.. im atleast trying to be more creative then that. And even a monkey can agree on that (a monkey that knows my music, ofcourse =)

cheers!           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 16:42
every loser label that ever told me (or any artist) they LOVE the music but "CANT" release it since its not exacly the same as their previous release
they might as well release the same cd over and over.
too bad some *good* labels turned into that same "sub genre" war instead listen from the heart and give chanse to something new.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 16:48

On 2010-02-22 22:54, John Doe® wrote:

yap!           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 19:36
full on started sounding the same years ago!! where have you been?

There are some seriously good labels out today that prob dont get the recognition they deserve. Glowing Flame, Vertikal, Indigo, Osom, Zaikadelic, Antshanti, DharmaHarmony, + the prog side of things has been great lately with Tribal Vison, and Iboga releasing some serious quality stuff.

keep searching...

I would suggest not buying/listening/ or going to a party where cheezy full on is being played. Ive managed to avoid it for about 4 years now;)           
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 00:16
id have to agree about a few mentioning utopia, i havent enjoyed their releases for a very long time.
id add com.pact, hommega and phonokol to that list.

i can relate to sanathana's idea to provide more variety with each release. whether its a good or a bad thing for labels to define for themselves a particular style and stick to it - i cant say. all i can say is that i enjoy releases from labels like 3d, nano, alchemy and timecode. they have a particular sound attached to each of them, and they do tend to evolve a bit from release to release, but its their fundamental quality and musiscal style that keeps bringing me back for more. 
Inner Demon

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 01:13
It's all good with being creative and breaking new ground but in this discussion nobody seems to remember or realize that a label is a business at the end of the day, and measures may have to be taken if one cares about its survival.
Businesses make money off of their customers' knowing what to expect. They normally don't invest money in guesswork. The invest money in what they know works, and sells, and thus end up releasing albums that all sound similar. This is branding. I'm sure many people here can tell the style of Parvati, Dragonfly, Nano, Hommega, Nexus Media or whatever...that is good for business. Simple as that.

Not saying I like it, just sayin

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 06:26
Exactly. The labels that mess with the formula too much alienate potential customers. You know what you are buying every time you get a release from Parvati, Nano, etc. They are dependable. Of course, this can also mean they are dependably boring if you don't like the style. But what alternative do the labels have?

Oh, right.

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 13:43

realize that a label is business ? i shall never !
know what to expect from psychedelic music/labels !!?? i hope it not. a little maybe.. okay..

musics shouldn't be aboot business...
especially these kinds.. in this day of age.
...musical crimes of passion.

Distrubuters are quite evil i believe.. and labels should go towards... self-distrubution.

isn't Parvati experimenting with self-pressing and stuff ?

I truly believe in cd's and wish labels would do more with making a cd a nice package (booklet, sticker )

How unsane would a Jahbo vinyl album be
I sure would painstakingly save up 30 bucks for that !

And hey wizack.. i know you didn't say they should stop.. that would be quite something..
but i hear what you're saying.. true.. but just avoid it as soon as you hear it's the same.. ?

I stumble upon and listen to some of that melodic ooze sometimes to see what others might be missing.. and i say to myself.. " Oh brother, these people are missing the whole 'psychedelic' part of 'psy-trance'... But these are the people that have perfected the rhythmic mid air-finger pointing, they don't care. they're simply having fun : )

Hey.. when i wanted music to space to i also started out with gms and eskimo once..
but this sounds sooo poopy shitty to me now.. and if you see those performances.. my goodness.
You can almost feel their destroying ego's in the youtube clips .. nasty vibes dude..

peace and love

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 13:52

On 2010-02-23 15:38, Nostrazuma wrote:

but i'm a critical bitch..
Let's trust more in the builders and stop listening to shittyfull music..

Every second of music in your ears matters
make sure it's stuff made either with love or hate.

Peace & Love

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