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Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - What kind of tracks fall into the dark twilight trance?
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What kind of tracks fall into the dark twilight trance?


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  213
Posted : Jul 19, 2010 15:21:29
Would like to know the kind of tracks that fall into the playlist of dark twilight trance.

some info on this pls.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 23:21
Check Mind Funk Records  - Midwest based psytrance group
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 23:36
olien tracks on this one maybe : ?
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 00:13
ok , not dark or anything , but heres an awesome tune i somehow always connect with dawn , shame i never got to hear it twilight time (or any other time) at a party etc ,, here goes : spiralliaz - the fuser , from stereopark , 02 or 03 i think


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  213
Posted : Jul 20, 2010 07:03
looking for traks which i can play for a slot of 4.30 morning til 7.... some info on this ...pls!!
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 10:38

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 11:17

On 2010-07-19 15:21:29, suhmus wrote:
Would like to know the kind of tracks that fall into the playlist of dark twilight trance.

some info on this pls.

Check Ianuaria  

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  779
Posted : Jul 20, 2010 12:11
Wow!!! Dat a big question... 4:30am - 7am for some events is Armageddon hours instead of the simple dark hours but dats a dark event... There are full-on events dat also have the 4:30am - 7am slots available and are viewed as dark hours too... Then there is the events dat flow towards all musical genres dat psytrance has to offer and then you got indoor 4:30am - 7am slots plus open-air time slots...

Who is playing before you? Who is playing after you? Not that those two questions have value to control your musical taste but it would give me an idea what to suggest...

What do you normally play? Whats the mission statement of the crew or event your playing for?

Are there any nonlinear dynamics involved? scratch dat question, of course there are nonlinear dynamics present, your playing psytrance..

Tons of music to play during those hours...

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 12:26

On 2010-07-20 07:03, suhmus wrote:
looking for traks which i can play for a slot of 4.30 morning til 7.... some info on this ...pls!!

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Started Topics :  3
Posts :  213
Posted : Jul 20, 2010 17:07
Thanks evbdy for the fruitful info. keep em cmng though if u hav.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  437
Posted : Jul 20, 2010 20:32
On 2010-07-20 07:03, suhmus wrote:
looking for traks which i can play for a slot of 4.30 morning til 7.... some info on this ...pls!!

add on your list few songs from SCM
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Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - What kind of tracks fall into the dark twilight trance?
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