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What is yours attitude about the nature?


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  32
Posted : May 31, 2007 16:09

On 2007-04-18 09:44, tsabeat wrote:
why production should take care of that u slimy peaple ???

the fact your stupid inough to make nature place dirty is your personal problem!

offcourse production will take care of it anyway , as they are not shit peaple.. but still
how hard is it to understand we want nature parties so better keep the nature .. its not such a big country hey..

specialy when u get nylon bags all around.. whats so hard ??? ahh?? to be nice person is alot to ask from israeli peaple i know , but its your party as well!

and nothing will happen to you even if u take 1 bag o trash back with you!

cleaning the place will make peaple to come back there , will make "pakah" not to hate us so much , adventualy meens more and better parties.

but try speak with israeli peaple (i did) and i got this responses:
"well , im not educated person , sorry , thats me , on my dick"
"i dont come for party to keep clean"
"i pay 100 nis for the party they can clean"
"hehehe , clean"

well guys its your shit... too bad u cant take responsability for your own.

anyone mentioned toilets ?? big productions, wake up..
if anything , and i know all measure with money..
toilets will help to avoid "aremot shel kaka" all around as well.. what can be more shit then shit.. nothing bad as morning acid walk into the forest , and bump to someone pile.

i agree with everithing you said, except one thing, in the middle of the party i never saw even one trash bag, only in the end, when the all place is spoiled, and no one is there to help(i try to help cleaning everytime i go to a party).

i thing we all should take responsibility for our trash, and to mention it to every one you see spoiling our beautiful fragile little country. look at Shaar hagay, the all place is one big trash can, it cant go on like this.

Dont be a fucking dog, clean your own shit!!           I'm going to lead you, kicking and screaming, giggling and laughing, into the
future. I'm going to relax you, I'm going to get you!
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Jun 3, 2007 21:02
i guess portable ashtray will be the revolution
writimg from moscow .. after great open air event , such care for nature is realy beautifull.
btw i got only 1 pm about go out there and clean.. someone with me on this or u all just talking 
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