What is your concept of psychedelia?
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Posted : Oct 3, 2008 08:02
Hey Login =)
"Nihilization" is a strange and funny, but very useful concept from Sartre, it somehow recalls nihil (nothing) under the passion of existence, like the verb of nihil.
Its like "deleting" something on a very particular way, there's also different levels of "nihilization".
However, Yes, I think its clear that my point of view here is quite existentialism, La Nausée is awesome, overall pessimistic, with some sparks of hope, but always under Sartre's typical anguish. Also we can recall L´être et le néant and its defense on L'existentialisme est un humanisme from Sartre... Also Heidegger would give us interesting tools to, as you said, analyze our psyche.
But let's try not to get out of the railways of the thread =P
I agree with what you said "a heavy psychedelic experience is the moment you realize death is behind you all the time", as Heidegger said; the only sure thing in life is death, its all human's destiny. But, "take you to the other world"?. Taking an existentialism perspective, there is no life after dead, as we can clearly see on the play "Huis Clos" from Sartre.
Can you be more clear on your position about dead? or maybe I misunderstood it, are you saying "giving my soul in the way" in the a meaning of "losing" it?, leaving clear that there is no life after dead and not encounter with the "infinite spirit" that Forza recalls?.
I think we got here many concepts that need to be defined and contextualized before to reach conceptualization (if possible?) of psychedelia.
Greetings! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 4, 2008 22:25
Take you to the other world is just a metaphor, it depends on personal believes. I dont know what to expect after death for sure. What I think canmaybe be for real is that all that energy you used during your life is returned to nature in a new form, influenced by all the things you did in your life.
When I wrote "giving your soul on the way" I didnt mean losing it, rather i was thinking in dont hold it to fears. To be brave and make all that effort to achieve your personal goals. To live the life with love and to destroy our inner fears that hold us from being fully realized.
  "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures." |
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2008 11:40
Tune into higher frequencies and experience oneness in all creation .... god realization .... kundalini awakening ..... good time ......
  " All is One "
When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ... |